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    posted a message on What´s wrong with Rexxar?
    Quote from BoobTheNoob »

    Harvest golem is the counter to mad scientist. and the chances that he draws undertaker are smaller then you drawing an answer for the undertaker usually , as you have multiple cards to deal with it and he only has 2 undertakers . I do agree the health buff is a bit to snowball effect prone.

    Harvest Golem doesn't counter Mad Scientist (in Hunter). You don't really care about trading as much as you do about protecting your life total. By the time the Golem comes out, Mad Scientist has already dealt 2 damage to your face, and the Golem isn't fast enough to deal with Snake Trap damage, doesn't help against Explosive Trap damage, and basically gets killed by Freezing Trap because you'll never want to play it again (but the Scientist already did 2 damage to you for 1 less mana and the Hunter's 3 drop is still beating your face). There's a reason it doesn't get played over the much better neutral 3 drop against Hunter: Earthen Ring Farseer.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Meta-fit Control Warrior (S8, NA)

    Just wanted to post what I think is the strongest overall Control Warrior deck for the current NA meta (S8, Nov 2014, all ranks).

    Feel free to comment, rate, and suggest updates/adjustments for specific ranks: 

    Meta-fit Control Warrior [s8]
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    Card choices, mulligans, and match-ups should all be self-explanatory by now (there are plenty of other Control Warrior guides out there), so I'll just go over a couple of the stats and tech choices that are optimized for the meta:

    Card Choices:

    2x Unstable Ghoul, no Taskmasters: Because there's so much Aggro, and the only matchup the extra 2 damage is consistently relevant in is Handlock.  Unstable Ghouls greatly outperform Taskmasters considering the types of minions being played on turns 1 through 4 (Mad Scientists, Haunted Creepers, Echoing Ooze, etc.).  Taskmasters don't improve the Handlock matchup enough (only by a few percentage points), and against other Control matchups, you generally don't need that extra speed and can afford to squeeze in another minion hit before unleashing Grom.

    2x Sen'jin Shieldmasta: Because many, many Hunters.  Also handy against Druid combo.

    No silence: because the only truly relevant target is Sylvanas, which usually isn't high impact against this deck,  You usually only have: no minions, 1 big minion, or a few small ones that you don't mind losing.

    Other notes:

    The most critical turns in the current meta are turns 2 and 4.
    Chance of getting your 2 drop against aggro: 82.4% (going first), 90.3% (going second)
    Chance of curving for turn 4 > 70%

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on New Card - Foe Reaper 4000

    This card is so bad.  But so cool!

    Realistically, the cleave effect will almost never matter outside of Arena (where it'll have a good chance of wrecking face).

    But hey, it survives Ragnaros damage and dodges Big Game Hunter.  If it only had Shroud (cannot be targeted), it might actually see play in Druid and maybe some other new builds.

    Too bad, but still an awesome concept.  Hope there'll be more cleave minions.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Card - Shieldmaiden
    Quote from Dr_Smash »
    Why do people want to play shield maiden?    If it is for lifegain, then it is probably worth pointing out that Frost Elemental will often heal you for more.      

    So that just leaves shield slam synergy to discuss.  But personally I'd argue that this marginal upside does not outweigh the utility of removing a power card (e.g. Slyvannas) to make room for it.

    TL; DR:    A distinctly average card, whose role in a deck is not entirely clear. 

    Your analysis is practically ignoring all of the following:
    - direct damage spells like Kill Command and Pyroblast
    - combos like Force of Nature/Savage Roar which don't give you any relevant targets to freeze
    - and the extremely important fact that Armor allows you to push your health past 30 in the Alexstrasza matchups
    These are the most compelling reasons for playing Lifegain in constructed, and these are the reasons why Shieldmaiden is a very relevant card.  In contrast, Frost Elemental fails to combat any of these strategies effectively and never sees play.

    It's true that you'd pretty much never want to remove Sylvanas but Cairne, who sucks against Aggro and Combo, should be replaced in a heartbeat whenever these archetypes become dominant (which is often enough).

    Shieldmaiden's a powerful tech card with a pretty clear role: gain life to help eliminate the opponent's virtual card advantage, start pressuring the opponent with a 5 attack body, and trade against everything relevant in a meta game where life gain actually matters.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Card - Shieldmaiden

    This card is pretty underwhelming, but it's being underrated for Constructed.  Think smart, people: you'd actually want to run this over Cairne, and even Hogger, in an aggressive meta filled with Black Knights like today's. You'd sub it in when you run into entire patches of Hunter hell.  It kills everything relevant and, because of the battlecry being able to decide the game in this matchup, you wouldn't mind it being hit by Freezing Trap.

    You still don't really want this for Arena though.  You'd rather have Boulderfist Ogre any day.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Secrets must be removed or at the very least balanced immediately!
    Quote from calli1982 »
    Quote from LightsOutAce »

    To be fair, Firebat says skill doesn't matter because he's assuming everyone in the tournament is good enough to play their decks close to optimally, so it is decided on matchups. In an amateur tournament skill still very much matters.

    To be fair but even in the top16 some people made mistakes when under pressure and others did not. Part of being skilled is not being tilted because thousands watch you and the game you are playing may win you 100k dollars.

    Yeah, like Kolento's terrible mistake at the end of WCS.

    Still, the point stands: competitive decks in any tcg/ccg generally want to be as uninteractive as possible so as to pre-emptively limit the number of viable strategies against them and to forcefully lower the skill cap in advance, making the game a lot more RNG dependent outside of picks and bans. Secrets are potentially very healthy for the game as they can provide more competitive depth if properly designed.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
  • 2

    posted a message on Secrets must be removed or at the very least balanced immediately!
    Quote from BayushiKoso »

    If secrets were the definition of strategic, the only pro deck that has them besides Hunter wouldn't be Freeze Mage. You don't see people in tournaments dropping secrets.  They play well made, balanced and/or slightly OP decks, not a random element of frustration.

    Most "Pros" actually hate playing interactive (aka. "Strategic") decks. Why? Because it gives a good player a chance to beat them. There's a reason why the top decks are always the most un-fun to play against (Zoo, Hunter, Freeze Mage, Miracle, other Combo).  It's because they're the most un-interactive.  By trivializing the impact of your opponent's decisions, you're drastically lowering the skill requirement needed to win. So it's like now you just have to be good at playing an RNG-dominated game of Solitaire, instead of a mental game of Poker.  Why else would Firebat be able to so confidently say that "at this level, [play skill doesn't really matter]; the match is decided in the picks and bans phase"?

    Secrets don't get played in decks other than Hunter and Freeze Mage precisely because they're too "strategic" in most other decks, so good players will be able to minimize their value.  Secrets actually increase the competitiveness of the game by encouraging mind games / bluffing and raise the relevant skill cap in any given match up.

    What's actually OP is a timely Mad Scientist proc.  That's just crazy broken because it's way too much value packed into 1 card: trades against everything in a meta with no 2/3's (because of the prevalence of 3/4's for 3), tutors a card (wtf!?), and plays it for free (okay seriously, wtf!?!).  Anyone who's played Magic knows that's beyond absurd.

    So really, if anything, what we need are better secrets for other classes, and a nerfed Mad Scientist.  For example, maybe a Mirror Entity that reads "copy your opponent's minion, give your copy +1 health".  Something that actually encourages us to play secrets naked, instead of making them so polarized (either OP or still-very-weak) in most decks.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
  • 2

    posted a message on New Card - Enhance-o-Mechano discussion
    Quote from Shadire »

    Basically anytime you are behind and have no board control this card is dead.

    Never, ever, ever, evaluate a card that way.  At least not in constructed.

    Because by that logic, Defender of Argus would be absolutely terribad.  Houndmaster would be terribad.  Flametongue Totem would be terribad, etc. etc. etc.

    Protoaddict's got the right idea.  The card's great in aggro, specifically in decks like Shockadin, where minion stats don't really matter.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Craft Geddon or Harrison?

    In the long run, if you're playing Warrior-only, then Baron Geddon is better, because his effect is irreplaceable and unique for the class.

    In the short run, Harrison's better for Warrior because of the current meta.

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on laddering in this meta
    Quote from Verker »

    There's no such thing as a deck that takes you from 20 to legend, because the meta changes a lot by the ranks you climb.

    This.  It's sub-optimal to run the same deck for your entire climb.

    If you have to choose just one archetype though, it'd definitely be miracle for the mix we're seeing this month (Hunter, Priest, Warrior, Warlock, Druid, Rogue).

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Best player by Class
    Quote from Kafziel »

    Rogue - Firebat
    Hunter - Firebat
    Mage - Firebat
    Shaman - Firebat
    Paladin - Firebat
    Hunter - Firebat
    Warrior - Firebat
    Priest - Firebat

    Dem spreadsheets.

    Called it!

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Mage the worst now?

    Aggro Mage is pretty solid on the ladder.  Freeze Mage is pretty awful on the ladder (Hunters & Warriors are plentiful), but still terrorizes the tournaments.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on November Season Deck

    As of now, it turns out Tarei's Miracle Rogue is the best choice by far.  It beats Hunter, Zoo, Priest and Control Warrior quickly, and by a large margin.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Best player by Class

    Rogue - Firebat
    Hunter - Firebat
    Mage - Firebat
    Shaman - Firebat
    Paladin - Firebat
    Hunter - Firebat
    Warrior - Firebat
    Priest - Firebat

    Dem spreadsheets.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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