Well, have been reading this thread for weeks. Here's my 2 cents, after watching the finale:
I enjoyed the series as a whole. It has been an epic journey no doubt. No comments on previous seasons, we all know about them.
This last season felt rushed, like, a lot. Still, in my opinion it was resolved quite well. Bran being the king is fine, Dany going mad is a bit pulled out of their rear but ok.
It only seems unfair to me that Jon had the balls to do what had to be done, and yet he is punished for it, only because Gray Worm, a nobody, insists on it. To hell with Gray Worm, man.
For me the worst about Zayle is that i couldnt find what are these 'EVIL' decks you can play with.
Whizbang offers a total of 9 (i think) deck recipes to play with. Zayle will offer 5 EVIL decks, which supposedly are different from deck recipes. So i'm really not sure about Zayle being the 'new' Whizbang.
"Hello, i play a netdeck in casual because basically i am a man child, i love sucking dick and my life is basically a lifeless empty husk and a sad shadow of a real life, but i think i am actually good because i beat you in casual with my netdeck."
Dr. Boom- This nerf is good imo, the card is still playable and adds a lot of value. But i'd still make it Discover.
Preparation- The next spell costs (2) less.
Raiding Party- Stays the same, specially considering the Prep nerf. The problem is Waggle pick, not this.
Barnes- it has been too prevalent for too long. I'd make it 'Summon a 1/1 copy of a minion in your deck that costs (6) ot less'. After this nerf, you DONT nerf any of the Priest cards you mentioned, obviously.
Voidcaller and Elysiana are fine. You cant nerf everything you dont like. If a card is good it doesnt mean it's op.
Nerfs have to be targeted and balanced. We dont want to KILL cards, we want to BALANCE them. And, ofc, you dont nerf ALL cards from a class, if you nerf 1 piece it's enough, ffs.
Voidcaller is the reason why you see mal'ganis, voidlord or doomguard on turn 4 when he combines it with sacrificial pact.
I would just remove the demon tag from voidcaller and leave the card as it is.
Most if not all classes can produce huge threats by highrolling in the early turns. Hard removals exist precisely for those moments.
Voidcaller needs also the Sacrificial Pact, and a powerful demon in hand. It has never been a problem until Darkest Hour appeared. That's what they should nerf, imo.
Dr. Boom- This nerf is good imo, the card is still playable and adds a lot of value. But i'd still make it Discover.
Preparation- The next spell costs (2) less.
Raiding Party- Stays the same, specially considering the Prep nerf. The problem is Waggle pick, not this.
Barnes- it has been too prevalent for too long. I'd make it 'Summon a 1/1 copy of a minion in your deck that costs (6) ot less'. After this nerf, you DONT nerf any of the Priest cards you mentioned, obviously.
Voidcaller and Elysiana are fine. You cant nerf everything you dont like. If a card is good it doesnt mean it's op.
Nerfs have to be targeted and balanced. We dont want to KILL cards, we want to BALANCE them. And, ofc, you dont nerf ALL cards from a class, if you nerf 1 piece it's enough, ffs.
Battletag: Cyph3r#21416Region: EUTrade Only?: Yes, you go first.Done
Yes, definitely. It's my go to Hearthstone website from now on, and it will always be.
Well, have been reading this thread for weeks. Here's my 2 cents, after watching the finale:
I enjoyed the series as a whole. It has been an epic journey no doubt. No comments on previous seasons, we all know about them.
This last season felt rushed, like, a lot. Still, in my opinion it was resolved quite well. Bran being the king is fine, Dany going mad is a bit pulled out of their rear but ok.
It only seems unfair to me that Jon had the balls to do what had to be done, and yet he is punished for it, only because Gray Worm, a nobody, insists on it. To hell with Gray Worm, man.
This reply wins the day, period. There's no arguing about it.
Yeah saw it just now, thanks :)
At least we can see the decks it will use. Apparently they are all relatively meta decks. Anyone knows if you can choose the deck, or it's random?
For me the worst about Zayle is that i couldnt find what are these 'EVIL' decks you can play with.
Whizbang offers a total of 9 (i think) deck recipes to play with. Zayle will offer 5 EVIL decks, which supposedly are different from deck recipes. So i'm really not sure about Zayle being the 'new' Whizbang.
Battletag: Cyph3r#21416Region: EUtrade only: yes you go firstDone
"Hello, i play a netdeck in casual because basically i am a man child, i love sucking dick and my life is basically a lifeless empty husk and a sad shadow of a real life, but i think i am actually good because i beat you in casual with my netdeck."
-everyone in casual mode.
Warrior. I will just say that, Warrior. Let it sink, give it a thought.
Also while i'm at it, fuck you Rexxar. Fuck you fucking piece of worthless shit.
Most if not all classes can produce huge threats by highrolling in the early turns. Hard removals exist precisely for those moments.
Voidcaller needs also the Sacrificial Pact, and a powerful demon in hand. It has never been a problem until Darkest Hour appeared. That's what they should nerf, imo.
Dr. Boom- This nerf is good imo, the card is still playable and adds a lot of value. But i'd still make it Discover.
Preparation- The next spell costs (2) less.
Raiding Party- Stays the same, specially considering the Prep nerf. The problem is Waggle pick, not this.
Barnes- it has been too prevalent for too long. I'd make it 'Summon a 1/1 copy of a minion in your deck that costs (6) ot less'. After this nerf, you DONT nerf any of the Priest cards you mentioned, obviously.
Voidcaller and Elysiana are fine. You cant nerf everything you dont like. If a card is good it doesnt mean it's op.
Nerfs have to be targeted and balanced. We dont want to KILL cards, we want to BALANCE them. And, ofc, you dont nerf ALL cards from a class, if you nerf 1 piece it's enough, ffs.
Suck my cock Warrior you fucking cunt.
And fuck all the Huntards, just because. I would watch Rexxar burn all the fucking day, that asshole prick.
Cant recall the ranks, maybe it was in casual.
Win streak: 12 wins.
Lose streak: 22 straight losses. I took a 3 month break after this one.
Why wouldnt you vote for him? I couldnt care less if it gets me packs.
Cheating is legit.
Fuck the druid, really, fuck that cunt... I cant stand it anymore, i hope they kill the asshole druid for good.