Quote from Junus10000>>It only seems unfair to me that Jon had the balls to do what had to be done, and yet he is punished for it, only because Gray Worm, a nobody, insists on it. To hell with Gray Worm, man.
I'm a Ramsay Bolton fan but I still feel sorry for Jon Snow's fate, even a gross death would have been thousands of times better for him. :( F...K stupid Grey Worm and the f...king Unsullied!!! >:-(
This reply wins the day, period. There's no arguing about it.
"Hello, i play a netdeck in casual because basically i am a man child, i love sucking dick and my life is basically a lifeless empty husk and a sad shadow of a real life, but i think i am actually good because i beat you in casual with my netdeck."
-everyone in casual mode.
Suck my cock Warrior you fucking cunt.
And fuck all the Huntards, just because. I would watch Rexxar burn all the fucking day, that asshole prick.
Cant recall the ranks, maybe it was in casual.
Win streak: 12 wins.
Lose streak: 22 straight losses. I took a 3 month break after this one.
Why wouldnt you vote for him? I couldnt care less if it gets me packs.
Cheating is legit.
The worst part is that i could take this deck and auto pilot. But i refuse, no matter what i wont play the fucking token druid, and besides it's boring to me.
I prefer to vomit my salt and get my ass handed to me, i hope they fucking kill the druid once and for all, i hate it deeply. Fucking malfurion, fuck this addictive game, fuck it...
The druid is a moron and a snob bastard on a high horse, grumpy grandpa. Out of all heroes he is the most hateful son of a bitch. Change my mind.
I shit on malfurion's mouth. Fuck you. And Lunara is an asshole cunt.
Druid has always been, currently is, and will always be the absolute most cancer in this game. Change my mind.
I fucking hate druid with all my heart.
Edit: oh yea and of course the fucking Rogue and their bullshet bounce shenanigans crap. Forgot about that cunt for a second.
Fuck this game, fuck the warrior and the huntard bullshet, fuck sap and fuck the carpet, and ofc fuck the fucking Malfurion son of a betch. Fuck it all, fucking addictive game i hope it dies miserably...
Op what did you have for breakfast? Check it out, it was probably expired.