Oh definitely, I think they do or at least once did hire social media influencers ... I can see them getting lazy with the free publicity on Twitch on YouTube.
But in a world where you can buy reddit upvotes, amazon reviews of all five star levels to make them look genuine, etc.. why wouldn't they. Profit is profit so gotta' protect profit.
Stopping spending money on this company also means stop supporting any content creators when they interact with Hearthstone. Streamers are making bank off of Blizzard's greed, they are just as bad.
Frequently was being used to show how often I was seeing cards I couldn't clear. Focusing on one card in an example of specific and generalized examples to disprove my point is word twisting.
Oh definitely, I think they do or at least once did hire social media influencers ... I can see them getting lazy with the free publicity on Twitch on YouTube.
But in a world where you can buy reddit upvotes, amazon reviews of all five star levels to make them look genuine, etc.. why wouldn't they. Profit is profit so gotta' protect profit.
Not sure about that win rate without proof. But doing 60-70 damage is fun.
Super fun when it works.
Was having consistency issues so took out 2 Counterfeit Coin for 2 Praise Galakrond!.
Got high rolled a couple times so swapped 1 Eviscerate for Sap and 1 Brain Freeze for 2nd Sap.
My highest killing blow so far I think is 73.
Stopping spending money on this company also means stop supporting any content creators when they interact with Hearthstone. Streamers are making bank off of Blizzard's greed, they are just as bad.
Good for you scumbag bully. Fuck yourself too.
I lost 25 games in a row at Gold 10 trying to build my own decks for the 1st time. Why the fuck am I stuck at this rating? FUCK YOU BLIZZARD
Jesus your video is so fucking slow man, #cringe.
Try before you buy is an awesome idea.
Think it's boring reading it? Play on ladder, it's 2 decks 70%+ of the matches.
Well most of this stuff isn't very interesting.
Oh hunterace made this? Wow! Who gives an f, nobody even watches his stream.
1/2 the games I face are OP paladin. Blizzard can suck a dick.
87% with trick totem in your deck..... oooooo k. Liar.
Frequently was being used to show how often I was seeing cards I couldn't clear. Focusing on one card in an example of specific and generalized examples to disprove my point is word twisting.
No it doesn't.