After playing this build a bit, one small but significant sub I made was cutting Binding Heal in favor of Shadowreaper Anduin. Anduin has been great in this build: board clear against high attack minions, can help you get there versus armor gain opponents, chip away at board-centric decks, and has great synergy with Prophet Velen.
I chose to cut Binding Heal because you have to have a minion on board to play it. It doesn't help you stay alive in aggro matchups (which are highly unfavored to begin with), because you can't put a minion on board until Shadow Essence at the earliest, and it doesn't really help you stay in a game when you need to either with only 5 health gain. Whenever I had a dead card in my hand for the majority of the game, it was typically Binding Heal.
I would like to request a name change credit. Thanks!
Thanks for posting this deck!
After playing this build a bit, one small but significant sub I made was cutting Binding Heal in favor of Shadowreaper Anduin. Anduin has been great in this build: board clear against high attack minions, can help you get there versus armor gain opponents, chip away at board-centric decks, and has great synergy with Prophet Velen.
I chose to cut Binding Heal because you have to have a minion on board to play it. It doesn't help you stay alive in aggro matchups (which are highly unfavored to begin with), because you can't put a minion on board until Shadow Essence at the earliest, and it doesn't really help you stay in a game when you need to either with only 5 health gain. Whenever I had a dead card in my hand for the majority of the game, it was typically Binding Heal.
Got it on my first try! Great strat.