This card should be changed, as it simply removes the fun to play this game. The whole point is to create a deck with a strategy that involves playing certain cards at certain points and often players will hold on to a certain minion for several turns (and in my case sometimes over 20 turns), controlling the board and waiting for that precise moment where the card defines the game. If your opponent is faster than you, doesn't allow you to control the board or has a counter for your strategy they win, otherwise you win. Now, this card basically takes all this process, all this strategy, all the brain, all the intellect, all of that out of the equation and removes the minion from your hand and puts it in the battlefield. With this card in play, this game is no more strategic than tic tac toe.
- ElectricSheepCity
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Last active Tue, Oct, 22 2024 21:40:25 -
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marcosaramos posted a message on The Standard Brawliseum Has Taken Over Tavern Brawl This Week!Posted in: NewsDon't expect to get 9, or 11 wins, Only 8, 10, or 12
Rippy posted a message on Chakki Leaves Competitive Hearthstone and Joins the Final Design Team at BlizzardPosted in: NewsGood cards inbound..
weedovore posted a message on Valeera the HollowPosted in: Valeera the HollowGood observation ;)
dushas posted a message on Valeera the HollowPosted in: Valeera the HollowFunny thing as it says in the text stealth lasts till YOUR next turn.
So just killed a quest mage by using valeera after popping 2 blocks, mage plays his apprentices and Antonidas, takes another turn aaaand nothing :D
Hammurabi1337 posted a message on Priest of the Dragonlord - Now 100% Less Theoretical!Posted in: Priest of the Dragonlord - Now 100% Less Theoretical!If you think this comment is good then you should probably stop posting comments.
sor1lea posted a message on C'thun Reno updated after major releasePosted in: C'thun Reno updated after major releasehow about you wait and hold with your deck creations that include old god cards, because you have no fucking clue about the other cards, so you are BASICLY just a spammer. a spammer that spam's bad unfinnished decks, contributing to the flooooooooodd of SHIT that gets created on hearthpwnd that ppl show off as ''good stuff'' every day. ITS TRASH, STOP IT. wait for the fucking rest of the cards.
gagan_dugan posted a message on [Top 50 Legend EU] Tiger Hybrid HunterPosted in: [Top 50 Legend EU] Tiger Hybrid HunterThis is a hybrid build, not a mid-range hunter. Mid-range hunters run Webspinner, Houndmaster and Boom. Some even use Ragnaros as their biggest minion. This is a list relatively similar to what StanCifka is playing in tournaments right now. There are some differences, sure; Stan does use the Tiger as well as 2X freezing trap instead of explosive traps, and his minion list is closer to face hunter, but is still considered "hybrid". It's interesting to look at his list as well.
Here is Stan playing (and winning) against Kolento @ around 17:00, with commentary, for those who are interested. He is not playing Highmanes in the tournament simply because he anticipates to see more rogues (and saps) than what you would typically see on the ladder:
Jammer318 posted a message on Miracle RoguePosted in: Miracle RogueUp-voted just for you bae ;)
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Got it on my first try! Great strat.