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    posted a message on Master+ Shaman Murloc Minion Mass Deck


    This deck is ABSURD for climbing the new ranking system.  You will win more then you lose (easy 75%), now what makes it so powerful is 99% of your games, win or lose, will be over by turn 5.  Meaning, you can climb from rank 25 to rank 5 or lower in just a few hours with this deck. 

                                            Claws' Shaman Murloc Deck

    I created this deck at first, because I love murlocs!  After some thoughts and testing, I fully believe this deck is VERY viable in higher tier play.  I'm sharing this deck here because not only is it extremely fun to play, but it is extremely effective.  You know every time you kill someone with a murloc deck, they're raging inside.

    Synergy, Synergy, Synergy:
    Everything in this deck melds together so well.  Not only do you have the amazing murloc combos which can easily win you games by round 5, but you have Knife Juggler, multiple summoning cards, and Raid Leader, as well as Frostwulf Warlord.  Literally every card in this deck synergizes with the others.
    This deck is very cheap.  The only legendary used is acquired from collecting all murlocs.  If you were to craft every single card it'd cost only 1780.

    Mass AoE kills this deck.  The only decks I've lost to are theoretical decks I've tested in private games with my brother.  These decks were typically mage decks filled with every single cheap AoE card, as well as cheap +magic damage cards.  However, what I have noticed is, these decks are not really viable for anything else at all, other then killing a mass murloc deck such as this.  So far in 50+ Master+ level games I've only encountered 2-3 decks like this.  They really don't fit the current meta making this deck extremely successful.

    Fun Master+ Budget Shaman Murloc Deck
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    Posted in: Shaman
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