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    posted a message on Face Hunter
    Quote from HiddenSquid9403 >>

    Any replacements for Leeroy? thinking another Reckless Rocketeer but idk

     Second rocketeer + acceptance, when you see an opponent with 6 life on the other side and a second rocketeer on your hand.

    (It's a joke, but it does happen once in a while because you are slightly slower on a deck about speed/pacing)
    Posted in: Face Hunter
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    posted a message on NEW Pirates of the Frozen Throne

    I've cut the owl to add a leeroy (didn't test it yet). I've also considered crazed alchemist (for doomsayer)

    Posted in: NEW Pirates of the Frozen Throne
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    posted a message on RenoJackson's Legend Good ol' Zoolock

    What that mal'ganis does? I mean, could I use another Argus instead of mal'ganis for more consistency on the egg breaking and leave mal as a tech against "???" ?

    Depending on the wild meta (doing standard things right now), I could go with 1 Flame Imp (firebat used to do that on his zoo lists - 1 imp and 1 soulfire on aggro lists) and 2x voidwalker - I would like Mal'ganis a lot more.

    I really liked your list, but I will tech it around (leeroy, enhance-o-mech, soulfire, so many things to use, so little slots... :p)

    Posted in: RenoJackson's Legend Good ol' Zoolock
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    posted a message on Why HS comunity isn't demanding?

    Well, I've made one meta deck only with free packs and daily rewards in a certain card game... I didn't even had to play it :)

    I didn't like the pool. I mean, I think blizzard model "sucks" (priced like a physical cardgame, but no physical counterpart or resale value - and not enough freebies on a f2p game), but I can deal with it. I've been doing dailies (I don't have time to do much more than that, btw) and I usually buy 50 packs with $ (aiming for 100 with gold, to get 90%+ of the rares) and that gives me all the tier 1 decks and most tier 2 decks. If I don't craft a N'zoth priest (that would probably bankrupt my dust), I could get 4-5 decklists crafting the missing legendaries, mostly because I got insanely lucky with my epic pulls. I'm leaning towards crafting a couple legendaries (depending on the meta) and sitting on a pile of dust, since it's the first year of the rotation and I don't now how conservative I will need to be with the dust.

    The thing blizzard did and I really disliked (I consider it a design mistake) was having one whole mechanic locked behing legendary rarity. You have adapt, plans, dinosaurs (beasts), elementals and even murlocs spread across all rarities, but quest is only on legendary. Imo, the legendary should be a special border meaning "restricted to one", more like a card type instead of a rarity. They could even make quests "basic cards" within the set, to avoid having a high number of legendaries on a small expansion.

    Even if the arguments are (usually) wrong, the players aren't completely wrong by complaining they are locked out of an expansion mechanic. It should show more often, somehow. In magic, that would be a design mistake (one of their rules is that a mechanic needs to show on all rarities). Not only the mechanic isn't very present on the set, but it is pretty hard to pull in a reasonable amount of packs.

    An easy fix to it would be giving one "juiced pack" (like they did with C'thun and OG, to let all the players experience the old god mechanic) with a random quest, or even least sell it like the classic bundle with one random legendary. Imo, it's more important to showcase a mechanic to all the players instead of giving away random golden cards on specific dates.

    So, yeah, I can say I didn't like the last blizzard actions, objectively considered.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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