J4CKIECHAN's 26-2 Frozen Throne Control Warlock
- Last updated Aug 10, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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- 17 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Warlock
- Crafting Cost: 4400
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/11/2017 (Frozen Throne)

- Pro Player
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As played on stream.
Testing this deck out 11/27/18. Still works pretty good even In standard. I swapped out Mistress of Mixtures with 2 Dark Pact and Abyssal Enforcer with 2 Voidlords
Tried this out on 1/27/19; still works pretty good. I think Mistress of Mixtures is better subbed out with Witchwood Imp because it can synergize with Defile. Voidlord is too slow I feel, I think 1 Hooked Reaver and 1 Demonbolt is better.
Tried this out on 1/27/20; Being slayed by Wretched Tiller decks.
No shit this deck was made 3.5 years ago lol
Does it still work well now? (17/2/2018)
And isn't voidlord a good addition maybe? instead of..?
geist for jade
priest try to bait the pain of death etc.
aggro mulligan defile, and hellfire
Mulligan guide?
Subbed out The Lich King for Medivh, the Guardian only because I'm broke. (Edit: I now subbed him with Ysera, who I consider to be a poor man's Lich King, mostly because my low cost spells weren't getting much value from his staff.)
One of the funnest decks I've played in a long long time. I love the control, ramp-up and dominance. It may fall short to some of the super decks (I don't think I've ever beaten a Quest Rogue with any of my decks), but it beats most of them.
guys what do you think about using illidan in this deck? he is a demon too do you think it is possible to get some value from him in this deck?
It's fine,you're right.
any possible way to fit in Skulking Geist and Twisting Nether without removing lk ?
Just had to say this is the most fun deck since Handlock got nerfed. I found in the current meta there are rarely face decks and more control decks and I wanted to get more demons into play, I replaced both Defiles with a Sense Demons and DOOM!. To combat the rare face decks, there is already Despicable Dreadlord.
You should definitely craft Gul'dan,which is aguarbly the best DK yet.
You can also swap the Lich King for Twisting Nether or Doom,if you want extra board clears and should do fine.
Would Deathwing be another option?
I'm really not sure, because of the higher costs.
i don't like it because it makes discard your hand, and normally u have plenty of card in hand even in end-game.
True. I totally forgot the discard effect!
How to play against jade Druid. Even with Geist I lose every game.
Idk how to win. I had more luck with jade druid climbing than this deck. It's frustrating.
Ya don't. If you see a jade druid you just hit conceed, only way to climb is hoping for no jade druids.
wait ten fucking years and blizzard will answer our cries and make the only nerf on ultimate infestion, "Deal 4 damage"
People complaining about Jade Druids but Jade Druids losing most of time to Token Druids, Dead Man's Hand Tempo Warriors, Oldschool Face Hunters, Well-curved Pirate Warriors, Evolve Shamans with the Thrall, Murloc Paladins, Highlander Priests and especially and literally all of the Exodia Mage decks. Even sometimes Jade Rogues are jading better than jade druids. Even if you ramping perfectly, you can't do much when you literally die on turn 4 to 7. So, Jade Druids are exaggerated too much. And there are also Skulking Geists in the decks too. By the way, I'm talking about ranks up to 5, I don't know what comes next after rank 5. Probably more aggro and more otks.