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    posted a message on New Card - Hogger, Doom of Elwynn

    I personally really like this card. In play, its a sticky minion because the opponent cant efficiently trade into it after it takes damage. It also provides a hefty fee for any opponent wanting to play a c'thun, as not only would it possibly leave up 5-3 2/2's, but soaks a TON of battlecry damage, while denying the opponent the attack face from the body itself. I could see this card working quite well with Spreading Madness but even in my druid it tends to work fine. Its no Veklor, but it can bait out some hard removals like entomb to allow your C'Thun to stick around a while.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [S22 Legend] No Antonidas Freeze Mage

    Any replacement for the second Doomsayer?

    Posted in: [S22 Legend] No Antonidas Freeze Mage
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    posted a message on New Card - Blood of The Ancient One

    Faceless Shambler value PogChamp

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Y'Shaarj Druid

    2 x Blood of the Ancient One I think would also fit in really well.

    Posted in: Y'Shaarj Druid
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    posted a message on S22 LoE Midrange Combo Druid

    Many people say that an extra ancient of lore is irreplaceable, but I personally have needed a few extra big threats. I used to run alexstraza, for combo, but AoW is a solid choice if you need more control. It as a taunt can become a 3, even 4 for 1 trade, which can be good to draw back card advantage, and finally give you the rafaam turn you need. I don't run rafaam in my more standard version of midrange druid, but TL:DR If you need more control or taunt ancient of war works fine for me at least


    Posted in: S22 LoE Midrange Combo Druid
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    posted a message on [Rank 1 Legend] Renolock

    It is a fun little game exploit when feugen and stalagg get killed by the same AoE, that both deathrattles trigger and two thaddius' spawn :P

    Posted in: [Rank 1 Legend] Renolock
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    posted a message on [Top 5 Legend] Rase RenoLock

    hey man, I just crafted BGH after dis enchanting a mimirons head I got while trying to pack boom. While still missing molten, sylvanas, boom and malganis, I've decided to drop the voidcaller and use an ooze, FaS, Loatheb, and am debating maybe chucking in a brewmaster just to work with BGH, argus, and of course Reno, I can see huge power turns if Brann is out with that card. I'm not sure if anyone has experimented too much with the card, it looks good on paper, but while a good combo it is situational

    Posted in: [Top 5 Legend] Rase RenoLock
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    posted a message on [Top 5 Legend] Rase RenoLock

    Replacement for BGH, molten and shadowflame?

    Posted in: [Top 5 Legend] Rase RenoLock
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    posted a message on Budget RenoLock

    Just played some crazy fun games using Rafaam, Elise, MCT, Nerubian Egg and Brann instead of Molten Giant, Sylvanas, Shadowflame, Implosion and Floating Watcher. Elise hands down won me the game against a reno priest, Map into monkey in a single draw, and 15 legendaries gave me a final board of tirion, varian into chromaggus, Rafaam and Bolf. When you flood the board before turn 20 with strong legendaries, the opponents run out of options, and is a better win condition than jaraxxus imo. Great deck. Still not sure about the place of rafamm in the deck, but i needed a strong final card to replace the Molten Giant.

    Posted in: Budget RenoLock
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    posted a message on Budget RenoLock

    Hey man! Still missing a few cards with this deck, but since I'm missing floating watcher I'm using a Brann to some success. Not only is is it a good turn 3 play, but it forces the opponent to use some potentially awkward removal with the threat of a turn 4 twilight drake, and it of course has its synergies with argus and healbot for those times where Reno seems to be stuck in the bottom third of your deck. I'll play around a bit more, but I'm missing molten, sylvanas, Shadowflame, implosion and floating watcher, and I feel some of these are important cards. It's always great to see under appreciated posts like this on hearthpwn, great job with the build! I'll send my thoughts on final card replacements for some of those legends, but looks strong.

    Posted in: Budget RenoLock
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    posted a message on [S21}Patron Midrange BEST DECK TO LEGEND

    Replacement for BGH, Grommash and Boom?

    Posted in: [S21}Patron Midrange BEST DECK TO LEGEND
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