1. print op cards
2. get $
3. nerf op cards
4. repeat
- Alex_Sobol
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Member for 8 years, 8 months, and 5 days
Last active Thu, May, 21 2020 09:14:39 -
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user-100200822 posted a message on All The Demon Hunter Nerfs - All the Details - Live Already!Posted in: News -
Sergant744 posted a message on Hearthstone 2020 Showcase - Livestream!Posted in: News6 years to make achievements, Jesus
And thank God Ben Brode is gone
YouSayBooyah posted a message on Activision Blizzard And Google Start Partnership - Esports Events Now On YoutubePosted in: NewsI hate using youtube for watching live events, so i might just lose interest altogether..
fartingabomination posted a message on Joe "joemag" Magdalena Leaves BlizzardPosted in: NewsI was a janitor at Blizzard HQ for 19 years. Sadly, I have replaced my last roll of TP and now it's time to move on. I will always cherish my time in the Blizzard Water Closets where countless expansions were conceived.
TheEvilwithinHS posted a message on Zephrys Fixes Coming Aug 26th! Weapon Removal & Hero PowersPosted in: NewsForget the salt.... poor game almost end of month and in Na there’s what 3k legends? From millions of players lmao😂😂 discover single handed destroyed the game... sadly. Deamn im playing amazing! He misplayed 3 times..... ok i got this..... music comes in..... zephrys discovers the perfect answer and you lose to rng again.... like you have lost the past 10 games rofl. I mean so you make mistakes... draw poorly this game cause that’s part of a card game, but then again fuck it because you can discover and answer and outplay the player that played better than you or “drawed” lol. Like seriously guys, this clowns at team 5 don’t know the hell they doing, and no im not a Troll what im saying makes complete sense i play since beta and ive top 100 legend multiple times with my best rank peaking at legend 4.... so i know what im talking about. Lot of people lost interest in: playing the game, watching the game and streaming it sadly, and i know for a fact! If discover never existed the game would be fantastic!!!!! Discover answers the f** out of here with that bs bro. Then also not only discover but 70% of printed cards * im exagerating lol is a joke but it’s like it so 70% of em are summon random this random that random random random random random like stop already with the 90%rng 10% skill model dudes..... like i know a lot of people will feel it’s true.. how many times you lose to heartbreaking sh*** rng card all the time. We loe more to rng in hearthstone than to actually misplays..... it’s garbage! Before i used to spend $500 to $1,000 each expansion in packs day 1!!!! Plus later during meta change more packs because all my cards are golden, but guess how much i spended this time? $80 bucks preorder and 20 packs from gold and im not even playing again after stopping for 4 months....... game is just trash..... discover the perfect card man f** off.
Banaan1 posted a message on Zephrys Fixes Coming Aug 26th! Weapon Removal & Hero PowersPosted in: NewsI agree. Kids need to down vote I guess..The card is stupid and especially with so many good cards available for some classes that the drawback is negligible
TheOnlyVendetta posted a message on Card Nerfs Aug 26th - Including WildPosted in: NewsHad to nerf the twinspell on Conjurer's Calling to…..the cost is fine now
Juxtapose90 posted a message on Hearthstone caster Cora has become a new Associate Game Designer!Posted in: NewsDid you notice, several days after expansion HS on twitch has around small amount of players watching it barely over 20k, and in the past it had huge amount. Kripparian only has 2-3k and he had over 10k viewers, slowly but surely HS is going down the drain and this chick wont save it.
Majin_Cyanure posted a message on Priest is disappeared from ladderPosted in: General DiscussionIts time to delete this cancerous class from the game (wild player talking)
Xsorzist posted a message on Zephrys the Great - Hotfix!Posted in: NewsWhy not changes its mechanic to "No matter how good your opponent plays - just win the game anyway" at the first place. (facepalm) just remove this card!
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First they came for Jaina Proudmoore, and I did not speak out—
Because I did not play mage.
Then they came for the Secretkeeper, and I did not speak out—
Because I did not play sectet decks.
Then they came for Succubus, and I did not speak out—
Because I did not play her in my zoo deck.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
What's the point of hiding ur nickname if I can see ur battletag in profile?
The problem is they don't care about community opinion. And those changes are just stupid and meaningless.
We need hentai version of HS
Blah Blah Blah
God I'm so glad I stoped playing this game. Now it's full of sjw crap.
First day in hs, ha?
Another $80 skin
and again blizzard maths $ = €
If world champion got the last place in his group it's not esports at all.
Hunters use their wit
Me go face, me witty