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    posted a message on The Great Dalaran Heist Has Launched! Two Wings This Week, Is The Adventure Worth It?

    I think I'll wait for all wings to be released before buying it. Makes more sense to buy the full thing than pay now and have to wait maybe months for it to finish.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on The Pepper Thread - Share your good vibes!

    Gotta love Control Warrior players. The idiots are willing to waste 30+ minutes in a single, drawn-out game, but the second they see me having lethal, they concede. Saved yourself a lot of time, chump. Feels good beating them to a pulp :)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from Solarsurge >>

    I'm just doing dailies now and mainly playing MTG Arena because this game has become a complete clown fiesta. I just queued up a fun little heal/tiger paladin deck I built in casual just to get my dailies done, got matched up against a warrior (because nothing says casual like 30 fucking minute warrior games) who promptly emoted "I will crush you!" as soon as the match started. Anyway, it turned out he was some "big" dragon warrior playing clown fiesta cards like Heavy Metal, which he got 4 of thanks to Firetree Witchdoctor. He also got like a gazillion armor, of course, so all 4 of them were 10 drops. Then, naturally he was also running a mech package with Dr. Boom because why not. Long story short, I outplayed him going into turn 20 or so, I had 30+23 health thanks to High Priest Thekal, clever usage of Shrink Ray, Avenging Wrath, Pyromancers, and Consecrations, he had 17 health because he sucks at Hearthstone. A few Omega Assembles later, he manages to "randomly generate" a Safeguard, Zilliax, Beryllium Nullifier, Rusty Recycler + Bronze Gatekeeper (for more heal/taunt because why not). As it turns out, the neverending sources of heal/armor of Warrior and "randomly generated" mechs proved I did not really ever have a chance of winning. And this, in a nutshell, is why I play Hearthstone about 1/20th the amount of time I used to.

     Started playing some MTGA as well because I can't stand playing against a flurry of warriors/rogues/hunters anymore.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Man the meta tonight is amazing. I've played for about 4 hours and haven't seen any deck that isn't Tempo Rogue, Bomb Warrior or Mech Hunter. I don't even wanna kill myself right now.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on RoS Dragon Handlock

    I'll give the deck a try. I always liked the handlock playstyle, though I felt like the "usual" deck lists suffered a bit against the currenta meta, mainly Bomb Warrior, since you already spend life to draw and then get hit by 5. Quite punishing.

    Posted in: RoS Dragon Handlock
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    posted a message on Miracle Rogue #181205

    Out of curiosity, people bringing the rating down is related to it not being a good deck, the website not showing it properly, or rather a show of hatred towards it?

    Posted in: Miracle Rogue #181205
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    posted a message on Druid push to 500 Wins - Looking for Deck Recommendations

    The new token druid shows some potential. It can still lose, but if your opponent can't handle constant board fills such as The Forest's Aid or Soul of the Forest, you definitely have a chance.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Shuffle Control Warlock
    Quote from Kovachut >>
    Quote from Chez11235 >>

    I wanna make it work. But the problem is There is no good win condition. Just rolling the deck for 2 mana isn't good. The combo with two new legendaries is too exp. I tried to make a  combo-braker version but there are no combo decks))) I`ll try to make it at least anti-aggro. 

    That's the point imho. LoE control warrior was a deck, that consisted of 29 (or 28, if we exclude Gromm) reactive tools and 1 Elise Starseeker to transform them into potentially big threats.

    If you ask me, this is a better win-condition that the control shaman's one. All they do is play removals and value-generating stuff, which control warrior can do better (their hero card is far superior imho). The strength of our deck is supposed to be fatigue, but as I said in my previous post - we have to find a way to replace the powerful Defile with something else, in order to keep up with the aggressors' tempo and not die easily.

    Since I'm already spamming in this thread, I would like to ask a question - if for some reason a control/handlock deck becomes popular and we see Lord Jaraxxus appearing more often, do you, fellow hpwn users, plan to run Sacrificial Pact just to counter him? Also, will this interaction be nerfed just like Blizzard nerfed the Mr. J. with paladin secrets one?

     I actually included Lord Jaraxxus on a previous build of that deck. It proved fun, but since I only got aggro games, I took him off as setting the health down to 15 was a bit suicidal, considering how bursty some decks are, such as the new murloc shaman and token druid. Though I doubt anyone would include more than one. Getting a warlock mirror would basically mean a cold war to use Jaraxxus. Likely only usable if his weapon turns out to be lethal.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Shuffle Control Warlock

    Hello everyone,

    I've been trying this Plot TwistAugmented Elekk combo-ish/control-ish warlock, though I'm curious if anyone has had any success brewing something in the vein. Sorry if it's a repost, I couldn't find any decklist or post with the idea. Any tips would be nice as well.

    This concept sounds like it could be really fun, having a ton of little 2/2 rush demons, healing a lot with Aranasi Broodmother and basically never losing to fatigue, provided the combo hits.


    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Garrosh, Destroyer of Priests

    Second that. Nearly 10 games trying to match a wall priest and I only queue against them when I decide to try one of my other decks again. 10/10 would punch my pc again.

    At least I managed to beat some rogues, hunter and pallies.

    Posted in: Garrosh, Destroyer of Priests
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