RoS Dragon Handlock
- Last updated Apr 15, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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- 25 Minions
- 5 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Handlock
- Crafting Cost: 12120
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/15/2019 (Rise of Shadows)
- ZashikiHS
- Registered User
- 4
- 35
- 34
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A little twist on the more traditional Handlock builds, replacing e.g. Siphon Soul with Crowd Roaster. The deck overall performs very well against the current meta decks (mainly due to lack of efficient hard removal against Twilight Drakes and Mountain Giants) and I went 30-8 (79% WR) from R15 to R5.
Some tech/card choices:
- Acidic Swamp Ooze: Include a 2nd copy when facing a lot of Warriors & Rogues
- Shadowflame: Great AoE when facing a lot of Aggro/Tempo (Zoo, Token Druid, Murloc Shaman). I've found Dragonmaw Scorchers, Hellfire and Lord Godfrey to be enough to deal with swarmy decks though.
- Shadow Bolt: Good card when an additional smaller single target removal is needed, e.g. against Rogues.
- Barista Lynchen: Great value combo with Omega Agent or she can just be played on curve after Twilight Drake. Solid option against Control Warriors or control decks in general.
- Earthen Ring Farseer: Decent heal option for t3.
- Spellbreaker: Good tech against Deathrattle decks, at the moment probably not needed.
- Aranasi Broodmother: Ok card, but not mandatory. Should probably get replaced in future builds.
- Arch-Villain Rafaam: Good against Bomb Warriors or for pressure against control decks. Can be replaced when facing less Warriors.
- Lord Jaraxxus: Also not mandatory, but a great card vs control. Can be replaced when facing a lot of Aggro.
- Omega Agent: One copy can be replaced when facing a lot of Aggro.
When they get Dr Boom, Mad Genius out on t7 it's a tough matchup for sure, otherwise you can pressure them early enough with Mountain Giants (currently Warriors usually mulligan against zoo anyway). Hope you have as much success with the deck as I did.
I'll give the deck a try. I always liked the handlock playstyle, though I felt like the "usual" deck lists suffered a bit against the currenta meta, mainly Bomb Warrior, since you already spend life to draw and then get hit by 5. Quite punishing.