I think its a number of 500-1000 wins with warlock or 2500-5000 in total. The version you want i think its uncraftable but it may be possible you can craft the golden part of it.
That does not prove anything. He was just extremely lucky. If you are frustrated by an opponent that plays his first minion round 9, what the hell are you doing in the game? seriously. I would win with every single deck on this site against such an opponent. Also he left out of frustration not that he lost, he considered being bmed by the opponent as our guy was roping most turns. He could've aoe his own board any turn. Also he was lucky on choosing the right minion from first res, lucky to get the big res on the turn he most likely would've died.
This deck has many counters. morphing spells pretty much obliterates the deck, you can also use the 3-9 taunt that summons minions for the opponent. Is it an easy deck? Yeah it is, but lets not pretend that the rest 99.99% of the decks are not. Also, every deck gets boring after a while, yet to find an evergreen one.
Any control deck plays the same, you rarely have a choice in what card to play, you play the most mana efficient removal until you drop your big guys, or the overwhelm spells.
It is the most powerful deck(archetype, i change cards frequently ) i played with, i am playing it for 3 years now, went 19 wins in a row with it this season. I find it to be most efficient way to play big minions, i am not going to lie :most games is hanging for my dear life up until shadow essence, but there are plenty of nuances in the spells you choose to play(the spells you choose to put in the deck).
I have mostly all the cards, i play all archetypes(rarely copy-paste the deck as i find it, for me deck building is a part of the game-play), i alternate wild and standard (i really dislike res in standard thou), most played class is paladin(i don t play dude paladin, i think it is boring but i played a lot of secret pally back in the day, so yeah i kinda go for the scummy decks). I like finding perfect counters to the meta but most often than not i find myself joining the very thing i sworn to vanquish, i guess i just like to win.
Nope, unclaimed rewards means you did not enter the Reward track right after a new level to click on the gold bag to add it to your gold total. By no means they will give the rewards for levels we have not conquered yet.
You never buy packs with gold, only with money? You play only arena? so many questions. Congrats! That also spells disaster for the rest of us , now blizz will think the reward track is super achievable...
Using theory of probabilities you can exclude absolutely any bad intention everyone ever had, did he kill the guy or did he randomly fall 15 times with his knife in the victims back??? The fact that i can always think whats the best card in my opponent deck that can turn the game around with a chance of 1 in 15, but this happens 50% of games speaks volumes. And of course the game isn't rigged in favor of one player or another, it is rigged to look spectacular, the Reno either does huge bad stuff or huge good stuff, if it would've whiffed randomly the card would not be played anymore, and so whiffing spells have low chance. The game needs to look spectacular in order to be played, and in order to feel spectacular normally super rare occurrences need to happen more often. In the end they even it out, but at times it can be frustrating. And you say oh, no probability, so rare, so... they never admitted to the 40 pack legendary rule, and it was a good thing but they would've have to admit with playing with the odds, why would they stop at getting a legendary odds and not go further. More than this their patent legal documents imply they have rigged matchmaking mechanisms especially built to increase sales, with examples they say they can match a player with a standard -weapon- against one that has a newer weapon, in order to convince the first to buy the new expensive weapon, same time making the ladder player feel good about their new purchase by matching him against players without said weapon.
Yes, more dust than average packs. Opening any amount of packs over 60 packs out of a single expansion has really poor return values, 60 gets you all the rares. Every 20 packs opened after that = 3-4 RANDOM epics, 1 random legendary, and 1200 pure fine dust. In comparison dusting every card from this offer grants you over 2300-2400 dust.
In ranked. time spent losing gives you 350/h, time spent winning 450/h. In battlegrounds same deal win=350/h lose=250/h, bottom 4 is considered losing, top 4 is considered winning. Rest of the modes follow suite.
Given an enough number of runs the better player will always score higher. With that in mind i consider there is a lower skill ceiling in heroic duels due to the blatant discrepancy between hero powers, artifacts and all the other luck based attributes of the mode. Just look at the innvitational some classes are just 0-3 at a certain level, that never happens in arena, sure there is the 0-3 police meme but you should also consider you have a rank system and matchmaking in duels other than just the number of wins like Arena.
Yes, we are emotional creatures, do you mean irrational as well?
The game is not ruined, it s in the process of being ruined.
Not going to get better if we keep quiet.
I ran the math for my case, i am going to receive less gold.
The game is still fun, i like the content.
The feeling thou is disappointment, lack of progression. I feel that, all my list feels that, i am a loyal player, never complained about anything in the game, i have been playing from day one, am i not representative? should my feelings be disregarded?
First of all, everybody is complaining, not only free to play!
The fact that Hearthstone is a a free to play game means they need F2P players and that is enough for F2P to be entitled, the fact they pondered and made the 1350 gold over the 6 pack change its an even more proof they NEED people playing even without paying.
What is exactly your problem with people complaining?, so far people complaining only brought you more stuff without any effort from you what so ever.
What is your reasoning for defending Blizzard profits against the longevity of the game? The thing is absolutely no player NEEDS to play the game we can switch to the all so many alternatives(digital ccg) and that is it, Blizzard cannot switch from us, we can switch from Blizzard. We are the players they were ever going to get, paying or not. There are no new players that are ever going to replace us because the game is old, people that were going to play it heard of it already and maybe even tried it and liked it or not.
The thing is the rewards track is not really that rewarding, considering we are not even 2 weeks into the expansion and all progression grew to a halt. There is absolutely no sense of progression.
But its okay you are part of the super niche player base that actually got a better deal of the reward track, playing even less than those that you are so harsh against. You do not feel it because you are not hit by it, you probably lost those gold daily quests anyway so any change in the system makes little difference to you anyway.
We re not mad they are greedy, we are mad they are ruining the game. I use to enter every day, grind 12 wins, get out. That was 100 gold a day assuming i finished the daily in the process. Now there are 25% more cards in the game. If they wanted to keep the status quo, they would have given us 125 gold for the same amount of playtime. That was the consensus when you started playing, the new player understanding of what to expect from the game, everything that was given as seasonal rewards was surplus and enjoyed as that. They use scarcity of resources to bring the value of their products up. Am i able to get 125 gold from getting in daily?, scratch that, am i still going to be able to get 100 gold? And you ll go defend saying they do not run a charity and so on, we have no right to ask for anything, they may still hold their promise. Yeah they will hold their promise, but only for the existence of the backlash, people not playing the game anymore, people not being able to keep up with the card collections because of pricing. Whats the point of continuing a relationship with a partner that only keeps asking for more and more, and when you do not offer more it takes something from you and then asks 20 bucks to give it back while presenting it to you as a reward. Gold is needed every day to get into arena, to buy new packs, not only by the free to play, by everybody. If they dont want free to play players make it pay for entree and run their business like that, i would actually enter hearthstone like that, given they put a decent price on it. Stop arguing against facts with promises and hopes!
You will be rewarded 150 Gold in any stage of the track. So Gold is still on the game.
No i don t think that, that would be too much gold in the end, you would be rewarded 150 gold for every level after lvl 50.
With 1000 xp being the reward for completing the daily quests that today gives us 60 gold, this puts the value of 1 gold at 16.(6) xp, that means a win would be roughly 50 xp, and prolly a loss 15 xp?
We saw that going from lvl 3 to lvl 4 requires 1200 xp, in their video, i assume they start at lvl 1, as usually we get a legendary just by logging, and first level 1-2 would require 1000 xp , 2-3 1100 xp, 3-4 1200 xp and so forth, making the xp required for rank 50 being 6000 xp. Lets say that rank 50 is where the lvl stops in growing and rank 51 requires also 6000 xp, assuming my estimation of the xp for a win is 50, you-ll need 120 wins to get lvl 51 and win the 150 gold prize, in today game economy 120 wins equals 400 gold, granted it may be possible to have xp for losing but i imagine we wont be able to exploit that as it would stop after a third loss in a row, so no farming. You ll say , yeah but you also have the dailies and the new weeklies, true but at this stage 1000 xp is not worth 60 gold anymore, its worth only 25 gold(being 1/6 of of 6000 xp which rewards 150 gold).
There are many assumptions with which you may not agree along with changes that may occur in blizzards proceedings, but as i see it today we-ll have less gold to spend day one.
Having less gold to spend day one affects everybody, not just f2p. Prebundle is not enough to craft all the legendaries you would want day 1, you need the extra gold even as a paying customer. This is all without mentioning the 35+ cards mid expansion.
I think the main problem lies in the fact that cards are so expensive and the experience of opening the prebundles is really underwhelming, (i would know). Lowering the price of the packs in general i think is the greatest thing they could do. They would not lose money as the paying base of players would increase dramatically. F2p are not religious believers that would not pay anything in any circumstances(many have bought the 10 pack -5 $ offer), okay make f2p harder but make packs affordable. You ll say, oh no but its a huge risk financially, changing economy of the game is always a risk.
I don t care if blizz makes money, i don t care if blizz is greedy, i only care for the games health and also having a big player base insures the longevity of the game. I invested a lot of time in playing the game and i enjoy it a lot.
Battletag: Altermann#1461
Region: EU
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first.
I think its a number of 500-1000 wins with warlock or 2500-5000 in total. The version you want i think its uncraftable but it may be possible you can craft the golden part of it.
That does not prove anything. He was just extremely lucky. If you are frustrated by an opponent that plays his first minion round 9, what the hell are you doing in the game? seriously. I would win with every single deck on this site against such an opponent. Also he left out of frustration not that he lost, he considered being bmed by the opponent as our guy was roping most turns. He could've aoe his own board any turn. Also he was lucky on choosing the right minion from first res, lucky to get the big res on the turn he most likely would've died.
This deck has many counters. morphing spells pretty much obliterates the deck, you can also use the 3-9 taunt that summons minions for the opponent. Is it an easy deck? Yeah it is, but lets not pretend that the rest 99.99% of the decks are not. Also, every deck gets boring after a while, yet to find an evergreen one.
Any control deck plays the same, you rarely have a choice in what card to play, you play the most mana efficient removal until you drop your big guys, or the overwhelm spells.
It is the most powerful deck(archetype, i change cards frequently ) i played with, i am playing it for 3 years now, went 19 wins in a row with it this season. I find it to be most efficient way to play big minions, i am not going to lie :most games is hanging for my dear life up until shadow essence, but there are plenty of nuances in the spells you choose to play(the spells you choose to put in the deck).
I have mostly all the cards, i play all archetypes(rarely copy-paste the deck as i find it, for me deck building is a part of the game-play), i alternate wild and standard (i really dislike res in standard thou), most played class is paladin(i don t play dude paladin, i think it is boring but i played a lot of secret pally back in the day, so yeah i kinda go for the scummy decks). I like finding perfect counters to the meta but most often than not i find myself joining the very thing i sworn to vanquish, i guess i just like to win.
Nope, unclaimed rewards means you did not enter the Reward track right after a new level to click on the gold bag to add it to your gold total. By no means they will give the rewards for levels we have not conquered yet.
You never buy packs with gold, only with money? You play only arena? so many questions. Congrats! That also spells disaster for the rest of us , now blizz will think the reward track is super achievable...
Using theory of probabilities you can exclude absolutely any bad intention everyone ever had, did he kill the guy or did he randomly fall 15 times with his knife in the victims back??? The fact that i can always think whats the best card in my opponent deck that can turn the game around with a chance of 1 in 15, but this happens 50% of games speaks volumes. And of course the game isn't rigged in favor of one player or another, it is rigged to look spectacular, the Reno either does huge bad stuff or huge good stuff, if it would've whiffed randomly the card would not be played anymore, and so whiffing spells have low chance. The game needs to look spectacular in order to be played, and in order to feel spectacular normally super rare occurrences need to happen more often. In the end they even it out, but at times it can be frustrating. And you say oh, no probability, so rare, so... they never admitted to the 40 pack legendary rule, and it was a good thing but they would've have to admit with playing with the odds, why would they stop at getting a legendary odds and not go further. More than this their patent legal documents imply they have rigged matchmaking mechanisms especially built to increase sales, with examples they say they can match a player with a standard -weapon- against one that has a newer weapon, in order to convince the first to buy the new expensive weapon, same time making the ladder player feel good about their new purchase by matching him against players without said weapon.
proof? uhm https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=LL&v=2T658vTvoRs&feature=emb_logo
there you go!
Yes, more dust than average packs. Opening any amount of packs over 60 packs out of a single expansion has really poor return values, 60 gets you all the rares. Every 20 packs opened after that = 3-4 RANDOM epics, 1 random legendary, and 1200 pure fine dust. In comparison dusting every card from this offer grants you over 2300-2400 dust.
In ranked. time spent losing gives you 350/h, time spent winning 450/h. In battlegrounds same deal win=350/h lose=250/h, bottom 4 is considered losing, top 4 is considered winning. Rest of the modes follow suite.
Given an enough number of runs the better player will always score higher. With that in mind i consider there is a lower skill ceiling in heroic duels due to the blatant discrepancy between hero powers, artifacts and all the other luck based attributes of the mode. Just look at the innvitational some classes are just 0-3 at a certain level, that never happens in arena, sure there is the 0-3 police meme but you should also consider you have a rank system and matchmaking in duels other than just the number of wins like Arena.
Yes, we are emotional creatures, do you mean irrational as well?
The game is not ruined, it s in the process of being ruined.
Not going to get better if we keep quiet.
I ran the math for my case, i am going to receive less gold.
The game is still fun, i like the content.
The feeling thou is disappointment, lack of progression. I feel that, all my list feels that, i am a loyal player, never complained about anything in the game, i have been playing from day one, am i not representative? should my feelings be disregarded?
First of all, everybody is complaining, not only free to play!
The fact that Hearthstone is a a free to play game means they need F2P players and that is enough for F2P to be entitled, the fact they pondered and made the 1350 gold over the 6 pack change its an even more proof they NEED people playing even without paying.
What is exactly your problem with people complaining?, so far people complaining only brought you more stuff without any effort from you what so ever.
What is your reasoning for defending Blizzard profits against the longevity of the game? The thing is absolutely no player NEEDS to play the game we can switch to the all so many alternatives(digital ccg) and that is it, Blizzard cannot switch from us, we can switch from Blizzard. We are the players they were ever going to get, paying or not. There are no new players that are ever going to replace us because the game is old, people that were going to play it heard of it already and maybe even tried it and liked it or not.
The thing is the rewards track is not really that rewarding, considering we are not even 2 weeks into the expansion and all progression grew to a halt. There is absolutely no sense of progression.
But its okay you are part of the super niche player base that actually got a better deal of the reward track, playing even less than those that you are so harsh against. You do not feel it because you are not hit by it, you probably lost those gold daily quests anyway so any change in the system makes little difference to you anyway.
We re not mad they are greedy, we are mad they are ruining the game. I use to enter every day, grind 12 wins, get out. That was 100 gold a day assuming i finished the daily in the process. Now there are 25% more cards in the game. If they wanted to keep the status quo, they would have given us 125 gold for the same amount of playtime. That was the consensus when you started playing, the new player understanding of what to expect from the game, everything that was given as seasonal rewards was surplus and enjoyed as that. They use scarcity of resources to bring the value of their products up. Am i able to get 125 gold from getting in daily?, scratch that, am i still going to be able to get 100 gold? And you ll go defend saying they do not run a charity and so on, we have no right to ask for anything, they may still hold their promise. Yeah they will hold their promise, but only for the existence of the backlash, people not playing the game anymore, people not being able to keep up with the card collections because of pricing. Whats the point of continuing a relationship with a partner that only keeps asking for more and more, and when you do not offer more it takes something from you and then asks 20 bucks to give it back while presenting it to you as a reward. Gold is needed every day to get into arena, to buy new packs, not only by the free to play, by everybody. If they dont want free to play players make it pay for entree and run their business like that, i would actually enter hearthstone like that, given they put a decent price on it. Stop arguing against facts with promises and hopes!
DO the quests or you lose them, there are no more 10 gold for 3 wins.
No i don t think that, that would be too much gold in the end, you would be rewarded 150 gold for every level after lvl 50.
With 1000 xp being the reward for completing the daily quests that today gives us 60 gold, this puts the value of 1 gold at 16.(6) xp, that means a win would be roughly 50 xp, and prolly a loss 15 xp?
We saw that going from lvl 3 to lvl 4 requires 1200 xp, in their video, i assume they start at lvl 1, as usually we get a legendary just by logging, and first level 1-2 would require 1000 xp , 2-3 1100 xp, 3-4 1200 xp and so forth, making the xp required for rank 50 being 6000 xp. Lets say that rank 50 is where the lvl stops in growing and rank 51 requires also 6000 xp, assuming my estimation of the xp for a win is 50, you-ll need 120 wins to get lvl 51 and win the 150 gold prize, in today game economy 120 wins equals 400 gold, granted it may be possible to have xp for losing but i imagine we wont be able to exploit that as it would stop after a third loss in a row, so no farming. You ll say , yeah but you also have the dailies and the new weeklies, true but at this stage 1000 xp is not worth 60 gold anymore, its worth only 25 gold(being 1/6 of of 6000 xp which rewards 150 gold).
There are many assumptions with which you may not agree along with changes that may occur in blizzards proceedings, but as i see it today we-ll have less gold to spend day one.
Having less gold to spend day one affects everybody, not just f2p. Prebundle is not enough to craft all the legendaries you would want day 1, you need the extra gold even as a paying customer. This is all without mentioning the 35+ cards mid expansion.
I think the main problem lies in the fact that cards are so expensive and the experience of opening the prebundles is really underwhelming, (i would know). Lowering the price of the packs in general i think is the greatest thing they could do. They would not lose money as the paying base of players would increase dramatically. F2p are not religious believers that would not pay anything in any circumstances(many have bought the 10 pack -5 $ offer), okay make f2p harder but make packs affordable. You ll say, oh no but its a huge risk financially, changing economy of the game is always a risk.
I don t care if blizz makes money, i don t care if blizz is greedy, i only care for the games health and also having a big player base insures the longevity of the game. I invested a lot of time in playing the game and i enjoy it a lot.
Battletag: done
Region: EU
Trade only: yes, you go first