You are dreaming. This is a combo card. Hunters cannot draw quickly so this situational card will likely never be in your hand when you need it. Bad card.
Tar Creeper is so much better. At 4 mana, reducing the mana cost by one pushes a 3/5 taunt over the top. Maybe this will maybe be played once [card]Tar Creeper[\card] rotates out.
Stonetusk Boar is a bad card. This is a worse boar. That’s saying something. Though the lynx gives you a second lynx to play, sticking two bad cards together is still bad.
Piloted Shredder is way better because it gave you a two drop for free. This card pulls it from your hand which is not always possible, and denies you card advantage. It’s bad. Way worse than Shredder.
This card is terrible. Not only do you need to line up a two drop, which is unlikely and impractical on Turn 4, you are only saving two mana. A 4/3 stat line is a underpowered for a 4 drop, so in reality you’re only saving 1 mana. It’s so specific and so minor, it’s just terrible.
Wow what a crazy beast of a card
Control decks run this card and Control decks don’t matter
You are dreaming. This is a combo card. Hunters cannot draw quickly so this situational card will likely never be in your hand when you need it. Bad card.
Lol noobs think this card is good.
Tar Creeper is so much better. At 4 mana, reducing the mana cost by one pushes a 3/5 taunt over the top. Maybe this will maybe be played once [card]Tar Creeper[\card] rotates out.
Seeing this makes me worry for the game’s future. They are running out of good ideas.
This card sucks balls. Hunter has had good one drops and this can’t compare.
Lol have fun at Rank 16
Soooo much worse than Alleycat
Stonetusk Boar is a bad card. This is a worse boar. That’s saying something. Though the lynx gives you a second lynx to play, sticking two bad cards together is still bad.
Piloted Shredder is way better because it gave you a two drop for free. This card pulls it from your hand which is not always possible, and denies you card advantage. It’s bad. Way worse than Shredder.
This card is terrible. Not only do you need to line up a two drop, which is unlikely and impractical on Turn 4, you are only saving two mana. A 4/3 stat line is a underpowered for a 4 drop, so in reality you’re only saving 1 mana. It’s so specific and so minor, it’s just terrible.
Just play Loot Hoarder instead.
Not even close to being correct
Actually you will die before that because Mech Paladin is horrible
That will never work. It only has Stealth for one turn. Why not just do that with any other big health minion?