This is a thread where you can offer or ask for the new card back Mark of Hakkar! (more info)
Post only the information below, do NOT spam this thread.
Do You Have the Card Back?: Yes = you have the card back and are willing to offer it to others
Do You Have the Card Back?: No= you dont have the card back and are looking for someone to offer it to you
Battletag: Region: Do You Have the Card Back?:
When you obtain the card back, either edit your post to "Done"; or change your answer at "Do You Have the Card Back?" to "Yes", if you are willing to offer it to others now. Thanks.
You can also use our discord to try and find ppl with the card back faster.
Do NOT concede your games, otherwise you will not get the card back!
This is a thread where you can offer or ask for the new card back Mark of Hakkar!
(more info)
Post only the information below, do NOT spam this thread.
When you obtain the card back, either edit your post to "Done"; or change your answer at "Do You Have the Card Back?" to "Yes", if you are willing to offer it to others now. Thanks.
You can also use our discord to try and find ppl with the card back faster.
Do NOT concede your games, otherwise you will not get the card back!
- Click Here To Join Us On Discord! -
Battletag: NCG#21675
Region: EU
Do You Have the Card Back?: Yes
Battletag: eaBeLoVeD#2104
Region: EU
Do You Have the Card Back?:
NOYES!!DONE! Anyone is welcome as long as I have space in friend list
Battletag: Lantushok#2125
Region: EU
Do You Have the Card Back?: NO
Battletag: JoboTheHobo#11165
Region: US
Do you have the card back?: NO
Battletag: Luxor#21532
Region: EU
Do You Have the Card Back?: YES
Battletag:Nevermind no one will have it xd
Do You Have the Card Back?:NO
-Gematria :3
Battletag: eltaraso#2532
Region: EU
Do you have the cardback? - NO.
Battletag: Dap1is1back#1801
Region: NA
Do You Have The Cardback?: yes
I exist, I think.
Battletag: Nystriael#2232
Region:EU YES
"Hey. Hey. Do you wanna buy a funnel cake?" Undercity Huckster
Battletag: N0Sp00n#1422
Region: NA
Do You Have the Card Back?: DONE
"There is no spoon"
Battletag: Scyther#21844
Region: EU
Do You Have the Card Back : NO
Battletag: Alperon#2215
Region: EU
Do You Have the Card Back?: No
Battletag: Hentaiware#2374
Region: EU
Do You Have the Card Back?: yes YES yes