The Lich King Boss Adventure – murloc Mage
- Last updated Aug 25, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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- 20 Minions
- 10 Spells
- Deck Type: PvE Adventure
- Deck Archetype: Aggro Mage
- Boss: Lich King
- Crafting Cost: 2320
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/25/2017 (Frozen Throne)
- redstringer
- Registered User
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You just spam murloc and evole with Gentle Megasaur ( Finish before turn 7 of no success restart !!)
Worked for me on try 5! Thank you! Mulligan for tidecaller and try to get your lifesteal out early also :)
Deadscale Knight is a perfect Obliterate bait! Tanks for my Murloc Tidecallers / Molten Giants etc. LK prioritizes removing 1/1 lifesteal over an 8/8.
p.s.: Make sure you have enough taunts or to clear the board... I had lethal but forgot about my 1 HP... Time to restart 20 more times.
murloc on all class > lich king lol
I've been trying for ages with other decks and this one finally unlocked me Arthas after just three tries :)
Thanks for sharing! Cleared on first attempt
thk bro it work keep Murloc tidecaller and play turn 1 and spam spam spam. . . 21/06/2018 !!
Thanks for the deck buddy, I have even opened Moorabi from the reward.
Mulligan for Tidecallers and just try to defend them took me 3 tries.
Almost a first try but accidentaly killed my Tidecaller :) .
How are you ever able to push face damage when he just sets your hero HP to 1 on turn 1?..
Great deck... done in 5th try
After attempting this with many other decks, I am so glad to find this one! Finished first try. Try to get the tidecallers early on the board and you will be fine.
I've now Lich King with murlocs with Hunter, Shaman, and now mage. Guys hint hint. Roll murloc decks. Got this one on second try after more than thirty attempts with a kabal lackey+mana bind + fledgling deck . This was easy win. Firsdt try list to blizzard
This asshole had blizzard on turn 6 9 out of 9 times I managed to make it that far. You need godlike draw to even get to that point and him not coining out one drops and not having obliterate. Pure retardation on multiple levels.
Edit: 19 tries... sigh
First try! Awesome deck
This deck is amazing, 2nd try. Dreadscale Knights into Rockpool Hunter is crucial. Having Warleader on 3 makes it even more faceroll.
Well, no idea how to beat Lich King with mage.. Every single game I've played, he sets my hp to 1 right away...
Edit: Ah, that's how it works.. nevermind.. I'll see what I can do...
This deck is awesome.... thank you so much! You want to start with a nice curve into 1-2-3, summoning as many murlocs as possible, then curve into gentle megasaur turn 4, choose windfury, go face unless there's a serious threat on board. Easy peezy. Took 3 attempts but the nice part is, you know you're boned by enemy turn 7, so, ~30 min at best of attempts.
I've been attempting this fight for HOURS with the kabal secret mage build -- this is MUCH easier and MUCH more new player friendly.
I started attempting this deck when my son was 5 days old... Hes 8 years old now.
First try, thanks you!
Easiest way to beat Lich King with mage.
First try, thank you! Got a great opening hand and two tidecallers on the table by turn 3.