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[KFT] Maly Petal Giants (18 -> 5)

  • Last updated Aug 15, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Malygos Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 13060
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/12/2017 (Frozen Throne)
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Tons of fun with this deck.  I've cruised from Rank 18 to 5 and I'm still going.  

There are 3 major win conditions.

1.  When you go VTH, drop those giants, 2 copies at a time.  Also great to vanish back into hand if their board is full (Jade Druids) and then drop 2-3 giants right back down after.  Huge tempo swing and often enough.

2.  After VTH, you can drop 2 Sherazins which can be a constant pain for opponent.  Shadowcast for an extra 1-2 more which will win you most fatigue matches.  

3.  After VTH, Shadowcast your Shadowcast with its copy for unlimited and low cost Shadowcasters the rest of the game.  Huge for getting extra Sherazins, Vilespine Slayers and especially Maly's!  

Street Tricksters are critical for a high petal deck.  They are super sticky and double/triple your petal power.  They also destroy early aggro since they don't leave the board and help to more easily clear the board when coupled with FoK and petals.  When they realize this, Aggro will often waste their attacks killing a 0/7 instead of going for face saving your ass.  I always keep them on mulligan and drop them asap.  They are the sole reason your petals keep you alive until Maly or giants are ready.

Petals are also great for Auctioner, Sherazin, and finishing with Malygos.  

Activate Valeera the Hollow ASAP to double down on all of your cards. 

I tried Questing Adventurer but it's way to hit or miss.  Better to focus on spell damage and petals to get great board clear and enough control for late game survival.  Petals + extra spell damage are awesome against early aggro too.  

And if Maly doesn't work out, doubling those arcane giants will do it.  Wait to play them when you have VTH.  If VTH comes late game, then you can instantly drop a copy of them when you activate her.  Or multiply your Sherazins.

Vanish is really working out nicely.  Might even consider a second one instead of Mimic Pods.  Vanish is the ultimate counter to a heavy Jade Druid board, Evolve Shaman, and that new big minion Priest deck, and for the turn after playing VTH.  Or just to bounce back your battlecries like the Vilespine Slayers and giants so you can multiply them again.

Shadowstep is great for Vilespine slayers, auctioneer or to bring Maly back into your hand to use as a 7 drop on the next turn with 3 petals for TKO to avoid removal.  

Some cards I've tried in this deck but did NOT really work out were Hallucination (too RNG), Swashburgler and Patches (petals are better), Questing Adventurer (too hit or miss), Lilian Voss (fun RNG but works too much against Maly), Burgly Bully (could be perfect for auctioneer and Maly but a little too slow).  Shadowblade doesn't go well with the other cards or deck style.  

Other possible adds I've tried that HAVE been working well are Alex to either heal yourself, but usually it's a great drop to follow a 2 giant board drop when your opponent is feeling confident with 30 health.  Alex has won me many games but it can clunk your hand some games too.  

I haven't tried Yogg yet although it seems to make sense with all the spells.  I worry mostly about overdrawing cards though, and I'd rather an extra Vanish or Maly+Prep+FoK for board clear.  

Leeroy can be great too for a double Leeroy VTH burst.

Have fun with this deck and let me know if you have any adds.