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Control Nzoth Paladin (refined for current meta)

  • Last updated Feb 13, 2017 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 21 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: N'Zoth Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 15720
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 2/9/2017 (Gadgetzan)
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Hey there im showing you my new Nzoth paladin deck, let me say that i am mainly playing Nzoth paladin as a deck and mostly played wild before, i thought about how i could translate it into standard and fit the meta and this is so far the best version of the deck i have done (and it showed some good results on ladder aswell)

Best Matchups:
Pirate Warrior
Control Warrior
Jade Shaman

Mediocre Matchups:
Aggro Shaman
Miracle Rogue

Worst Matchups:
Jade Druid
Dragon Priest


Why have you NOT included "x" card ?

Mistress of mixtures:
ok stats in the early game but you rarely will get the heal and midgame it suffers from either being too weak or completely useless against the other decks, also i do believe that paladin has better healing options already.
(Worth mentioning that i had tested playing with her already but turned out to be weak overall)

Acidic Swamp Ooze:
While i agree that it is great weapon removal i prefer harrison overall for the card draw, feel free to swap if you want.

Ivory Knight:
While it is a good card imo it is way too costy and its not good on the board by itself, overall this fits way more into anyfin which doesnt have too much board controls and needs it for the anyfins/equality.
(I like it but its not good for Nzoth because we already have sylvanas and cairne for 6)

Hammer of Wrath:
I considered this since it has synergy with pyromancer kinda acting like a swipe and drawing me a card but i feel like the 4 spot is too crouded already and have also found no place for it (and solem vigil already is enough for the draw anyways).

All too bad on tempo and do not fit into Nzoth decks at all.


Why HAVE you included "x" card ?

Dirty Rat:
Overall an amazing card in the current meta against almost any class, drawing out their win conditions can be quite really good and against pirate warrior a 2/6 taunt is never bad also it can deny draw from azure drakes, make jades growing slower (a lot stronger than it sounds) get out flametongue or mana tide totems without your opponents getting use of them, or even getting out a Reno and kazakus (also this can make an amazing combo lategame with pyromancer and equality).

Grimestreet Informant:
This is a card i am experimenting right now with but so far it showed great results in early and in the lategame, it is good for giving me additional clears (equality synergy ftw) can get some nice taunts from warrior or amazing value weapons like Gorehowl agains reno decks, overall its versatile and so far worth playing.

Harrison Jones:
Kind of obvious a lot of classes are playing weapons atm and i prefer the draw over just destroying it with ooze.

Keeper of Uldaman:
Just there for high hp/atk targets it helped quite a lot against Renolock (with Twilight Drake and Mountain Giant) and against miracle rogue.

Avenging Wrath:
Im kind of surprised ive never saw this card being used, its amazing it is another card you can use in combination with equality, it can help against crowded boards and even more importantly grants you reach your opponent wont expect, overall really solid card.
Edit: took it out for Ysera i still think avenging wrath is a great card but Ysera gave me more value in the end you can still play with it tho if you face a lot of pirate warriors.


Cards you have tested/considered but couldnt make the cut ?

Mistress of Mixtures:
I have considered this for quite some time and even played with it but after testing it i came to the conclusion that it does nothing when behind, is bad at turn 1 because you wont get the heal and is extremly weak against anything but pirate warrior.

I thought about this being an alternate source of healing while having a 8/8 body contest the board, but in the end this deck already has enough healing and 9 mana also made her quite punishing to play.

Lay on Hands:
I like this card because it can get you back if you are behind and you can dig to get your equality faster, in the end i just didnt had enough space for it (and solem vigils do enough already).

Brann Bronzebeard:
That was just a dumb sudden idea, basically i wanted to abuse brann and dirty rats for insane clear + synergy with Grimestreet informants (also the nzoth dream sometimes) but it turned out to be too unrealistic to pull off and most of the time did nothing.

Hammer of Wrath:
I wanted to include this but sadly found no space for it so far (and imo it costs slightly too much.


Final words:
Overall this deck is really solid and an actual laddering choice aside from anyfin paladin but with that being said i almost exclusively play Nzoth paladin and it is quite a hard deck for a beginner.

I hope you enjoy the deck and i would like to see comments and suggestions below :) feel free to ask me anything about card choices or matchups.



Added Ysera (instead of Avenging Wrath) thanks to Adernains suggestion and had good success with it making Renolock a rather favourable matchup instead of being mediocre now and it really didnt hurt against the winrate against aggro at all.