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Legend Cycle C'Thun Rogue [Standard]

  • Last updated Oct 12, 2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: C'Thun Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 4280
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/1/2016 (Karazhan)
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General Techniques:

Use your Shadowstep on Earthen Ring Farseer when you are vulnerable. Living is more important than winning because you can eventually win. Use your Shadowstep on Disciple of C'Thun the majority of the time if it's in your hand early game. This will result in 4 mana between the two summons. Always measure the risk of leaving a minion up for a turn or if it's better to Shadowstep to protect the minion. Use Shadowstep on Defender of Argus to get a 2 mana Argus. This is useful for either more taunts to protect your life total or for protecting your minions against removal. Use Shadowstep on Twin Emperor Vek'lor to create a 5 mana Twins in order to get mor minion girth. Use Shadowstep on C'Thun to play around removal such as Hex, Polymorph, Deadly Shot, Execute, etc. In certain matchups you must save your Shadowstep for your C'Thun in order to win. Using Shadowstep on Acidic Swamp Ooze is usually the wrong play. Before you use your Shadowstep, think about your future turns. It's easy to use whenever it looks good to use but sometimes you need to use it carefully. Using Shadowstep on Azure Drake is appropriate only rarely. 

Always consider saving your Backstab to be played on turn 5 with Azure Drake if you have the two cards in your hand. Because playing Azure Drake doesn't interact with the board otherwise and it can be better to overkill something with Eviscerate just to save Backstab for the Drake in the following turn.

Always consider combo activation. If you plan on playing SI:7 Agent on turn 5, you're going to need a 2 mana card so it could be better to modify the turn and save a 2 mana card in order to setup for the future turn. Same goes for Eviscerate.

Be careful when you use Fan of Knives. You might draw into Shadow Strike or Backstab.

Shiv is a much better card with spell damage. Use your hero power and save Shiv when you can afford to.

Know when to cycle your cards to get a better hand. Sometimes it's better to do a worse play just to get those new cards to prepare for incoming threats. A great example of this is turn 3 Fan of Knives instead of hero power in hopes of drawing a minion to play the next turn or a specific spell for removing a common threat (like Fandral).

Always think about losing the game. What I mean is, you need to balance your risk taking with sensibility. If you don't Shadowstep C'Thun for example (reason being you want to setup lethal next turn), you risk losing the game entirely because your hand sucks. General rule is: if one play will outright lose you the game in that moment if it happens, then you should play around it. However, if you have a way to respond to a powerful play then the risk is more appropriate. An example of this is with Harrison Jones - if it happens to you, do you have the right cards in hand to kill the Harrison and set up pressure? Or will you be like a fish out of water and have a terrible turn and never be able to recover? Sylvanas is another threat to this deck that can be really powerful.

Vs Midrange Shaman:

Favored. The deck is primarily built to defeat Midrange Shaman. You're going to want to Mulligan for Beckoner of Evil, Acidic Swamp Ooze, Backstab, Disciple of C'Thun, Shadowstrike, Twilight Elder, SI:7 Agent (if you have the coin or Backstab),  and Eviscerate (if you have the coin). Keep a C'Thun's Chosen occasionally if you have the coin and if you have another minion. Fight for the board constantly until you win with C'Thun. Be careful of Hex, so Shadowstep with your C'Thun. Play around Harrison Jones by keeping your Wicked Knife at 1 Durability only or less (this is very important). Play around Lightning Storm and Maelstrom Portal by not going all-in unless you have to. You should win this matchup almost every time if you play it perfectly and don't get really unlucky. 

Vs Control Warrior:

Favored. You can lose this if the Warrior gets lucky with both removal and armor or if you get really unlucky. Mulligan for minions because removal isn't helpful. Twin Emperor Vek'lor is not that powerful in this matchup due to always having 1/2 minions on board and not wanting to play into Brawl. It might seem desirable to use Shadowstep earlier but in this matchup it must be used for C'Thun in order to remove all 60+ health. Use Ooze on Fiery War Axe only if you remove 2 durability or if it's a very nice tempo play. Otherwise, keep it in hand to kill the Gorehowl. Play around Harrison Jones in this matchup by keeping your Wicked Knife at 1 durability or less. If you hero power on turn 2, don't attack the face unless the warrior has armor to be removed (plays around Shield Slam on your 4 health minions).

Vs Maly Druid:

Unfavored. You want to keep Shadow Strike in mulligan. Also you want minions in the early game to play. Twin Emperor Vek'lor should be kept in the mulligan hand as well (I think this is the only matchup you want to). Just hope your opponent plays only 1 Arcane Giant at a time. The reason this matchup is unfavored is because C'Thun is just not good enough to answer against the high health points on their Malygos and Arcane Giants. And due to health gain from their spells you can't outpressure them enough. The late game is only won if you have a really good answer for double Arcane Giant + Malygos. So you should seek to win the early game and snowball on board with minions that they can't remove. Shadow Strike is needed for Fandral if they Innervate it out. If there are a lot of Druid's on ladder, consider not playing this deck.

Vs Mage: 

Unfavored. Freeze Mage has a high winrate vs this deck. Tempo Mage has the ability to get lucky and win (but so do you). When they use cards like Cabalist's Tome or Babbling Book, it's really hard to play around every spell Mage has so you have to take more risks than usual in this matchup.

Vs Hunter:

Favored. Do whatever you can to avoid that Eaglehorn Bow from getting charges. They win when they get the Eaglehorn Bow on your face over and over. Try to pop secrets when the bow is unequipped. Otherwise, avoid popping secrets until you can gain leverage and force the Bow to be used on minions. Eviscerate is really good in this matchup to win faster.

Vs Aggressive decks (Pirate Warrior, Hunter, Face Shaman, etc):

Favored. Consider keeping Defender of Argus in your mulligan. Shadowstep is also good to keep to be used on Earthen Ring Farseer, Disciple of C'Thun, or Defender of Argus. Do not keep Twin Emperor Vek'lor because turn 7 might be too late. Remember that you can't last forever, so try setting up a big board to kill the opponent and apply pressure to ease off the pressure they put on you. Always calculate how many turns you have left before they probably kill you and seek to kill them first. Sometimes you have to take an extra few damage just to setup a 2 turn lethal board. Eviscerate is a great tool to help you win before you lose so try not to use the card on minions. 

You should primarily play this deck to capitalize on the Shamans and Warriors on ladder. Then your win % would be between 60-70. But the more Druid and Mage you encounter the more it will drop to 50-60%.