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C'Thun Warrior

  • Last updated Aug 31, 2016 (Karazhan)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: None
  • Deck Archetype: Control Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 7540
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/31/2016 (Karazhan)
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Your objective in the early game is to start fielding your C'Thun minions while also controlling the opponent's side of the board. Cards like Fiery Axe, Slam - and even Acolyte of Pain against Aggro - can help you achieve this to good effect.

Keep developing your side of the board as best you can while minimising the opponent's threats. You have tonnes of removal at your disposal, and you'll find more advice on the overall strategy involved in using these cards in the combo section on the next page of this guide. In the early to mid-game, it's almost always better to trade minions and keep the opponent's progress in check.

Hopefully by the time you approach the late-game you have a C'Thun capable of boosting Twin Emperor Vek'lor and giving your opponent an even bigger headache to deal with on the board. Don't forget the incredible power of Gorehowl either, or the potential for Elise Starseeker to provide you with an additional path to victory.

Like many a C'Thun deck, you're largely looking to exploit the synergies between this Old God and his many followers. There's more to this deck than just building a massive end-game monster, however, so take a bit of time to catch up on all the latest combos.

- You can give Shield Slam more of a punch by applying Shield Block first.

- Sylvanas Windrunner guarantees a positive outcome of Brawl. Either she remains, or you pinch the sole survivor. Consider trading the weakest minion off the board with Sylvanas first, so as to increase the odds of getting something worthwhile.

- The Battlecry of Ravaging Ghoul will bring any creature into range of Execute. Note that the damage applies to friendly minions too, giving you an extra draw offAcolyte of Pain if it's out on the board.

- Any of your damage pings can be used to bring an enemy minion into the range of Execute.

- The following cards boost up the strength of C'Thun: Beckoner of Evil, Disciple of C'Thun, C'Thun's Chosen and Doomcaller. Try to play that last card afterC'Thun's made his first appearance on the board.

- Twin Emperor Vek'lor and Ancient Shieldbearer both have a Battlecry that is only triggered if C'Thun has reached ten points of Attack power. Try to play early to mid-game cards out in such a way that you achieve these powerful bonus effects.


Source: http://hearthstone.metabomb.net/deck-guides/cthun-warrior-standard-deck-list-and-guide-hearthstone-og-05-08-2016