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Top 300 Legend - EU Control Warrior

  • Last updated Jul 23, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 14 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 15880
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/23/2016 (Old Gods)
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Hey Guys, This is my first posting of a deck on here, I've only reached legend 4 times ever but i really enjoyed this deck that I really wanted to share it.

So this season I almost exclusively played this deck which I was inspired by seeing Kolento's approach on a more classic warrior deck (the one with double revenge).

This deck is fundamentally the same with a few other tech choices, which at first I just added to experiment and ended up being really good additions.

So lets go over some of these cards starting with the most interesting and for me the most impactful card... Tinkmaster Overspark.

So the best part of this card is that is counters C'thun and potential doomcallers, the only exception I had was a warrior used emperor a turn before to shield slam his own c'thun.

Other decent targets this guy can hit are things like Savannah HighmaneRagnarosTirion Fordring, honorable mentions (4 mana 7/7) & (warriors 6 mana 9/9).

In a simple way this card is pretty much a poor mans Keeper of Uldaman even in its worse scenario makes a significant difference in removal management, which is one of the key factors in every game when playing a control warrior deck. It truly has been a saviour for me.

So why have I added BGH into the deck on top of this? Its true with all the removal options this card is not as impactful, but I found for me when Im up against the midrange decks excluding Hunter, this card lets me be abit more loose with my removals vs shamans, tempo + dragon warriors and recently druids.

Onto The Black Knight..This card imo is very efficient right now, and the only decks its irrelevant against I find are Mages, Rogues & Priests, the 3 classes Ive least faced all season, every other class has some sort of taunt mechanic.

So all these cards are pretty much to help vs a more midrange/control deck but not against any aggro/zoo style decks. The reason behind this is because I feel the tools dealing with the aggro/zoo and face decks I have are more than sufficient.

The card I've mainly sacrificed for these tech choices is the new 2/6 taunt which I feel is still a decent card, but just doesn't do enough.

I'll give a brief summary of the match ups and opponents Ive primarily faced.

The 3 warriors:

Dragon Warrior: A frustrating match up, but minions are pretty easy to remove if you have the axe, if you don't have a shield slam in hand sometimes you will want to armor up before hitting with a weapon to keep above the 15hp threshold.

OTK Worgen Warrior: Pretty simple match up, be lenient with your removal, your main goal is to get to 45-55 HP, just keep something for the emperor & executes for the worgens if they dont concede (but most likely they will)

C'thun Warrior: This match ups pretty interesting and depends on whether they run elise. they will usually have a much bigger life total if both players justicar around the same time, since you have tink & bgh to deal with c'thun/doomcaller, your shield slams are free to use on a 6/6 if your gorehowl didnt get sent to the museum. once they are out of those minions, monkey and you should be fine, not taking into account fatigue rate of course.

Zoolock: I always dread zoolock, all depends on getting your axe half the time, ghouls are key for forbidden ritual and 1/3 the time follow into them conceding, a well timed revenge & baron geddon are almost game winning. Oh and doomsayer is annoying for them.


Aggro variety: if you get the axe it makes life alot easier obviously, harrison is your go to card, removing minions & clearing the board are pretty much the same as you normally would vs your general zoo type deck.

Midrange Variety: A lot tougher. Games tend to go to the fatigue for me at least, which is annoying as some run 1 doomhammer, but if they draw it late into the game you'll be at a stage to just ignore it.


Midrange: Definitely the worst match up I had although I didnt face many but that may just being unfortunate, since 90% of them had at least 1 savannah & call of the wild on curve lol. Just don't be baited into using your brawl before call of the wild. at some point try to find a small window of 2-3 turns where you can play grom/rag to kill them, they will most likely not have the removal to deal with them.

Yogg & Load: Only faced a couple, too much rng involved to really predict what will happen, play passively id say but i dont know the optimal strategy.


Beast Druid: Pretty easy id say, they dont run as much card draw as your typical druid (I recall) so they will run out of steam pretty early compared to all other match ups.

Yogg/Token druid: with the ghouls + baron geddon as well as brawl, youre usually safe from board floods, you have the tech cards to deal with big taunts + onyxia, rest of the removals are free to use on the cenarius or other midrange cards, gorehowl is very strong if you make it to the late game, although be careful with your life total. (I found myself always dropping to about 10-15hp by the time he plays yogg).


Miracle: usually depends on whether they draw conceal, I didnt face many, but tinkmaster & ragnaros helped alot when they would conceal gadgetzan and/or vancleef. if you manage to remove a buffed or stealth minion before taking a hit, they will most likely not have enough damage to burst you in the future. Also try to bait them to use sap on a turn they really dont want to

Those are pretty much the decks I faced, hardly faced any mages and paladins. but ill write about them in the future if you would like.

Here is proof of me being legend http://imgur.com/a/rVFiw

If you would like further proof or of me playing the deck let me know ^^