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Wild Remedies

  • Last updated Apr 28, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 6020
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/28/2016 (Old Gods)
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Wild Remedies - the Wild variant of Natural Remedies.

For the standard variant, go to Unnatural Remedies.

Thanks to everyone who gave this deck a try, especially Kripp for bringing it into the spotlight and everyone who sent me feedback. I received so many messages from people telling me how much fun they were having with their games, and I'm still in awe that there's been 100k views on this page alone.

Basic Mulligan Advice

Against Aggro: You want Explosive Sheep, Doomsayers, Pyromancer, Wraths, Swipes, and Keeper of the Grove. Owl is also useful, and you may need Tree of Life by turn 9 against face hunters/etc. Use Brewmaster with Healbot where needed and don't feed them too many cards.

Against Control: Doomsayers, Grove Tenders, Coldlight Oracles and Naturalize to go for early card burn, though don't tip your hand too early. Wrath and Owl can be useful to keep depending on matchup. Save a Doomsayer if you expect Sylvana or Mirror Entity to show up.

BRM Update

Better late than never. Unfortunately Rogue got the nice Mill card(Gang Up), but I have substituted one Keeper and one Pyromancer for 2 Doomsayers. The Doomsayers have been working nicely as either a boardclear, damage sponge, or to make the opponent hold onto their cards before the big turn of card burn.

Meta is slowing down, so the deck seems to be performing nicely again. Just don't tell anyone. :)

Pre Tournament update

I've been running one explosive sheep for over a month now, just realised I never published the change. Another card to punish mirror entity/sylvanas as well as curb early aggression or provide another clear. With the single pyro in play I'm not missing the innervate.

Post Tournament Update

Two minor changes, 1 Mulch to replace one of the Starfires/FoN(depending on which version you were running). Brilliant against your opponents big guns when you're out of BGH or naturalizes. Minor chance to backfire depending on how good the original threat was. Better against Control, but even against Aggro can slow down their damage per turn. Can be used with mill components to burn an extra card or remove rng element altogether.

And we finally have a legendary. One Justicar, which I've been trialing for awhile, but finally added due to how well it works with Poison Seeds, as well as being able to hit your opponent's BGH, Knife Juggler, etc.

Mid-Explorer's Release

A few changes, most notably the Reno factor. I've kept five duplicates - there are bound to be a few games in which a double is sitting at the bottom of your deck, but thanks to Coldlight this is pretty rare, and you still have Tree of Life or Brann-Healbot.

Otherwise, Brann is strictly to improve the Coldlight factor, as he doesn't work with the Tender/Keeper.

An increase of cheap spells to improve the Pyromancer and help control the early game/aggro matchups, or for that extra 2 points of damage you find yourself needing later.


Post LOE

I've been finding that Brann slows down the deck too much. We often can't wait on our only draws or our only healbot to double their effect with 3 mana. So I've taken him out. Slightly less chance for super-mill, but if your opponent's sitting on 9 cards then you've probably got 8+ in your hand as well. And with only 3 targets in the whole deck, Brann just wasn't worth it.

A single Raven Idol has been decent for the chance to get a third naturalize, swipe or starfall, or an additional heal/etc. as demanded by the current game. I just beat an Anyfin Paladin by casting Raven Idol on Turn 4, Coldlight Brew on Turn 5, then Coldlight and 3xnaturalizing his entire Muster for Battle on turn 6, milling his Murk Eye and one Bluegill Warrior.

I originally took out Claw for Raven Idol, put Claw back when I removed Brann, then tried a bunch of other options before finally settling on Deathlord. Yes, there's a small chance it can backfire(and almost certainly avoid playing this against Priest), but on the bright side we either get a silenced 2/8 that helps clear, or a 3 mana 8 damage sponge, a +1 fatigue damage to our opponent each fatigue round, a 2/8 taunt at end game. Semi-worst case scenario they waste half a turn polymorphing, hexing or sapping it.

Obviously against classes with easy removal(Warrior especially) you don't play this unless you can survive an early Rag/Gromm and can clear whatever drops.

I've been considering returning the deck to non-Reno requirements, but as the deck is built on survival, healing and coldlights I've found that I usually draw the 5 duplicates before needing to Reno.

One Year Anniversary Update

One year later, and I'm still playing this deck. I've added a few minions in the sweet "4 mana 3/5 no taunt" category to help control the early game. Refreshment Vendor replaces Healing Touch, so remember to save something to combo with Pyromancer if need be. Elise lets us delay one fatigue tick of damage against other fatigue decks, and perhaps turn that BGH/Doomsayer we're still holding into extremely late game legendaries.

Shaman's the only deck I'd be concerned about playing Abomination against, but overall it should be a stronger play against most problem decks than Ooze. Just remember to save a silence for Tirion.

After a Little Testing

Too many Doomhammers, Tirions, Death's Bite and Rogues on the ladder. Ooze has been performing well again, and replaces Elise - which honestly I was only playing for the body and only playing the monkey in dire circumstances.


Exploding Sheep FINALLY works with Poison Seeds. So we now run two Exploding Sheep, replacing one Swipe. Duplicate Tally remains the same for Reno. Sheep performs a similar role against early aggro, but 2 damage across aggro boards is generally more useful. PS + Pyro + Swipe is now 1 card cheaper if we draw sheep instead. Sheep punishes Mirror Entity more. Only drawback is one less Pyromancer activator, and slightly slower early clears that are silence-prone.

Of course, we're losing both Sheep and Poison Seeds in standard, so enjoy it while it lasts.

I stand by my decision to replace 2nd Swipe with Sheep, but Almagnus1 made a good suggestion about replacing the 2nd Starfall with Starfire. This seems to be working okay(we've still got 5 2damage aoe in deck if you count Pyro), and improves our Reno chances.


This is why we can't have nice things. Cards that are strong enough to go in almost every deck(P.Shredder, Dr Boom, etc.) go nerf free until they phase out, but we finally get to utilize unused cards in a creative and (rules coherent) way and they 'fix' it within a few weeks. Druid may become a ghost town if they nerf the other combo and don't provide 'something' that's fun or worth playing.

Anyway, wanting to at least improve Reno chances I've swapped one Sheep for a Mystic. But pretty much just waiting for the new cards, new meta, and holding out hope that Druid gets something/anything decent in the next expansion to see if we make the Standard jump or not.

Old Gods Expansion

Nat, the Darkfisher and Eater of Secrets make their way into the deck, though it's still early days and lots could change once the Meta settles.



Thanks to everyone for your comments and critiques over the last year. Coming up with this innovative deck and getting so much feedback helped motivate me to pursue my other creative pursuits, like completing my first solo dev game.