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Power Word: Trump

  • Last updated Apr 22, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 980
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/22/2016 (Explorers)
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Power Word: Trump

 This is a deck that relies on larger-than-life minions to carry you through the game.  From the opponent’s perspective, they will laugh at first.  It will all just be some big joke.  “Haha, a Lightwarden” they will exclaim.  “What a noob” they will call you as they waste their Frost Bolt killing the 1/2.  Turn 4 a Tournament Medic comes down.  “I’ve seen that guy before, but he’s still a noob, I can out race the 2 health per turn” they will think as they send their team to your face for a paltry 10 damage. Turn 5 Divine Spirit, Divine Spirit, Inner Fire, 32 to the face.  

“How?” they will ask. “How did that Tournament Medic kill me?” “How did I lose to a Lightwarden?”
“How did the Deathlord become a 16/16 on turn 3?”  They will try to silence you, but with your tiny cocktail sausage like fingers, you will continue building your waaaaaallll of minions.

In all seriousness, sort of, this is a deck I have been experimenting with, to some great success.  I became tired of having to grind out 25 minute games with my Priest for a single win (or loss), so I began to build something a bit more aggressive.  A lot of these cards were my favorites when Hearthstone was released, but really fell to the wayside when Dragon Priest and Control Priest just became such easy options for us to fall back on.  They’re back.  So many of these cards have such great synergies, it’s sad really that the pro players, and other players much better than myself, stopped developing real viable strategies for them. 

This deck is by no means going to carry you to legendary, but I have definitely beaten all of the top tier decks with this at a 50% win rate, and much better rates against Tier 2.  You may throw this deck together and get crushed for 3 in a row; it can be streaky, and it is VERY tricky to play.  My suggestion would be to play a few games in play mode rather than ranked, and then once you get the hang of it, move over to ranked. 

You need to understand all the synergies to be successful, and you can’t get caught playing this deck as an aggro deck.  It is a combo deck, but not a combo deck like OTK Anyfin or OTK Freeze Mage or Savage Roar.  The strategy here is to bait out removal with your lesser threats, so that your combo minions can get in for 1-2 hits.  If the opponent isn’t running enough removal, they will pay for it, if they don’t draw the right removal, or it is conditional or damage based (i.e. frost bolt, fireball, shadow bolt, Excavated Evil) then they will pay for it.

Your ideal play is Lightwarden on 1, they frost bolt it. The Coin, then Deathlord on 2. Divine Spirit, Inner Fire on 3, in for 16.  If they don’t have removal it’s over. If they do have removal, you still have them to 14 at this point and probably still 3 cards in your hand on turn 4.  Turn 4 you play out another minion and repeat the process.  Some of your cards can be threats on their own like Holy Champion or Lightspawn.  But even a turn 4 Tournament Medic a lot of the time goes untouched because they just go face and try to race you.  That’s either going to keep you alive to get to another combo, or turn into another 8 damage the next turn. 

Here is a breakdown of the cards


Flash Heal

Flash Heal has so many different functions here.  It keeps you alive against aggro decks every now and then, but its main function is to keep your Deathlord alive, trigger your Holy Champions for 1 mana, or heal up for Tournament Medic for cheap to prepare for a Divine Spirit / Inner Fire Combo – referred to from here on in as the Divine Fire Combo.

Lightwarden x2

Lightwarden can be an early threat on rare occasion, but there are a lot of things that out muscle it at 2.  However; consider this interaction. Lightwarden on 1 gets frost bolted.  Turn 2 Northshire Cleric and another Lightwarden.  They play a minion.  Turn 3 Deathlord.  Now you have 2 minions that benefit from healing behind an 8 health waaaaaaaallll (heh, Trump).   If they kill your Northshire Cleric or Lightwarden with a spell, you still have the other one there, as well as the Deathlord ready for your combo.  I’ve even had the Deathlord silenced and the NSC or LW killed only to combo off for 16 damage the next turn with a now drawback free Deathlord. Lightwarden is not your win condition, but plays very well in front of your threats to come.  And remember if you have no turn 2 play (which this deck does admittedly lack without The Coin), a good interaction is to hit them for 1 with your Lightwarden and heal them up for a 3/2 Lightwarden on turn 3.

Inner Fire x2

This card is the soul of the Divine Fire combo, but doesn’t always need to be used in combination with Divine Spirit.  Don’t be afraid of making your Deathlord an 8/8 and crashing in.  It will be a waaaaallll, and even if it gets silenced on 4, it’s still a 2/8 ready and willing for the next combo, and a hell of an aggro killer even without taunt. I’ve even played this on turn 2 on my Northshire Cleric to kill an opposing Northshire Cleric, but I wouldn’t suggest doing that to trade with a Knife Juggler or kill a Voidwalker or anything similar to that.  It is an important resource.

Power Word: Shield x2

Should really always be a 2 of in almost any Priest deck, but shines especially here.  This brings your Lightspawn to a 7/7, increases the effect of your Inner Fire on any minion, or can simply be played on a Northshire Cleric, Holy Champion or Lightwarden to keep them alive for an extra turn.  This deck has so many minions where just surviving one turn means you win the game.  I find that a lot of times if you bring a minion out of lethal range on the board, they don’t bother hitting it and go face.  I don’t know how many times I have gone T1 Lightwarden into their T2 Juggler, and then PW:S on the Lightwarden, and then rather than hit the 1/4 Lightwarden, they go face with the Juggler.  Also, a 2/10 Deathlord is always better than a 2/8… obviously.

Light of the Naaru

Obviously a combo with Auchenai Soulpriest to give you a Lightwarden and kill something small, but I think the best use of this card is to heal your Deathlord up from 4 to 7 and then have a Lightwarden behind him.  That little guy always gets dangerous behind a waaaaall.  And we’re going to make them pay for it…. #werenotpayingforthatfingwall

Northshire Cleric x2

An obvious include in a deck that’s trying to do healy stuff.  But here you can use him as a distraction for a frost bolt (And when I saw frost bolt I really mean any of the 2 mana removal…. Wrath, Shadow Bolt, etc) and you’re still in good shape, especially if it helps a Holy Champion, Lightspawn or Lightwarden stick later in the game.  Remember Northshire Cleric is not your win condition, or even a really important part of your gameplay.  Don’t be afraid to use her more liberally in this deck.  But that’s not to say she can’t just win you the game outright.

Zombie Chow x2

Remember this is a combo deck, not an aggro deck.  You’re playing a long game here.  Chow does a lot of the heavy lifting some games.  He clears the way for Lightwarden, he takes an early Frost Bolt or Shadow Bolt, which they will be sorry about using when you plop a turn 2 Lightwarden.  He triggers your Lightwarden or Holy Champion when he procs and heals the opponent.  And sometimes you can even get an Auchenai Soulpriest down and crash him into something large for 5 damage to their face.  Also, I’ve thrown some pants on him before like Velen’s Chosen and just had him go to town.  If they silence them, he also loses the healing, and he’s probably already cleared something, so you got your money’s worth and still have a 2/3 on board. 

Divine Spirit x2

The other half of your combo here, but also just makes a 2/16 Deathlord on turn 4, or 3 with the coin.  A 2/8 Deathlord is already a lot to deal with for an aggro deck, but 2/16 can just be backbreaking.  Also, remember again to use those Inner Fire on your Tournament Medic and Deathlord, because Divine Spirit functions well on its own not only on the above mentioned Deathlord, but also with Lightspawn, making it a 10/10.

Shadow Word: Pain

Great for getting rid of small threats early.  Namely Northshire Cleric, Knife Juggler, Mana Wurm but especially great against freeze mage when they play a Freeze into Doomsayer.  Oops sorry, 16/16 still on board next turn. Hope you have a Polymorph (which they usually don’t).  I really like this card, and am really considering lifting it to a 2 of in place of something like Dark Cultist.

Velen’s Chosen x2

Such a great card for the Priest.  On a Lightspawn it’s a Blessing of Kings for 3, on a Deathlord you now have a huge waaaalll, and with The Coin makes a 4/12 on turn 3.  Turn 4 Divine Spirit / Inner Fire means a 24/24 on turn 4.  It really works well on any minion.  Always great on a turn 1 Northshire Cleric for a 3/7 on turn 2 (With The Coin) that’s going to keep drawing you cards.  It takes most things out of range of a lot of the direct damage removal, and always remember that if you use it on something like a Deathlord that is at 4 health, then a silence will still leave it healed at 2/8 and get rid of the drawback.  Of course that’s not ideal, but the 2/8 body is still set up for your combo.

Dark Cultist

I haven’t really sold myself on this guy yet, or had a ton of success with him, but he kind of fits into the Rope-a-dope theme of this deck.  For some reason opponents feel obligated to remove this guy immediately and he feels like he gives every other minion on your side of the board taunt because they are terrified to let this guy give something 3 health.  And they would be right to do so, because a 2/11 Deathlord is a bit harder to remove.  The extra health makes the Lightspawn an 8/8 and also sets any minion up for a better Divine Fire combo.

Earthen Ring Farseer

I love this little guy.  He started as a 2 of, but I didn’t like drawing 2 of this little guy.  Playing 3/3s for 3 is not what this deck wants to do (or any deck for that matter).  But we do want to heal.  He procs the heal on your Northshire Clerics, Lightwardens and Holy Champions, but also heals your Lightspawns and Deathlords back up to full health, preparing them for our combo pieces.  You’re going to be going face a lot of the time, and not even killing other minions with yours even though it’s good value.  Except with this guy, he’s expendable for a fair trade.

Refreshment Vendor

This is possibly the most fun card in the deck.  First off, the 3/5 body alone sets up our Divine Fire Combo for a 10/10 body, or even a 12/12 with a Power Word: Shield.  However, the best thing you can be doing with him is having a Holy Champion or Lightwarden on board.  He procs both of their abilities twice, while healing you up so you can live long enough to get that combo off.  He’s obviously great against aggro, but it’s that ability proc twice that you’re really looking for. 

Tournament Medic

They may as well add stealth to this card.  So many times I’ve seen aggro decks with 6 power on board just bypass this guy and go face, only for me to come back for 16 damage the next turn.  At his best, he wins games, but worst case scenario he is 8 health for 4 mana and some damage to their minions against aggro decks.  He will also proc your Lightwardens and Holy Champions twice when he heals.

Auchenai Soulpriest x2

Our deck wants to heal and go face with big minions, but it also sometimes sputters out when you go face for 24 damage only to have your 24/24 Polymorph the next turn. Auchenai Soulpriest gives you reach and helps you get there with Flash Heal, Light of the Naaru or just your run of the mill hero power heal.  But don’t forget about things like Refreshment Vendor hitting for 4, or Zombie Chow hitting for 5 or even Earthen Ring Farseeker for 3.  I have actually used Light of the Naaru on my own Zombie Chow to hit for 7 (2 minion +5 heal) instead of 3 and won the game that way.  You can get real creative with this guy even though you’re not fully loaded up with Circle of Healing and Flash Heal.  Remember this guy isn’t your win condition, he’s just a great tool for removing enemy minions and giving you a bit of reach once their Sludge Belcher comes down.  And be very careful of his him being a nonbo with all of your healing procs.  Also, see 10/10 with Divine Fire combo.

Lightspawn x2

This guy is so seldom used in Priest decks – I can’t even remember the last time I played with or against one.  He started as a 1 of in this deck, but quickly became a 2 of.  He’s great because you have a ton of potential healing, and he just becomes a lightning rod for their minions and spells.  He cuts your Divine Fire combo down into a 1 card combo, and a Power Word: Shield and Divine Spirit puts him at 14/14 for just him and what equates to one card at 3 mana. Velen’s Chosen also works especially well on him, as mentioned above, turning VC into a Blessing of Kings for 3 mana, plus the spellpower.

Holy Champion x2

Holy Champion is your secondary win condition behind everything that has the potential to get huuuuuuge with your Divine Fire combo.  A Lot of the time your Deathlord will become a 2/16 and you’ll be waiting for that Inner Fire.  Well, while you do that, plop a Holy Champion down and watch him grow.  He combos very well with Holy Nova if you have a few other minions down, quickly getting him up to 9+ power with a really decent sized butt.  He’s another great target for Velen’s Chosen, or even a Power Word: Shield makes him such a formidable minion.

Holy Nova

Finally Holy Nova as a one-of.  This card isn’t exceptional, but as a 1 of it has the ability to proc a board full of Lightwarden, Holy Champion or Northshire Cleric.  Anytime you hit that combo you’re going to draw a ton of cards or have some really threatening minions at the end of it, not to mention wipe a board full of their weenies. 


As you can see this is a deck with an extremely low curve.  It’s such a fun deck to play because there are so many two card combos that you’ll be hitting every turn, and it’s definitely not just Divine Spirit / Inner Fire.  Remember that every one of your cards can be a threat, from Lightwarden, to Deathlord, to Tournament Medic, to Lightspawn to Holy Champion.  Even Zombie Chow gets big, fast sometimes and starts wrecking face.  Zombie Chow on 1, The Coin and Velen’s Chosen on 3, hits for 4 on turn 2, and then Divine Spirit / Inner Fire on 3 hits for 14 more on turn 3.  They’ll be sitting at 12 on turn 3 thinking what the hell just happened, I thought this was a control priest.  Everyone “knows” you are a control priest.  Use that to your advantage.  Bait out removal with Northshire Cleric to set up your Lightwarden, or vice versa.  If you could play a card that said “1 mana, opponent discards frost bolt and locks their turn 2 mana”, you damn well would.

Everything is a threat.  At first it’s funny, and they will laugh.  Until it starts winning, and we all get scared and move to Canada.


“Power Word: Trump.  It’s gonna be fantastic.  It’s gonna be huuuuuuuuuge.”