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79.1% Rank 5 to Legend Crusader Control Warrior...

  • Last updated Oct 13, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 11040
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/13/2015 (TGT Launch)
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Rank 5 to Legend Crusader Warrior. 34 wins and 9 losses. Stats broken down below.


Druid 6-2 (75%) Mixture of combo and aggro.

Hunter 1-1 (50%) Both Mid-range.

Mage 4-2 (66.7%) All tempo mage.

Paladin 7-2 (77.8%) All secret Paladin.

Priest 3-0 (100%)  2 Dragon and 1 Control.

Rogue 4-0 (100%) 2 Oil and 2 aggro.

Shaman 1-0 (100%) Control.

Warlock 2-1 (66.7%) 1 Demon handlock and 2 Zoo.

Warrior 6-1 (85.7%) Mostly Patron and a couple fatigue warriors.

From rank 5 I had a 11 win streak before finally losing and then afterwards steadily made my way to legend.

The games I did lose were also very close, down to the wire. This deck is not too far different from a standard control warrior, but includes 2 grand crusaders. This card I believe is underrated and the amount of times it gave me a good card and increase my card count was more than I expected. I drew Tirion a few times in control match ups and in aggro I was able to get healing spells. Sometimes, you will get a worthless Light's Hammer, but even then you can use it to your advantage.

I replaced Sylvanus as one of the 6 drops to add in a crusader and never looked back. I tried many different versions of control warrior, deathlords, slams, no armoursmiths, no cruel, no acolyte, but I found the most success with this version. Having more low mana minions such as cruel, armoursmith and acolyte means you won't fall too far behind on board early on. This is the reason why 1 brawl is more than enough. There has been a lot of talk about the necessity for two, and at first I agreed, but I realized that if your early game is strong enough you don't need to rely on having a second brawl. 

The other discussion is with acolyte, the recent trend is cutting acolytes and sticking with slams and shield block's, and I did run this type of deck up to rank 5, but hit a dead end and struggled to get past. Putting the acolytes back in made me play a more proactive warrior and even slamming it down on turn 3 against aggro was more than enough to stabilize later.

If you love control warrior and want to try some new cards like crusader then have a shot. This was my first time to legend and I hope it can help some of you also!