Janos - Season 14 Rank 5-legend BEST Tempo Mage
- Last updated Jun 3, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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- 15 Minions
- 15 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 5580
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/20/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
- JanosHS
- Registered User
- 5
- 18
- 30
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
SELLOUT: If you would like to ask any questions that haven't been answered in the guide already check out my stream at www.twitch.tv/NRJanos and please leave a follow ;)
Hey my IGN is Janos, and i play for my own team - Nordic Rangers. You probably don't know me, but i have been legend 11x times. I like to build a lot of funny decks like Fatigue Warlock and weird stuff like that, but this time you guys will just see a normal deck, but still my own version. I got Legend with this deck. My winrate 26-4 from rank 5-legend. This is my first guide, but i think i will make more in the future, if this will be a succes.
General Mulligan: Mana Wyrm & Sorcerer's Apprentice is the 2 "Key mulligan" cards. Mad Scientist is always good too. This is all the cards you can keep if you have 1 of the Key mulligan cards: Arcane Missiles, Mirror Image, Unstable Portal, Frostbolt, Flamecannon. If you have 1 of the Key mulligan cards and 1 of the spells, then can you keep Flamewaker. REMEMBER THIS IS JUST THE GENERAL MULLIGAN GUIDE!
Key Cards
- Mana Wyrm
- Sorcerer's Apprentice
Keep everytime
- Mad Scientist
Keep if you start with a key card
- Arcane Missiles
- Mirror Image
- Unstable Portal
- Frostbolt
Keep if you have 1 key card and 1 key spell
- Flamewaker
Key Cards
- Mana Wyrm
- Sorcerer's Apprentice
Keep everytime
- Mad Scientist
Keep if you start with a key card
- Arcane Missiles
- Mirror Image
- Unstable Portal
- Frostbolt
Keep if you have 1 key card and 1 key spell
- Flamewaker
Key Cards
- Mana Wyrm
- Sorcerer's Apprentice
Keep everytime
- Mad Scientist
Keep if you start with a key card
- Arcane Missiles
- Mirror Image
- Unstable Portal
- Frostbolt
Keep if you have 1 key card and 1 key spell
- Flamewaker
Key Cards
- Mana Wyrm
- Sorcerer's Apprentice
Keep everytime
- Mad Scientist
Keep if you start with a key card
- Arcane Missiles
- Mirror Image
- Unstable Portal
- Frostbolt
Keep if you have 1 key card and 1 key spell
- Flamewaker
Key Cards
- Mana Wyrm
- Sorcerer's Apprentice
Keep everytime
- Mad Scientist
Keep if you start with a key card
- Flamecannon
- Mirror Image
- Unstable Portal
- Frostbolt
Keep if you have 1 key card and 1 key spell
- Flamewaker
Key Cards
- Mana Wyrm
- Sorcerer's Apprentice
Keep everytime
- Mad Scientist
Keep if you start with a key card
- Flamecannon
- Mirror Image
- Unstable Portal
- Frostbolt
Keep if you have 1 key card and 1 key spell
- Flamewaker
Key Cards
- Mana Wyrm
- Sorcerer's Apprentice
Keep everytime
- Mad Scientist
Keep if you start with a key card
- Flamecannon
- Mirror Image
- Unstable Portal
- Frostbolt
Keep if you have 1 key card and 1 key spell
- Flamewaker
Key Cards
- Mana Wyrm
- Sorcerer's Apprentice
Keep everytime
- Mad Scientist
Keep if you start with a key card
- Flamecannon
- Mirror Image
- Unstable Portal
- Frostbolt
Keep if you have 1 key card and 1 key spell
- Flamewaker
Key Cards
- Mana Wyrm
- Sorcerer's Apprentice
Keep everytime
- Mad Scientist
Keep if you start with a key card
- Arcane Missiles
- Flamecannon
- Mirror Image
- Unstable Portal
- Frostbolt
Keep if you have 1 key card and 1 key spell
- Flamewaker
Against aggro: You have to trade and get board control, because you have so much tempo with your spells than normal aggro, so you will beat them if you get the board. You don't have to keep your fireballs for burn, you have to use them for get board control some times.
Against control: You have to let them trade and just go face most of the time. If there is a good trade you take it, but most of the time you go face. Keep your fireballs for burn your enemys face in late game, because against control matchups, they take the board control in turn 7-9.
Against midrange: You have to make a mix of "against aggro" and "against control". Midrange is the hardest matchups, because you have to decide going face or trade. Make some good trades. If you have a 3/3 Mana wyrm and your enemy have a 4/3 kezan, then just go face, because your enemy will probably trade anyway.
I have tried so many different cards in this deck! Like all cards in the game and if you ask me, this is the best way you can make a tempo mage deck. So don't sub anything for flamestrike or antonidas etc. This is the best list imo. But here is the cards you can replace, if you don't have these legendaries:
- Dr. Boom can be replaced by Pyroblast but will never be the same as Dr. GG!
- Ragnaros the Firelord can be replaced by Pyroblast but will never be the same as Ragnaros. If you don't have Rag & Dr. boom then i wouldn't play this deck tbh
- Sylvanas Windrunner can be replaced by Piloted Sky Golem because the point of Sylvanas is when you lose the minion, you will get a new one. Sylvanas is just better, because it's steal a minion from the enemy.
- 1x Water Elemental can be replaced by 1x Kezan Mystic
If you face a lot of Hunters or Mages, then this change is better.
Coming soon! I can't be done with the video in this week, because i need to read for my examens! :)
I only need make the video now, but i will do tomorrow! I hope you all understood my guide and if you liked it and my deck, please give me a +1, will help me a lot! Thank you all! :D
DECK EDIT: I tested some games with Water Elemental and found out, that he is actually stronger than Piloted Shredder.
THANK YOU ALL: I will TY all for the follows on my stream and the upvotes on my guide! It help me so much, i will start making more guides/decklists for you guys! :D
LEGEND: Right now i know 40 persons reached legend with this deck, maybe many more!
I don't find this deck very strong. I've played versions of this off-and-on because when it works its fun to watch the Flamewaker or Rags go Pow Pow. And dailies need doing. Unfortunately there is not a strong backup plan if you don't get your initial strong cards. The Unstable Portal can some times do the trick but not often just occasionally. What I'm seeing is that Mad Scientist is not pulling secrets like he should, in part, because thre are only 2 secrets. If the opponent gets the board and my Flamewakers are dead or playing shy it's over. It's a decent deck but I always expect it to do better...something missing? I'm going to tinker with this to see if I get better results.
Don't have Sylvanas, Boom, or Ragnaros. Any replacements?
Replace [card]Ragnaros the Firelord[/card] for Nexus-Champion Saraad, worked so good for me!
Thank you very much for the deck, it works wonders for me. I climbed all the way up fro rank 15 to rank 6, but than i started playing other decks and fell back to rank 8 ! This is the only tempo deck right now that can work at low ranks, the other ones are too slow for the meta. The deck provides great control of the board, early with flamewaker/mana wyrm + all the cheap spells ( I undervalued mirror image, but the spell is actually great versus faceHuntard and all the cancerpally !) later with sylvanas and boom , and great burst for the later turns. If i get to legend I'll send you a pic, thank you again for the awesome deck, and may the power of rng be with you boy.
why Mad Scientist while only two secrets in the deck?
Ideally, ur supposed to play the secrets for free with your scientists, not from your hand.
I tried this deck today, I won 1 game and lost 4. Maybe I'm just so bad but I struggled a lot against heavy aggro decks and Blizzard or Flamestrike) might have helped in many situations. What should I throw awat to put in one of those aoe removals?
Shortly after writing my comment, I realised that there's a new, popular deck "KRUPS Legend Tempo Mage" which is pretty much exactly this deck but with Flamestrike instead of 1x Azure Drake. I'm gonna try it one day, too busy playing my older decks, which still work pretty well ;p
Thanks for the suggestion tho :D
Oh, awesome. I had just pulled a Mad Scientist for a Flamestrike. Might try this instead.
I don't have Ragnaros so I replaced him with Malygos. I also have alextrasza and ysera but Mal seamed a better fit, what do you think?
Edit: scratch that, I broke down and made ragnaros, love this deck to much and malygos only helps me scare them into destroying him with everything they got. Didn't get to use him once.
Love this deck.
I have tried a few decks this season and tempo mage has given me the most success, and this list especially. For those that are having problems, I would just say to follow the mulligan guide (simple and excellent) and play the odds for hitting with flamewakers. And if you occasionally roll emperor, boom, or other nice legendaries from unstable portal, that'll always help too.
Currently rank 3, hoping to make the final push to legend.
Thanks a lot for this furious deck, my Medivh is in love with that huge spell power! ^_^ It starts with unstopable threat and ends only with opponents health!
Even though i don't have Rag in my collection, deck plays very solid! I changed 1 [card]Mad Scientist[/card] for [card]Loatheb[/card], cause i had a secret in my starting hand too often. And i use [card]Flamestrike[/card] instead of [card]Ragnaros the Firelord[/card]. Very helpfull against patrons and some midrange decks.
When i get rag at last my deck will look like this:
I made a lil different deck already, crafted [card]Echo of Medivh[/card] instead of scientist, so i can duplicate him if secrets dont come in hand. You can see what i got afterall in the 1st post spoiler :)
Most tempo mage decks built around activating Flamewaker for crazy efficient board control require Flamewaker to be in the deck. Without Flamewaker, the deck would just be a deck with a bunch of low-impact spells.
I don't get it. I'm in rank 5, need to stars to pass but I always win one and loose one. Got a 10-10.What i'm doing wrong?
Not playing properly
Amazing deck. 3-0 so far.
Update: 6-0
Update: 11-0