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Grim Patron Warrior

  • Last updated Mar 8, 2015 (Undertaker Nerf)
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  • 14 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Theorycraft
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 4280
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/8/2015 (Undertaker Nerf)
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This deck was based around the newly revealed card Grim Patron. This new card looks extremely fun and its built-in mechanic definitely as synergy with Warrior more so than it does anything else since Warrior can damage its own creatures easily.

Win Condition (COMBO)

Against aggro decks you can probably just go to Value Town for the win, but against control decks this looks a lot less likely to succeed. This is where a few outlier cards come from, mainly Warsong Commander and Inner Rage. You have a lot of AoE damage potential and Grim Patron can gain charge from Warsong Commander. There are a few combos, the most basic of which is simply the Commander followed by a Patron followed by Inner Rage on the Patron followed by two Whirlwinds. This 10 mana combo only deals 18 damage (the Grim Patron that got Inner Raged would die but get replaced, hence 18 and not 20 damage). However, if you have the opportunity, you can deal a lot more damage.

My favorite way to potentially pull off this combo would be as such:

Condition: Have a Death's Bite with only 1 durability left.

1. Play Warsong Commander.

2. Play Grim Patron (it gains Charge).

3. Play either Inner Rage or Cruel Taskmaster on Grim Patron. Grim Patron triggers and puts another Charge Grim Patron onto the field.

4. Play whichever of the two cards you didn't play on the new Grim Patron for another trigger. You now have 3 Grim Patrons.

5. Suicide the Cruel Taskmaster into an enemy minion to make room for a Grim Patron, which will have 1 more power than Cruel Taskmaster.

6. Attack to the face for 4 with Death's Bite, triggering its Deathrattle and dealing 1 damage to everything, most notably your 3 Grim Patrons. You will now have 6 Grim Patrons.

7. Attack with all of the Grim Patrons. Four of them have 3 power = 12 damage. Two of them have 5 power = 10 damage.

Total damage = 26

You could deal an extra 2 damage if you have a second Inner Rage but that would probably hurt the deck's consistency. If you really want to get your combos off then feel free to include it.


Like most Warrior decks the early game is more control oriented. This is actually fairly easy to do since the deck is cheap and has plenty of ways of dealing damage anyway. Although they aren't theme oriented, Fiery War Axe will help a lot, especially where Mechwarper is concerned.

Don't be afraid to play Bouncing Blade if you need to get rid of a threat. If your opponent has a single card on the field you need to kill and you have nothing, this card is pretty much Deadly Shot. The more minions your opponent has on the field the more damage this card is likely to do, setting up for your other AoE damage. Don't be too afraid to use it if you have a minion, too, like Acolyte of Pain or Armorsmith. It also happens to be an absolute BEAST with Grim Patron even if it's the only minion on the field (or rather, especially if it's the only card on the field) as it could easily fill up your board to a full 7 creatures. To kill Grim Patron it would have to hit it 3 times and each time you get another Grim Patron, making it more likely to get even more Grim Patrons since it will become less likely that your lower health Grim Patrons will die and end the Bouncing Blade. This play shouldn't be done against a control deck with strong AoE clear.


A few of the cards I put on the list are a bit sketchy and are very obviously untested. Explosive Sheep, Wild Pyromancer, and Battle Rage are all cards that theoretically have synergy for the deck but don't serve any specific purpose other than control and effect triggers, which you might already have too much of. If you want to keep any of the three I would expect Explosive Sheep to be the best since it combos with Whirlwind for 3 AoE damage, enough to kill Mechwarpers. Feel free to substitute them or anything on the list. I think what you would probably want to include are better win conditions. Some cards to note are Dr. Boom, Ragnaros the Firelord, Alexstrasza, and Gorehowl.

Have fun, fellow Grim Patrons!