Freeze Mage
- Last updated Apr 20, 2024 (Whizbang Paladin Changes)
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- 24 Minions
- 8 Spells
- Deck Type: Theorycraft
- Deck Archetype: Freeze Mage
- Crafting Cost: 5760
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 1/29/2024 (Druid, Rogue & Paladin Balance Changes)
- coykins
- Registered User
- 6
- 26
- 77
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Total Deck Rating
My testing revealed that the deck is fun. Wins vs. certain aggro decks pretty consistently as well. Even sham is slightly favored and pirate rogue is very favored because we can freeze face. Shadow priest is winnable but also that deck just kills you from hand from 15 health and doesn't even need to get that much board presence anyways. Anything that's not board based is abysmal but the archetype isn't that far off. Soul freeze combos soooo well with glacier racer and floecaster it boosts the archetype in a huge way from basically unplayable junk to a deck that can pick up wins vs. bots. It has a lot going for it: board control via glacier racer, varden, and our myriads of freeze effects, and ways to cheat out onto the board ala secret mage or even shaman with a free 5/5. That being said, it still lacks a couple important things: card draw and a finisher. As far as card draw goes we have the excavate engine and a slightly increased synergy with gold panner thanks since it's hard for them to trade into it when their board is frozen. Excavate engine is nice because cryopreservation freezes and is a frost spell and other than that it just serves to give us some card advantage and make up for the lack of it in our deck otherwise. And as for finishers yeah we have none. Most of the games I win are because I clear/freeze their board and play floecasters and then just make trades and freezes as needed while slowly whacking them in the face. I think some frost spell based combo disruption would be sweet. Something like 8/8/8 Battlecry: for each frost spell you've cast this game, freeze the next card your opponent plays (frozen spells take one turn to cast). So it's huge disruption but doesn't just instantly win the game and we have to play a lot of cards to support it. Idk it could also be a cost increase type thing taking the flavor from plagues of frost. Alternatively it could just cast ice lance at the opponent's face for each frost spell. Idk sometimes archetype toppers like this are bearon Glashear or dragoncaller alanna which just make one board if you're in that archetype and sometimes they're odyn that is just a one card wincon for doing the thing your class wants to be doing.
Also playing this makes me wish they had made cold storage a mage/shaman dual class (or just a mage card). We could double up on floecasters, grab another azerite hawk/titan, get another glacier racer/varden for board clearing, get another excavater. Very sad
Edit: took out ray of frost for frost lance. Ray of frost is just too cost ineffective so I never wanted to actually play it and ice lance actually gives us some reach as well as another face freeze which makes a handful of matchups even better.
Edit2: Took out astalor for zilliax since it's better anti-aggro and we don't have great synergies with astalor besides that it's just a good card. Also added in dirty rat for frost nova at some point because it gives us a little bit of disruption vs. combo decks and helps us to get things on board to freeze.
Thank you so much for the deck! I needed something like this for a recent quest to freeze N minions. And lol, being a noob, I didn't have half of the cards, so I threw some random ones in instead. And somehow it's been working out, I keep winning, and neither me nor my opponent understand what's going on.
The deck I ended up with for now:
I hope to save up some dust and make a proper version of your deck later :3
Glad you like it! I've changed the deck quite a bit recently too, tbh, so I'll probably end up posting the new version soon. Keep an eye out for that. Your swaps are definitely good though, and I've even been playing Marin the manager in the deck prior to his unfortunate nerf. Possibly still fine after the nerf, but I haven't had a lot of time to work with the deck. Either way, thanks for the nice words, and be careful not to craft anything TOO SOON before you see the updated version of the deck go up on my profile.