The New Meta Breaker: Freeze Shaman / ***hole s...
- Last updated Mar 7, 2023 (March of the Lich King)
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- 19 Minions
- 8 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Freeze Shaman
- Crafting Cost: 13440
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 2/25/2023 (March of the Lich King)
- Shamaniac
- Registered User
- 2
- 12
- 29
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Don't you just love the feeling when you have 8+ copies of Astalor Bloodsworn against Renathal DK? -->
Or the feeling when you make a Murloc Shaman looking completely hopeles against your 9x copies of Snowfall Guardian -->
And what about having multiple copies of Blademaster Okani blocking whatever combo your opponent might try to pull off -->
Well this deck has it ALL and may I say, UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES! I almost can hear my opponents yelling "You asshole!" whenever I do my "big move".
I invented this deck on 22.2. ranking myself platinium 1 and just before starting to write this topic finished to the Legend. Here are all of the statistics from those games:
This deck will break the meta AND many other decks are forced to add new cards to their lists to better counter this new threat. Before that hapens, now is the time to be curious and try this out with guaranteed results!
Ty for the support so far! Here are the card explanations and info about mulligans (which are highlighted) that I promised:
Cold Storage: Cheap bouncer tool for many different combinations such as pervious turn Astalor, the Flamebringer --> next turn Brann Bronzebeard --> Brilliant Macaw --> Cold Storage --> Brilliant Macaw for 56dmg "OTK" combo. Or when delaying enemy with Snowfall gurdian's battle cries, try to remember to freeze the copy from a minion that is already frozen that you won't lose attack power from the next turn. Also with this card you can also delay AND steal your opponen't minions. So if they have a powerfull battlecry, such as Alexandros Mograine on the field, you can both delay 7 dmg by freezing it AND copy/duplicate the battlecry with Brilliant Macaw's and Brann Bronzebeard for an additional win condition. This card is not for opening hand.
Schooling: Great removal! The first turn just pop the card and whenever opponent performs a board with 6 total health poins, by just 3 mana you'll get rid of it. I personally try to bait the maxium output for the card by not using the Piranha Swarmer's separately. Combo this card with Sir Finley, Sea Guide to "draw" 2 additional cards by the cost of 1 extra mana. Keep this card always in opening hand.
Sir Finley, Sea Guide: Because this deck does not have too much card draw this card is a must! If you really need to find Astalor Bloodsworn for your match against control DK, try to mulligan cards to the bottom of your deck with Sir Finley to draw same amount. Now if you DIDN'T FIND Astalor, you'll be knowing that he's somewhere between the top card and the number of the bottom cards that you just put there. So actually you just mage your deck smaller and more consistent. This is also really good backup card to have on ladder because you're not sure if example DK you're facing is playing aggro or not. So if you have chosen hand agains aggro, but they're playing as control, then you can with just 1 mana switch your hand into better one. Take this to oh if you're not sure what opponent is playing, otherwise just better to try getting you're opening hand as consistent as possible for whatever you KNOW you're facing.
Windchill: Delay 4+ dmg to your face and/or to you minions AND draw a card just with 1 mana! I personally like that maxium output, I rarely freeze anything below 4 attack power, unless I really try to find something from the deck. Would not keep in my opening hand unless against Evolve Shaman or Imp Warlock, because of their potential to perform high single card dmg output fast in the early gamestate.
Astalor Bloodsworn: The king of the battlecryes! Against aggro keep things simple; they can't heal themself so just 1 Astalor, the Flamebringer + Brann Bronzebeard and Brilliant Macaw should finnish them off (if even needed). Against control try to make copies of Astalor by bouncing it around with Youthful Brewmaster and Zola the Gorgon. Use multiple Astalor, the Flamebringer's to control the boardstate. When you get their lifepoints/boardstate in range of OTK, push the final nail to the coffin with Brann Bronzebeard --> Brilliant Macaw --> Cold Storage combo. Keep this always in your opening hand.
Auctionhouse Gavel: Good for controlling early boardstate AND helping with combo outputs in the lategame. Try to hit the battlecry discount to minions you'd actually find usefull in current gamestate by playing "useless" minions out of your hand before attacking to improve the odds. Keep this always in your opening hand.
Sleetbreaker: Enables both aggressive early game push potential AND some additional draw/delay power. With 2 mana it's sometimes cheap enough to bounce around with youthfull brewmaster, Zola the Gorgon and Cold Storage in attempt to either delay enemy more and/or just for trying to find specific cards from the deck. Keep this always in your opening hand.
Youthful Brewmaster: Good nothing to lose bouncer! If bossible, always try to bounce something that's alreay gotten dmg wich often is the case with Snowfall gurdian's. Somethimes you'll find rly usefull spells from School TeacherCard Name's Nagaling such as Feral Spirit or Lightning Storm that you can keep re-using durin the game. This card also has a "infinite" combo with Zola the Gorgon for presenting "some" board pressure if there no better things to do. This card is not for opening hand.
Brann Bronzebeard: Imporatant combo piece as I have mentioned earlier. Somethimes you can just try to find an out for difficult situations with School Teacher. Can be also used for healing/armor gain with Snowblind Harpy and Sunfury Clergy when needed. With Blademaster Okani you'll always get to choose both counters. This card is not for opening hand.
Brilliant Macaw: Good and cheap combo enabler. When jugling Snowfall gurdian's try stabilize the boardstate and your lifepoints the turn you'll drop this 3 mana copy of its battlecry, because then you'll have 7 extra mana to actually do things with instead of 4-. With 1 hit of Auctionhouse Gavel you can play this the same turn together with Astalor, the Flamebringer for making the turn more worthwhile. Good card for finishers and to bounce back to your hand in long lasting games. This card is not for opening hand.
Snowblind Harpy: Good statline for more aggressive early game with armor gain that can be used either as a heal OR by a way evaiding opponen't OTK combos. For the latter combine it with Bolner Hammerbeak and/or Brann Bronzebeard for massive armor gain to get past 30 healthpoints. Being the only 3 mana drop (that can actually be dropped in any game state), this is really important part of the decks consistence when climbing from 1 mana to 10. Always keep in opening hand.
Sunfury Clergy: Good way to retain your board presence by healing your damaged minions such often comes from Command of Neptulon or when delaying opponents minions with Snowfall gurdian's or just for basic healing against aggro and combo. Atm with 1 copy because added Bolner Hammerbeak. I often found this card being little too situational. Statline is not good enough that you'd want to drop it for board pressure or in a curve. Still considerin if 2 copies would make the cut, because meta has a lot of aggro in it. This card is not for opening hand.
Zola the Gorgon: Good bouncer in a way that does not harm your own board state. You can bounce your Snowfall Guardian's without losing the 5/5 statline in the proces. If bossible and you have the mana for it, try to bounce this back to hand to re-use this cards more advantageous bounce effect multible times. This card is not for opening hand.
Blademaster Okani: A way to make your opponents life even more difficult! Has its prime when dropped on curve slowing down opponents development and further allowing you to push stronger board precence. Because high health value its often left ignored which you can punish by re-using its body with Youthful Brewmaster for example. Remember that when used with Brilliant Macaw the counter is chosen randomly. You can keep this in opening hand if you can see a clear mana curve already between your cards.
School Teacher: Good way to look solutions for any situation. Shaman has a ton of good low cost spells, and because they're now consiered as "battlecryes" you can now bounce them around for multiple re-uses durin game. If you discover a Cold Storage it's almost always a keeper because you can just use it into School Teacher and start all over again (if not better targets). Also pretty important 4 mana drop on curve when trying to either push for damage or strong board precence. Keep this in oh if going with the coin OR if you can already see a clear mana curve between your cards.
Command of Neptulon: I had 2 year break from Hearthstone and when I saw this card... I felt pity towards Kazakus, Golem Shaper. Yeah! Really strong board control/push -tool. I personally always go for maxium value by traiding most efficient way possible, even when I know that opponent has some kind of spell or hero power to get rid of the remaining of the 5/4:s. It will still costs something to deal with them and therefore slows them down. When using Snowfall Guardian's try to squeeze one of these to the field durin turns when using Brilliant Macaw as the the freeze effect to gain more dmg to push your opponents face. This is not for opening hand, unless you have a really good vision of your mana curve.
Snowfall Guardian: VS minion based aggro and you'll life till turns 6-7 = you win. Many metaa decks such as Evolve Shaman, Imp Warlock and Freeze DK don't have any way dealing with enemys board except by using their own minions. By freezing their minions by bouncing this cards battlecry around you completely block you opponent accessing to the game. Important is to know when to start the freezing marathon, how far ahead will your bouncing resouces get you, how much dmg can you keep on the board AND if you're not having enough board space for future turns, make some by crushing your minions against opponents without giving them more room themselfes. Try to look and find my recordings against aggro from below to further help you learn how to successfully freeze the board multiple times. If you know you're playing against aggro, this is a good pick for oh. If against control, just mulligan.
Bru'kan of the Elements: Integrates for any situation and helps finishing games. With 5 armor as a hero bonus + 6 healing + 2 2/3 taunts, it's an easy drop against aggro. In longer games try to get the more usefull heropowers used as often and with as much value as possible to gain card advantage against your opponent. When bouncing the freeze marathon with Snowfall gurdian there's not always a ton mana left to use after the re-freeze, so then the hero power comes even more important. If have 10 mana when you drop this and your opponent has 12 health, you'll have 1 in 3 opportunity to deal it all IF you remember to use the first choise to the 6 damage AND the second for anything else. After that the heropower reactivates as something other than the previous one, which can be the deal 6 dmg once more. You can keep this in your opening hand if you know you're against slow tempo opponent.
Bolner Hammerbeak: Ty for comment below we just chose to include this to the deck! I don't yet know all of the the interactions between this and other cards, but I will play more and let you guys know! What I do know there are some nice comeback/value between this and School Teacher in a 10 mana combo when every single Nagaling gives you another one with a random (still positive) effect 3 extra times. Whatever combo you're making with this, it's important to have couple cheaper battlecry minions available for it such as Nagaling's and Sleetbreaker. This card is not for opening hand.
Alternative build:
Sample size from games is smaller, but I have tried many other ways to improve the deck and this is the best so far.
I took out Schooling because even when it is probably the best all-around removal out there, it's still kinda doing different thing than what the decks end goal is. Blademaster Okani is gone by same reason, even though it can win you games on its own (but only 0,01% of the time). Command of Neptulon is great mostly on turn 5, but after that the quality starts to go down. Also it has been little too epensive in situations when you truly would like to use it.
2x Coroner: Can be used as a turn 2 drop for defensive plays, but it really shines when you are freezing your opponents board with annyoing taunt minions. Now you can push through the taunt WITHOUT giving your opponent extra board space OR you losing minions that woul have otherwise crashed themselfs to the minion when trying to remove it. Also can be used as an emergency board silence/freeze when comboed with Bolner Hammerbeak.
2x Snowball Fight!: Alternative way to freeze whole board, but works also as an removal at any gamestate. Against aggro helps you to get to those turns 6-7 that rly are starting to matter. Main word is the price! It gives the deck flexibility it deserves.
1x Sunfury Clergy: There's just so much reason to be healing in current meta. Also I have started to drop it to the board on turn 3 against aggro, and you know what? It's not half bad! Having 4 health is really annyoing to deal with and if you managed to get even that 3 health back to your hero that time, it's all worth it!
Here is some recordings to help see how much difference these changes make: ---Imp Warlock ---Pure Paladin ---Frost DK ---Secret Mage ---Big Spell Rogue ---Aggro Druid
Here are all (most) amazing recondings made from the original build. Some of them might have few different cards in them. Also, when I started (top) I wasn't as good as when I finished (bottom). -- Evolve Shaman -- Quest Priest -- Frost Dk -- Big Spell Rogue -- "green" aggro Dk (must watch) -- Big Spell Mage -- Pure Imp Lock -- Evolve shaman (must watch) -- Pure Imp Warlock -- Reno DK -- Control DK -- Frost Mage -- Shadow Priest -- Evolve shaman -- Renathal Druid (must watch) -- Quest Priest
This is the last game before I became Legend:
Here is my take on the deck
Thank you so much! It was super fun and interesting playing it! So sad it leaves standart!
Just found this and love the concept. Been playing at Diamond 8 and takes a lot of thinking which I love, but def need more practice. Current meta for me is Pure Pally and Imp locks. Almost want to sub in a lightning storm or spammy or something. Appreciate the guide, gonna rock it all weekend
Hi! I also had a desire to put more control tools into the deck in the past. Spammy Arcanist and Insatiable Devourer have both a "home" in the deck because you can copy the effects with Brilliant Macaw. Sadly this direction was going towards a control deck and lost too much momentum for me to think it was worth it. If you can somehow make it work, hit me up! I would be interested :)
Meanwhile I just made a small update on the post; alternative build for the deck that is working even better (atleast for me).
- Shamaniac#2998
I dig the new build, thanks for sharing! Im trying it out with cheaty snowbolds over the snowball fight to see if thats worth it. Probably not but still super fun. Lots of decisions to make
I don't know, maybe I'm not good enough for this deck, but for me it's very hard to win game with it. Blood DK stole my Bolner and Brann, destroyed Astalor (game over), Rogue made so much pressure and made faster Astalor than me (game over). Shadow Priest overwhelm the board, and I still couldnt get the key combo cards. So I defended, freezed, but still sooner or later he got me.... It's very hard and tricky to control this deck. And to get the combo, having some of key card that are in need for the combo it's just pretty slow, before you get ready.
I need to add an annotation. So I was still trying the deck, and results with every game were better and better. I was able to take down Blood DK with few Astalor's battlecry in one turn. And it was the only time I managed to make the combo. Other games I just bored my enemies by constant freezing turn after turn. Now there is one game I need to present you. It's Quest Hunter. The way I finished the game is just bonkers.
Look at about middle 9th minute it this game:
I knew I can't play with Astalor, so I took risk by freezing and copying Tavish, and playing it. I didn't know he will repeat the same hero power, but it actually did. Awesome game.
Beautiful game! :)
This deck is NO joke. it's literally just free wins through low elo
Very hard but fun deck, thank you.
Fin and astalor in the bottom of the deck match... still won xD
Felt i had to share this.
Tried the new variant, perhaps not the best meta for it, teachers sadly rarely hits any value, curious if not wildpaw cavern would be better. coroner might be good vs paladins when you freeze, but other classes, the manathirst is way too late.
I don't know...
Tbh, I'm not a good played(around diamond 3-2), but this is 3rd day of season start, bronze 10.
All shamans - evolve, DK - frost, paladin - bloody, druids - quest Astalor OTK, warlocks - hourseman deathrattle, priest - undead ressurect.
Just 0 chance to win in all games.
0 times i can make more that 2 Astalor im my hand(this happens 2 times out of 10 games).
Looks like opponents doesnt matter i freeze their big threats or even full boards. "You freeze my taddis? Ok, i will kill it by myself and ressurect 2 times with reincarnation. You freeze my 12/12 deathwing? Ok, i will evolve them to taddius. You freeze whole my board? Ok, i will hit you to face with my spells. You make 2 astalors? I'll copy it and kill you with them on my side". Something like that.
Met first deck that has teched against this ( i think). Astalor druid who had that silence all minions 2/3. I had good freezings going on his massive board but that one minion removed frozen and he otk me :D
Could really use some help here!
Made this deck and ive noticed that nailing down a win condition can be tricky, aggro can stomp even with freeze and heals and against decks like big druid they often have Astalor themselves but 20 mana and like 60 armor. I get the freeze stick and I think I'm getting better with the deck, but how do you stay alive while maintaining your win condition effectively? often I have to bounce minions that don't help in the endgame and lose the value.
Any advice would help! I really love this deck I just think I could use assistance in playing it.
Druid is one of the worse matchups for the deck in any case (43% wr for me). The wins I get against it are usually to do with going for the face with good manacurve and pretending to play aggro. Somethimes seen druid make the mistake to get their board full with example tobio the shrubbagazzer's effect. By freezig it and maintaining a strong field enough to deal with the armor, it's possible:
If you're talking about the "freezing marathon", I think the best way to learn is to watch my recondings and just play. The biggest and hardest trick to explain is to know how to keep the mana, field space, atk values and the enemys HP in check at the same time. For exxample if you have 10 mana and you drop Snowfall Guardian to bounce it back with Youthful Brewmaster, it's already been 8 mana, and there's not too much else to do for that turn. But if you have made it so that the last battlecry from you last turn was Snowfall Guardian and you have Brilliant Macaw, then you need to use only 3 mana for the freeze, opening many different ways for healing with 7 mana.
For you also I can offer private tutoring session within the game if that's something you would want :)
- Shamaniac#2998
always great to see people being creative with decks ! good job
The deck is fantastic. Not oppressive, any opponent still can play around, requires some skill to be effective, players need to do right decisions but this makes the deck extremely fun to play. If all decks are made this way, Hearthstone will be an extremely fun card game.
I really love the idea of reusing good minions over and over. Sometimes it's hard to decide what is ideal to play to win, freeze, Astalor or Okani, and knowledge of other decks is necessary, but when you finally win, it's very satisfying. Multiple Astalors, permanently frozen board, Okani, once for minions, next time for spells. I tried to add a Steam cleaner and I won few games because of him.
Great job!
You nailed it! To be honest I stopped playing for over a year because din't like the direction where the developers were pushing the game. They wanted faster games and more "clear" paths of building your decks win conditions because they wanted to make it easier for the players... I do not like it easy :D I like to think. And I wanted to give the game one more change and came up with this beautiful mess! It's more about to know what to do with given resources gainst your opponents deck... than "finish your quest and win against doesn't matter who".
- Shamaniac#2998
After playing this deck for the last few days,I have found that Death knights are one the classes it does struggles against.
Aggro is also a problem ,. a mulligan guide would be helpful.
The addition of Bolner does improve the deck.
Mulligan is here! I will improve it by removing miss spellings and fixing card visuals.
For me I have 83% wr against control DK, 59% against green DK and 63% against freeze DK. Worse matchups so far have been against Rogue, Curse Imp Warlock, Dragon paladin, Fel DH, and Big Warlock all somewhere between 40-50%.
If you'd like, I can play couple games spectating you and see if there's something we can figure to do differently? :)
- Shamaniac#2998
Thanks for the cool idea of deck. Made it and after few games still 0 wins...For example just met a Fel DH and i used all cards to stall those 8/8 and 12/12 of killing me. Then he popped all + spell dmg minions on board with 0 mana and killed me easily with fel spells (had that 8 mana legendary which repeated all) no counter play there..
Then i met evolve shaman who highrolled evolves and had board with big taunts and behind them that 6/6 warlock legendary who steals 6 mana each turn...lost there as well..0 counterplays.
Any pointers how to improve?
ps. havent crafted bolnir yet as i see the deck should work fine without it.