17-5 To Legend Control Warrior
- Last updated Apr 13, 2022 (Sunken City)
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- 13 Minions
- 14 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 12420
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/13/2022 (Sunken City)
- Warshack
- Registered User
- 4
- 33
- 22
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A really fun to play and efficient deck. Imo the most potent CTRL variant atm. I am currantly 20:8 up to diamond 5. Response to other posts:
Druid is definitely a tough matchup but certainly winable (2:2 atm). If you get the pirate train going early and use your removal wisely, you can beat them down. Murloc + from the deep helps, too. People should get used to the concept of: just because you can't do X, doesn't mean that it can't be done. Myself included, obviously! I highly recommand switching blackscale brute for 9/9 Charge for extra beatdown, as did warshark himself on stream.
As far as saurfang is concerned: he is not needed but more as a win more card imo. He is not only about getting extra kresh value. Drawing cards and extra rush minions often helped me to turn a game around (finding removal or lethal).
Thx for the deck and see you on ladder. .
Deck is horrible.. holy crap.. so slow.. cant beat Druid at all.
This was day 1 of release he played this so it was really good that day because Druid wasn’t popular day 1 yet.
Great deck! Is there any viable replacement for saurfang or is he an absolute must?
its an older combo of Kresh+Saurfang, I could hardly take advantage of it, its more like win more, if you re in trouble it doesnt safe you and if you re winning youre winning anyway.
wow just realized that Trenchstalker goes face, nice.
I like this very much, can you recommend mulligans please?