new silence priest!
- Last updated Apr 12, 2022 (Sunken City)
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- 15 Minions
- 15 Spells
- Deck Type: Theorycraft
- Deck Archetype: Silence Priest
- Crafting Cost: 7260
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/6/2022 (Sunken City)
- BringMeSteal
- Registered User
- 7
- 16
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edit: I updated the deck based on your suggestions and I think its much better now!
also I added Najak Hexxen because it will be an amazing silence target
A for effort
Wrong Finley man. XD
As Silence priest enthusiasist i was happy to see fellow enthusiasist, but i am dissapointed. This is not deck f somebody who know hearthstone deckcreating enough (now i dont expect high quality, but at least some knowledge about what can meta looks like after new expansion).
Than i even saw, that half of deck was changed based on chat... Well, at least people in chat know more and are willing to help... Still... that deck still does not look good even with that huge chat help.
But, that motivated me enough to create my own silence priest deck instead of waiting for somebody else... So thx... i guess.
so, why not trying to make this one better instead of reinventing the wheel again ? you did not provide any constructive feedback and so you wasted your time and our's
If he wanna feedback, he can look at my deck. So how did i not provide with anything constructive, when i provided entire deck for inspiration. - Which he used and i respect his decision to stick to more draw oriented deck, with Battleground Battlemaster as aditional finisher.
you mean the one you created after my remark ? ok. you seem to obviously "know better than others", so good luck to you
Look at time of creation of your reply and my deck... I was about 2 hours faster.
If you wanna troll, at least give it more effort.
(For example: "Yeah there is deck, but no explanation why you included some cards at all.")
Lady Prestor could fit nicely here since you could have good stat dragons for cheap with a high chance of good battlecrys.
the minions are cheap but honestly there arent enough minions in the deck to make lady prestor worth it i think..
yep, awesome in this deck, also adding "draw a minion if dragon then 2 2/1 rush"
Minions is too expensive except Helmet! It's better in Wild I think!
silencing najaxx hahahaha omg . didnt see that coming xD . nice :D
can you develop as to why you elected colossal vs kazakusan for endgame ? why you think its better here. (sunken ritual?) appreciated
deck has a lot of draw potential now
yeah Najak would be crazy here!
as for Kazakusan, I don't think the deck has enough survivability and/or draw in order to afford running it as a finisher. also the deck has a lot of none dragon minions. anyway, the colossal isn't a must here, its just a cool card that is worth trying with the lunch of the expansion and it might be replaced later for something more refined.
ah yeah my bad i was dumb, forgot about kasa requirements. thanks
Cut defender of Argus, stockade guard and razorleaf. Add illuminate, handmaiden and Priestess Valishj. Handmaiden is extremely good draw, illuminate will be good selection and cost reduction, and valishj works very well with low cost spells like this is aiming for.
i think defender of argus is a key card in the deck since it often shields too big minions and can really help against aggro. the razorleaf is a great statted minion for 3 mana so i also like it in the deck. i agree about stockades gaurd it can easily be replaced by a good class card.
i think if you play cards like illuminate and handmaiden you have to play Lyra the sunshard and than it just becomes miracle priest instead..
You’re already running enough silence targets, razorleaf is the least good one. Defender of Argus has anti-synergy with your strategy, you have to wait to play it until you’ve already silenced the minion and the effects are easily removed, it’s just too expensive for what it does. The anti-aggro strategy for this deck is a bigger faster minion or a smothering starfish or condemn. Azsharan ritual is an ok card for the silence and replicate, but sunken ritual is a high power card on the bottom of your deck. That’s why you play illuminate and vallishj. You play azsharan ritual, followed up by illuminate. Next turn, you play any any cheap spells you have, sunken ritual for one, valishj and then handmaiden and reload your hand while making a board of huge minions. It makes the deck more adaptable, giving it draw and reload instead of taunt for your big minions.
You don't NEED to have Priestess Valishj and Handmaiden (though I think they fit fine into the deck)
but, I would seriously consider running Illuminate, not only can it grab your Sunken Ritual after you play Azsharan Ritual, it also lets you know what is on the bottom of your deck.... let's say you find that your Behemoth or Battlemaster is on the bottom of your deck, this fixes that problem.
Also, if you're gonna run a bunch of smaller minions like Northshire Cleric and Stockades Guard maybe also consider running Switcheroo, it's additional card draw and can buff your small minions.
Example: If you draw Northshire Cleric and Selfish Shellfish
your Cleric is now a 7/7
your Shellfish is now a 1/3 but will return to a 7/7 after you play it and silence it