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Spare Parts Shaman!

  • Last updated Dec 16, 2014 (GvG Launch)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 2900
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/11/2014 (GvG Launch)
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Not your typical shaman. Based around gazlowe and spare parts, it has some crazy synergy and can do wonders! I'm on a big winstreak down to rank 7 with it, beat hunters, priests, warriors, pretty much everything can be beat with this deck, even if you don't draw gazlowe. Only bad matchup I've noticed is mage, have about 40% winrate against them. Feel free to comment what you would change and give it a + if you like it! :)

Edit: Loatheb in for a mech yeti, mage is so popular atm loatheb is pretty much an auto include. It is one less spare part, but it helps a lot against spell heavy decks. Troggzor is just as good, just personally like loatheb a bit more as it can stall a turn and has an immediate impact on the board, sometimes even denying lethal from your opponent. Also, haven't been able to achieve legend yet, highest rank at one point was 5.

Cards that are considerable but didn't make the cut: 

Bloodmage: You run a lot of spells, so spellpower is always good, but think about it, would you run this guy over a mechwarper or a whirling zap-o-matic? probably not. You still have your drakes and occasionally your spellpower totems.

Black Knight: He is a super value card, I'm just not facing enough taunts to justify using him atm, and in faster matchups he's just a dead card. If you face a lot of taunts I recommend you find a spot for him.

Toshley: Too expensive for 2 spare parts and a 5/7 body in my opinion but might be good. You can try and play around with him, use him if you wanna fully commit to the spare parts but for this deck he just feels too gimmicky.

Mana Tide Totem: If you feel like you need more card draw, use him. I just feel like there's enough card draw already and your hand is never empty with the spare parts.

Enjoy your games :)