MalyLock. 72% WR from D5 to Legend.
- Last updated May 15, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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- 13 Minions
- 17 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Malylock
- Crafting Cost: 12580
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/15/2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
- Registered User
- 5
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- 50
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Just another one but I think the perfect decklist of Combo Maly Lock. At the beginning was playing with a bit different, slightly worse version. Overall stat 18-7 and last matches stat 11-2
Casually hit the legend. I just love playing with this deck, it's kinda broken but definitely not a "brain dead" deck. I can share my last games that I lost and it's ridiculous, I lost only because my two breaths or plot twists were at the bottom of the deck, like in the last 4 cards. Rigged but it's ok.
There's no real counter matchup for this deck, it's getting "messy" only if warrior buffs a minion and copies it. That's it.
I was thinking to replace DQ Alex with another dragon because it's kinda heavy but not quiet sure about that. DQA won me a few games.
This is NOT TRUE that frizz-kindleroost discounts dragons after it is shuffled back into the deck. I had 7 mana Alex that comes back as 9 mana Alex after shuffle.
Ussually I end with 9 Mana Malyos and 9 Mana Alex in my hand and can to shit.
yeah you're right
Started trying this deck. Now i have 40 wr (35 games). Poorest matchups -- dh (3-9), hunter (1-4), paladin (1-3).
Really don't understand how to win. I'll keep trying, maybe update in a few days.
demon hunter is one of the best matchups for this deck. try to hard mulligan for dark skies in these matchups.
I would say It's actually pretty skill required deck. I got tilted because accidentally queue a game with a wrong meme Thief Rogue and then lost tons of games with my lock, then the game started punish me with cards draw which I absolutely deserved, now I even more tilted lmfao. My win streak is ruined so bad. But I'm still pretty sure it's insane deck. Btw in one game I high rolled so crazy, I killed my opponet on turn 7 even without completing the quest: Frizz, then coin, Alex for 7 mana and on Turn 7 I finished him with spells, that was funny. look at it (Right now I'm on D3).
And I replaced Questing Explorer with Keli'dan the Breaker.
Can you clarify the goal of the deck please. The wincondition is Malygos + Rain of Fire + Soulfire for 15 damage after Alexstrasza, right? Yeah, if you're lucky with discounts you can pull it all in one turn for OTK, but what if not? So far most of the time I have to drop Alex and then wait for the next turn to combo. And if your opponent manages to go above 15hp in that turn (priests go to full 30), that's it, game over?
Well this is exactly the reason why you play the Quest and Frizz. You reduce cost of burst damage cards or Dragons, or even 0 mana Zephrys can give you lethal (moonfire). You kill your opponent pretty consistent, you shouldn't worry about that, just survive against agro decks then you will find your win condition. This deck has tons of damage potential, control deck like priest you can simply otk, deal 30 dmg
Great deck. Are both Alexstrasza and Frizz Kindleroost necessary for deck? I mean I don’t have them and definitely wouldn’t craft Frizz Kindleroost.
Frizz is VERY OPTIONAL card.
At bronze10?
Worst deck ever.
I missing 2 cards, Frizz Kindleroost & Dragonqueen Alexstrasza which one is a must?
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza definitely
I am currently 22-4 with this deck. Love it. Easily one of the best kept secrets of the meta. You should delete this page from hearthpwn!
So it's still good after the latest update, that's pretty awesome.
If you could craft either Zephrys the Great or Frizz Kindleroost - which one would you say is more beneficial for this deck?
It's really fun although i have to say i am extremely unlucky with hitting either maly or alex with my hero power. Also get ready to be tilted to the max when you draw 25+ cards each game but can never get swamp ooze the right time :P
Tbh Frizz is more impactful in this deck but I'm definitely not gonna recommend you craft Frizz over Zephrys, you can play Zephrys in many other decks if you don't have Zeph, craft it that's for sure.
I lost to a guy running a very similar (if not the same) list a couple of days ago, around D3 in EU. Seems pretty solid, although I didn't realize it was a Malygos deck until it was too late lol
If it's not Galakrond or Zoo it must be Malygos :) I faced like only 2 players who had fun with pure Demon Warlock without any other combo shenanigans.
mulligan guide against matchups or a mini guide?