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Midrange Quest Pally

  • Last updated Aug 8, 2019 (Saviors of Uldum)
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  • 26 Minions
  • 4 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Reborn Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 8720
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/7/2019 (Saviors of Uldum)
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  • ZASE7
  • Registered User
    • 5
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I went on a pretty big win streak to rank 10 because of this deck, and it's been really fun too.

You ALWAYS keep the quest and play it on turn 1. You're looking for Crystology and Reborn minions in your opening hand, so only keep minions that have it. Crystology helps draw more Reborn minions to complete the quest.

Try to play minions on curve, as this is a midrange deck. An ideal opener would be to play Reborn minions every turn to complete the quest as soon as possible.

Putting Magnetic buffs on Micro Mummy is great, as your opponent will use resources to try and kill it, and if they don't your minions will get buffed. Don't be afraid to play Magnetic minions by themselves though if you need a minion to play on curve.

Mechano-Egg and Mechanical Whelp are THE stars of the deck, and should be your main target for your hero power once you complete the quest. However, you don't need them to win. Almost every minion in this deck would also be a good target. 

Using magnetic buffs will often allow you to have deathrattle, divine shield and taunt on the same minion, making them an ideal target for your new hero power. Follow Annoy-o-Module's advice and just be as annoying as possible to deal with.

The goal is to create a board full of both high-damaging and sticky minions. For example, don't activate all your Mechano-Eggs at once. If you have 3 Mechano-Eggs on board, you maybe only want to hatch one or two of them so that your board is still resistant to board clears.

Often you'll find that pushing face damage is a better choice than trying to control the board.

Thanks for reading my guide. Once you get the hang of the deck, you'll find it extremely rewarding. Good luck.