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Clockwork Bombs

  • Last updated May 26, 2019 (RoS Rogue Nerfs)
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  • 26 Minions
  • 2 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
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All of the 2 drops and 6 drops are basically interchangeable. I went for a sorted answer package. Darius isn't necessary, but I never lost a match because he was in the deck and he has his uses.

The goal is to control the board until turn 7 which is when the deck should create a 1-2 turn lethal.

If you have the coin always mulligan hard for a clockwork goblin and try to get a turn 2 coin goblin into a turn 3 goblin. Count your bombs to see if rush minions will be more useful than seaforium bombers (have 3+ bombs in their deck) then the 7-8-9 package should hopefully be enough to power the opponent down.

The worst matchup is magnetic pally. If you face a pally then do everything you can to maintain control over the board. Don't worry about taking face damage with wrenchcalibur. They will run the 5-drop magnetic 5/5 over leeroy, and I have yet to see a pally deck running weapons.

This deck wrecks face.