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Voraxx Druid featuring Djinni of Zephyrs

  • Last updated Sep 14, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 12 Minions
  • 18 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Yogg Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 6500
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/14/2018 (Boomsday)
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This deck is so dumb and I'm having a blast with it. It's really fun when it pays off, and it has a couple of different goals you can shoot for in different circumstances. It is not optimized, but it is pretty consistently fun and can really surprise. I have not really climbed with this, but it's in its early stages, and I'm going to keep trying.

We are packed with spells targeting friendly minions. The main goal of this deck is to get these spells to hit multiple minions in one cast. You have THREE cards to help with this. Two Djinnis and a Voraxx.

The early game you probably want is an early Wild Growth into a Turn 3/4 Voraxx + Barkskin. It'll survive more often than you'd think, at least in Ranks 15-11 where I've been messing around with this. You can get an army of buffed plants if it lives or if you play it later on. If you can somehow get an Addled Grizzly to stick (maybe behind a Crypt Lord), your plants will be even deadlier.

Later in the game, you'd love to use Voraxx/Djinnis to duplicate a more impactful spell such as Dark Wispers, Mark of Nature, or Moonglade Portal (if you haven't used the latter to heal your face).

The spells in this arsenal can give you some ludicrous armor values typical of Druids nowadays, but when you've gotten there by way of duplicating Earthen Scales on a 15-attack Voraxx, or on an Arcane Giant with a Djinni out, it just feels different somehow.

I included Yogg because Yogg.

Early game can really suck with the wrong opening hand. Addled Grizzly is absolutely terrible on a naked board. A Turn 1 Living Roots can make the difference vs some decks, but I'm considering other ways to improve play vs aggro. (The least amount of fun this deck can probably have is getting beaten down by Odd Rogue with no ability to stick minions.) I think Crypt Lord is pretty much core to this deck just for its unparalleled ability at its mana cost to wall off your other minions from being attacked.

We would probably like some removal, but if this deck goes off, you'll have a lot of buffed minions to fight your way through Spreading Plagues and Voidlords if necessary.

Yes, this is capable of beating Star Aligner Druid under the right circumstances. I've fought my plant army through 2 spreading plague castings and won immediately before my opponent's first 10 mana turn. If you get any of your three spell duplicators to stick even one turn, things can snowball in your advantage. Even if you suffer a board clear, you've got backups.

Druid is the last class I have left to get my 500 wins. I created this deck because people hate losing to all the other Druid decks out there.

Bonus fact: I have an even less viable Druid deck sitting around, a mill deck, also featuring Djinni of Zephyrs, where you use him to duplicate a Naturalize, forcing your opponent to draw 4 (or more) cards. Naturalize might be okay in this deck too, as removal, Yogg fuel, and the occasional surprise 4 card burn combo for the lulz