72% Winrate Quest Rogue [From Rank 3 To Legend]
- Last updated Aug 27, 2018 (Boomsday)
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- 20 Minions
- 9 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Quest Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 8280
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/27/2018 (Boomsday)
- Liid
- Registered User
- 8
- 24
- 45
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
72% Winrate
Giggling Inventor MVP!
I Played 36 games total (lost 10 and won 26) from bottom Rank 3 to Legend.
I removed 2x Southsea Deckhand and added 2x Lab Recruiter
Most of the times I would try and use Lab Recruiter + Giggling Inventor
This made it possible to fight against things such as big druid, zoo lock, odd warrior, odd rogue, etc. Pretty much, this made it possible to have a consistent win rate against most archetypes.
Also, I have completed the quest by only using Giggling Inventor by turn 10 so don't give up! I suggest doing that actually.
Using Valeera the Hollow to summon 2, means you get a 10mana 24/24 on board, and because you shuffled it into your deck, your opponent has no way of clearing you over and over.
I have seen the frustration of Druid, Control Lock, and Odd Warrior when they clear my 24/24 5 times and I still have 5 more in my hand :)
Some Other Very Good Combos Were:
Lab Recruiter + Vicious Scalehide
Lab Recruiter + Novice Engineer
And Here Is Proof :) Last game was against Odd Rogue btw.
How viable is this deck now? Been looking for another deck to use on ladder and have some spare dust for rogue cards since I have most of this list already.
I'll be honest, it is not as good anymore. too much aggro and people already expect quest rogue. it's still good enough to win games but not the same 72% that I had
Is there any possibility to replace Sonya Shadowdancer?
Sure, but you'd decrease ur winrate. Any card that bounces/creates duplicates is very valuable
The deck isn't worth it anymore without her, she can finish the quest with 1 charge by herself and provides tons of value once the quest is online.
i was really sceptical at first about the combo, but I could actually see the Warriors face going more red by the second. Played like 15 divine shields. One Gigglerier than the other, it was really funny. He concedes after the 6th Inventer or so, hilarious!
Can you give the mulligan vs zoo and control and so on?
i had everything except the quest itself and Zola the Gorgon
kinda evilish deck worth to try lul
2 x Giggling Inventor will give you 6 minions on board for a total of 24/24 stats (6 x 4/4) after you played your quest reward.
what 24 / 24 is he talking about
Have you try firefly and igneous elemental?
Which is better 2 Gracial and 2 wax or 2 firefly and 2 ignous?
Can you go more in-depth against odd rogur and aggro?
Okay first, glacial is very good to stall the board. It helps you greatly against aggro
Second, people are not playing firefly probably because it makes your hand very full and sometimes you don't have space for the quest.
and thirdly, The 2 aggro decks I have the most problem with are odd pali and tempo mage. I haven't been able to win against tempo mage because they have so many things that just kill my minions and me. As for Odd Rogue, you want to look for vanish, glacial shard, and wax elemental to protect yourself until you can play giggling inventor. The only way I have won against rogue, Is by copying giggling inventor over and over until I complete quest. then, its easy win to just keep on playing giggling inventor
Since this is a combo-deck, aggro and especially odd rogue are kind of your hardcounters... These games are still possible to win but you have to mulligan right and need a potion of luck to draw well...
The elemental-version is kind of heavier in terms of boardpresence but lacks of efficient draw tools and cuts bounce-minions, which means it slows down the process of finishing your quest... I think it's still a niche variant of the deck, which could have it's place on lower ranks, if aggro is pretty dominant, but in the end...
any kind of guide? im not really a rogue player, but i had 9000 dust to spare so i crafted this to learn a new archetype
like who do i use sonya and zola on? or try to.
do i attack face or control board?
For this deck, I use sonya with stonetuck boar to complete quest (perfect for turn 8 if opponent has minions). I also use her when I have vicious scalehide.
I also like to use shadowstep and make her a 1 mana. She gives incredible value that way and you can complete quest turn 6 if you have stonetuck boar or turn 7 with vicious scalehide.
As for Zola, use her with a minion that you know will bring value, I use her a lot with giggling inventor, glacial shard and novice engineer.
Oh! and I prefer board control with this deck. Most games I've won, they concede because they have no more board clears
okay so far im 11-6. do you have to play the same minion to complete the quest or when does it swap to another minion, someimtes i get just get giggling out there 5 times, and sometimes i play vicious inbetween and it doesn't register?
the quest only shows you the minion you've played the most but it counts them. you just have to keep on playing it
u wait to zola late game if u can manage to get valeera and a Vicious Scalehide in hand u play the scale than zola than shadow the zola with the 2nd zola and ull have inifinte zola plus scalehide combo. u should wait for sonya to play with a 1 cost minion that you can get the quest done on that turn. preferably boar but u can use scalehide as well.
welp that's a problem :I but I guess I haven't really fought against towaggle druid but maybe once or twice. I do try and wait before I shuffle anything into the deck and I also go more aggro IF its possible.
No I understand I was saying that its messed up that he gets it for free :v and yeah, that's not cool