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[Budget] Tempo Mage Ft. Astral Rift

  • Last updated Aug 21, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 12 Minions
  • 18 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Tempo Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 1500
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/18/2018 (Boomsday)
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Ok so I appreciate all the support I have been getting on other guides in the past and I am changing my guide format 1 last time. I am going to keep the full audio guide in the guide but if you all want written ones I want there to be a raise in this decks popularity on the site before I do that. I just want this cause I don't wanna spend 1.5 to 2 hours on a deck people don't care about.

10 Likes: Simple overview

This Deck is a standard aggro deck that revolves not around minions, but spells. This deck has few options to refuel the hand due to the lack of the legendaries, Aluneth and Stargazer Luna, so the cards I put in were meant to refuel the hand and allow you to get some extra damage in and go the extra mile at the end of the game. The bread and butter of this deck is Mana wyrm for minion pressure, and the Tor Mage and Secret synergy for a 6 mana turn 3 basically. It has mana efficient minions and ways to buff the spells that are what you use to push for game and really all you need to do is hit with a few minions against many decks and finish them with spells (control decks with a lot of healing or armor are kinda hard but not impossible)

15 Likes: Mulligans

1) Mana Wyrm is a card that is your optimal turn 1 play. You can buff it up with many different spells (especially with the coin) and is a 1/3 for 1 which is in itself a good value.

2) Arcanologist This card is a mana efficient 2-drop that can trade into many 1 drops and 2 drops. It also gets you a free card to cycle the deck and allow for maximum efficiency from the Tor Mage if you have it in your hand too.

3) Kirin Tor Mage This is just a mana efficient 3-drop that can trade up many times, can allow for a 6 mana turn 3, and the final piece of this decks bread and butter.

4 (Flex)) Sorcerer's Apprentice  This is a mana efficient 2 drop that works well into all matchups and is a super good keep if you think you might need it. Frostbolt  This card is good against aggro and can deal with an early minion and can pump up the Mana Wyrm. Especially good into Odd Rogue due to the freezing the Thug and buying you a turn to deal with it, or killing the Vicious Fledgling. Shooting Star is a solid tool to deal with aggro matchups and some midrange machups, especially with some spell damage. Explosive Runes is good if you have the Tor Mage especially into creature reliant matchups.

30 Likes: Most important matchups and guide.

For all of these I already discussed mulligans just follow if it is a Control or a Aggro and I will say which deck is which.


This matchup is all about going face (as it will be for many control matchups). The idea is you take advantage of the fact that turn 2 is probably wild growth, turn 3 is usually either oaken summons or just gaining armor, and turn 4 is just nourish. Using this you can build up a board with at least a 2 solid minions and the taunts that are brought out later don't effect you cause the rest of you damage is burn spells. You DO have a polymorph for an annoying taunt and that can also give you some of the extra damage you need to win the game. A HUGE play that can just win you a game is to play counterspell on the opponent's nourish turn, if you can do that with the free spell a Tor Mage gives you, you are set and they are set SO FAR BEHIND. Overall, just go face with everything it is hugely important, sometimes using a spell to help clear like 1 taunt in the way can be helpful though.


This matchup is not all face all the time.

  • The Deathrattle hunter deck you should deal with the egg before they are able to pop it off. They also have little heal so burn spells are able to close out games even if they get Rexxar although it can be difficult. Dealing with the eggs OR fully committing to the face and taking advantage of their weak turn 3 egg play are the best options for this deck and I would recommend the Face option unless you have responses to the minions summoned from the deathrattles.
  • The Spell Hunter deck is fairly different to the other matchup because it revolves around secrets and pretty value plays. You can deal with the Spellstone with a spell-powered Shooting Star play that does 3 damage to 3 minions and basically negates the play. Other than that, try to take advantage of the weak turn 4 of that deck and play around the secrets as well as you can, like don't play a Sorceror's Apprentice until you check the trap so it isn't killed by explosive, attack with an Arcanologist if you can cause freezing and explosive trap don't kill it and it does well against a decent amount of wandering monsters. After turn 6 the Spell Hunter deck gets really powerful and basically just wins with their Too My Side of Rexxar play unless you have the burn spells needed to close out the game.


This is either a mirror matchup (which comes down to understanding of the deck and luck) and Big Mage. 

  • Mirror match is fairly even BUT I think you have a slight advantage into this matchup because the cards that the full deck uses to draw are slow and can give you an opening to take control the game if it was a stalemate or if you were ahead in the first place. Stargazer Luna can be traded into by a 4/3 Tor Mage for example and you are left with a minion and Aluneth is a turn 6 play and that means you can play like 2 minions or like a minion and a spell to gain control of the game.
  • Big is a hard matchup for you cause they gain a lot of armor, Frostqueen Jaina provides lifesteal, and since your game revolves around spells you don't have the ability to regain a board if it gets wiped. Basically you hope they don't have Dragon's Fury and just go all face. Tip, maybe hold on to a Cinderstorm or Frostbolt to quickly kill the Artificer so the opponent can't gain as much armor.


Odd, you lose. You can't deal with the super wide board they develop unless they get like no Level up or Funglemancers... If it is Mech they you can polymorph the buffed mech if you draw it other than that still kinda screwed.


Not a super meta class, but KILL THE HIGH HEALTH MINION IF POSSIBLE JUST IN CASE IT IS TOPSY TURVY!!! I am only saying this cause I lost to it. Other than that it is hard to tell what deck is being played until several turns in so just commit to the standard aggro don't try to do anything special.


This matchup is kinda surprising cause I played it so few times (literally 1 time). Basically it is a face race or you hope you are playing an off meta deck because if it isn't Odd Rogue its not a great deck... Poly the Thug so it doesn't get buffed or kill it minions or fireball or frostbolt because if you don't it will get outa control. Other than that minion and frostbolting the Vicious Fledgling IMMEDIATELY just go face. (Keep Frostbolt in this matchup to deal with the 2 minions listed above.


Against Even it is a race and their wide board is hard to deal with and will probably result in a loss for the same reason Odd Pally would too. Against Shuderwock you can do well and maybe rush them down but if they get Healing rain or have both Lightningstorm AND Volcano on the turns they need it (Turns 3 and 5) and high-roll on the Lightning storm you will probably lose. Really just depends on how lucky you get other than that go face.


This class is a good matchup for you because this deck does so much damage to itself and if it is Zoo they don't get the IMMEDIATE damage like you can with spells which means you can win even if they have game on board. Control and Even Warlock are kinda hard too, but due to them being slow you can get some early damage in, and if they don't get enough of their heals you can burst them with spells. Pretty surprising, the class with the most self-damage allows does the worst against a deck with a lot of burn.


Face is the place and hope you play against a mech Warrior cause that deck isn't great and people are playing it. Other than that you hope they don't get all the defensive options they need which is hard because with burn spells once you use them they are gone but the Warrior can keep gaining armor. If they don't get a lot of taunts though or don't get a turn 4 bloodrazer you actually might be in a decent spot.