Kangor's Mecha'thun, OTK Paladin
- Last updated Aug 2, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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- 16 Minions
- 11 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Theorycraft
- Deck Archetype: OTK Paladin
- Crafting Cost: 9980
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/2/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
- user-100218815
- Registered User
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This deck, created by someone who almost never plays Paladin (and has never played control/exodia Paladin before), is a simple theorycraft as to a possible OTK Paladin.
How it works:
- Have Mecha'thun and BOTH Missile Launcher die (careful that Mecha'thun is not transformed or controlled. I don't know how to ensure that though)
- Empty your hand and deck, other than Kangor's Endless Army and Equality.
- Play Kangor's Endless Army
- Play Equality
Consider Hemet, Jungle Hunter in order to make the deck-thinning process quicker, as well as other control tools to adapt to the meta.
This deck is most likely going to be terrible, but it should be made and experimented with.
If it gets at least 20 upvotes (which it won't), I'll craft it and play it on ladder for as many games as it gets upvotes when the expansion hits.
you could use a Galvanizer with Mecha'thun in hand, then play him next turn and use an Adaptation to try to give Stealth or Can't Be Targeted
Interesting but far more complicated than exodia. As long as we cant make first Cthun die immediately the deck will suffer (as you while be playing it, btw i left upvote so it could last more)
You need 2 Missile Launchers for the OTK revive, if you only revive 1 + mech'cthun it will stay as 4/1 on the board an kills cthun
Should still work vs non shaman/mage classes but I think secret + mech'cthun is the faster way to draw/thin your deck. Subject 9 / Bellringer can easily pull 5-10 secrets out of your deck and secrets are not that bad vs aggro/midrange. Crystology can draw Secretkeeper/Righteous Protectors/Tar Creeper/Stonehill Defenders and Prismatic Lens to draw the mechs/endless army and most likely reduce their cost to 1 due the use of 7-10 secrets. I made a decklist that will most likely draw the whole deck about turn9-10 which is rly fast compared to some other combo decks but of course it needs testing :) counting the days for the expansion. Geist or Hemet would make a huge impact too because I somewhere heard that Geist will kill Secrets in your hand too which have increased mana costs due to prismatic lens.