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Spam Shaman

  • Last updated Jul 31, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Theorycraft
  • Deck Archetype: Totem Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 3120
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/31/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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You spam minions, they clear them, you spam more, they clear them, you spam more, they clear them, you spam more, they clear them, you spam more, they don't clear them, You win.

That is basically the gameplan. try to keep the enemy board relatively empty because enemy minions can clear boards repeatedly, while enemy spells cannot. If you don't have lethal but you can clear their board by using some resources that help get lethal, use the resources, you have more, they may not. You have a number of ways to make mnions harder to fully remove, and a number of minions that are way too scary for them to leave up that they want to focus. Use that to your advantage and force them to deal with you inefficiently, your deck is not full of big threats that need to be removed, but you can make some. If you get given any space you can take a win from bloodlusts (I say bloodlusts because often you will get two off through electra or just playing two). 6*7 is 42 if all your 7 minions have no attack, you still have over kill and can clear a big minion in the way when you double bloodlust. Maybe you have to play your legendary spell instead because you used the bloodlusts, then your board gets scarier and they have to spend more on it, and then you can chip them down once they are out of resources. Maybe you just chip them down from the start with knife juggler and sneaky devil. Maybe you earthen might into alakir or kalimos or grumble and use that to make a win condition. Maybe you just hit board early and have enough powerful stuff in your hand that you win by turn 6. But maybe you play it slow and win in fatigue against a paladin or divine inner fire priest. maybe you spam minions like an idiot and win anyway. Maybe you lose because you run out of steam because you never hero power and you don't understand it is just as good as any other minion in the deck. Maybe you lose to zoo because the universe sucks, but maybe you win because  you cleared his stuff and he could not capitalize on the health of your minions because you played right. Maybe I have played too many games with decks like this. Maybe I have not played enough. Maybe you should play decks like this one because they are a fun and interesting way to counter certain control decks that are super popular and may continue to be. Maybe this deck will suck and I will be the only one playing it. Maybe the universe is a simulation or maybe your belief that there is a world and continued experience is a product of a momentary random distribution of particles in a chaotic universe, or maybe all of reality is contained within a black hole, or maybe the universe we understand is a small part of a larger more chaotic reality containing many bubble universes that occasionaly hit each other which led to a slight dip in temperature in a portion of our microwave background radiation. Or maybe quantum physics is wrong, Or maybe this bit I'm doing works better in a mage deck considering the subject that they cover in boomsday, or maybe it fits more here because of the chaotic nature of shaman and the chaotic nature of these thoughts, Or maybe I msispelled a lot of things and my grammar here sucks. Or maybe I did that On purpose. Or maybe I am far too amused by myself and shout not, or maybe this is only to amuse myself and I won't post this. or mAYBE I WILL DESPITE THAT? MAYbe I pressed capslock and did not notice until now. maybe I never pressed delete or backspace in this entire block of text, or maybe i edited this extensively and did all of these things on purpose. Maybe this is dumb, but maybe it's clever. Maybe orangutans. Maybe not.