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Maybe if this cost 2, it would be fringe playable. Still takes 9 turns in hand to get on the same level as Bring It On! without the opponent card cost reduction. At best this will get you about 25 to 30 armor in a game where you go to fatigue with Archivist Elysiana, by which point you'll have had a dead card in your hand for almost 30 turns. At 4 mana though? It might as well just turn itself into 5 dust the moment you open it.
They missed the biggest opportunity to bring back the madder bomber style cards, and make it deal 1 damage to a random character, upgrades each turn. I mean just look at all those bombs.
Wow, I decided to try this card out. I had it from the beginning of the game, and we both went into fatigue. In this "best case scenario", I gained 17 armor, but at that point, it wasn't enough to buy me a single turn. In the meanwhile, I kept looking at the card, wishing it was something playable. The second copy in my deck wasn't ever played. I would literally have played Magma Rager over this.
Could have been at least 2 armor per turn not 1...
let me guess, this suppose to be shuffle a bomb which damage increase for each turn this scheme in hand
So Dr. Boom is associated with stuff blowing up, the card art shows stuff about to be blown up, and the flavor text involves stuff blowing up.
Then why is this a beyond-shitty armor gain card instead of something that explodes?
I got 2 of these in my first pack ever. I am the luckiest Hearthstone player alive.
I don't think I'll bother dusting for the measly 10 dust I would get.
Finally, I shall no longer be called "the worst"! Thank you Dr. Boom!
This card and the idea for the card is bad. it was impossible to balance correctly and therefor was a waste of a perfectly good expansion card slot
i will laugh out loud when ppl are realizing that the upgrade aint mere 1 armor per turn
u wot mate
but it is... they actually showed it on reveal stream even so we knew for sure...
They decided to be on a safe side... Like on extremely safe side.
Nuclear bunker safe
the only way i can see this card getting any play is if it keeps its armor amount when used with dead mans hand.
thats maybe good. maybe
I think, this card was designed to be the worst card in hearthStone.
That's the only thing, that I can imagine.... :/
It is still better than Gurubashi Offering but damn
Hey, at least Gurubashi Offering gives decent armor for its cost and doesn't have to sit in your hand forever
Indeed. That card is a 0-2 soft taunt, and it's a pretty good play for turn 1 if you're first