New Druid Card Reveal - Dreampetal Florist
A new card has been revealed by Hearthstone Express.
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10/10 druid card. Probably won't see play LOL. (im being 100% serious by the way. I really don't think this will see play because it's already really easy to 1hit kill people with mally druid. If this sees play, it'll be in one of the other 4 high tier druid combo decks like the cube + devilsaur one.
Finally Druid will get a decent card! Oh wait...
Oh you guys are saying Druid has been in tier 1 for the last 6 expansion? Okay let's make a tier 0 deck! - Team 5.
Just no, this card is broken, if this was in any other class, okay, but we are talking about druid, druid not only can ramp, then can draw really fast, spam block, and even regain control with a single spell. No this won't lose you tempo, you are playing a 4/4 with pseudo taunt. and even then, you regain the tempo in a insane way in the future by playing a discounted minion.
This is broken in Maly, Big Druid, Taunt Druid, or any crap that might come up.
So let's see how broken Druid will be in this expansion.
Go insane broken cards, got insane minions, got a freaking entire tribe for itself, since I bet no other class will use Treants
And that's why this game is just bad... You don't develop expansions with years prior to it's release, in hopes things will work and if not, you just do a stupid nerf, what you actually should do it, develop cards, while checking what is happening in the meta game, and elaborate what should be and not be made, so the games feel balanced. I guess it's too much money for a Small Indie Companies.
Cards like this just show, that they never actually sit down and analyzed the game statistics, or even played in ladder.
Just change the text to "start of your turn" and it'll be more mild (but still 7 cost holy shit)
Dump hand, clear board, play Mecha'thun, Naturalize. :P
2x Skulking Geist meta incoming?
waiting for nerf again.
Nice "farewell package" lol
This is decent, but you pay 7 mana for 4/4, that's some lose of tempo. It is especially bad against aggro, because you may be dead next turn you played 7 mana 4/4 do nothing. Ofc it's good if you play with control type opponent.
Get Ben back, Team 5 is breaking the game
it's okay guys, you'll be able to play 1 of 4 decks that have a 55% winrate vs druid. The game's balanced.
Ah, how I miss the first weeks of Frozen Throne. /s
So is the theme for this expansion just Bliz seeing how many different ways they can enable Malygos OTKs?
Dat artwork. Gnome druids must become a thing, World of Warcraft. C'mon, being attacked by a Tazmanian devil (DPS form) or having a chow dog tank for your party can't be any more goofier than a TREE healer, an annoyingly sniffing Australian werewolf that turns into an owlman and whatever trolls shapeshift into.
I digress. As for the card's effects, Blizzard is trying their damndest to make Big Game Hunter great again.
it bothers me too. I thought from artwork that will be a mage card.
I've said "wtf!? Gnome druids? How can a game company disrespect their own lore?" on first contact.
Considering Elementals and Mechs don't have class in WoW, they've thrown that idea long ago.
Also, I think this is just a Druid ally, not actually a druid themselves. Like how Lord Godfrey is a Warlock minion and not Mage.
This game sucks now. No going back from here
"we make a 4 mana 7/7 that we think is balanced, they say it's op. we make a 7 mana 4/4 thinkin there's no way they can hate this, what happens? they say it's op! can't win with these people" -card design team
This card is great in either combo or big Druid! I realized that it's on MINIONS! Not just any random card.
Another note, why is druid getting so many powerful epics???
I get the idea - seven mana for 7 mana cost reduction in a minion in your hand. But it being a 4/4 is too much. I mean an effect like that doesn't cost 3 mana and a 4 mana 4/4.
It costs 7...
With all the taunts that Druid has, it so easy to defeend. should be a 2/2, or maybe even a 1/1.