Is Matchmaking Rigged? Max McCall Explains the Hearthstone Matchmaker
Max returns to the forums, this time to discuss MMR in Hearthstone.
- Skill rating, or MMR, is the only variable that determines who your opponent will be.
- MMR is a formula that looks at your wins, losses, current rating, opponent's rating, and your rating history.
- Casual and Legend gamemodes use MMR to determine who you will fight.
- Ranked players below Legend don't use MMR. Instead, it's only based off your current rank number and stars.
- If no other players near your ranking or rating are available to battle, they widen the range of acceptable opponents every few seconds.
Quote from Max McCallI know that its not rigged, but its really hard to think it isnt sometimes. [...] How does it always seem that when you switch decks to counter what you are facing, you literally stop facing those decks??? I just dont get it sometimes.I saw this post last week, but didn’t have time to respond to it. I’ll do that now: when you go into a game, the only variable that affects who your opponent will be is your skill rating.
Matchmaking works as follows:
We use a formula to assess player skill. After every game, the formula looks at if you won or lost and uses your current rating, your opponent’s rating, and your rating history to generate your new rating. We call this rating MMR for short. In casual and at Legend rank, we pair players with similar MMRs. In Ranked below legend, we pair people with similar star ranks instead of similar MMRs. Your rating is the only input that the matchmaker receives. It doesn’t know what deck you’re playing, what deck you just played with or against, or anything else, except for your rating.
When you press ‘play’ you enter a queue for your chosen game mode. The matchmaker looks at your MMR and compares it to the MMR of everyone else in the queue. If it finds someone else with the same MMR as you, it pairs you into a game. If it doesn’t, it will wait a few seconds and look again. The second time, it doesn’t look just for someone with your MMR; it will also look for someone with an MMR that’s almost the same as yours. If it still doesn’t find a match, it waits another few seconds and looks again. The bound for what MMRs are considered a good match keep widening the longer you’re in the queue; this is to ensure that you don’t have to wait too long to play. Usually a match is found so quickly that the widening bounds never really matter. After the game, your rating is updated, and the process is repeated the next time you queue up.
rand(0, onlinePlayersCount)
One time, playing Reno Priest, I mulliganed 3 cards and got them back in my hand in the same order. The odds of that happening a very, very low. Like below 0.01%
reason why its time.
No, its .033%, .034%, .035% to be exact. But its completely fair and not really "rng" as most people want to jump on the bandwagon and assume. You do understand, when you mulligan you are essentially "putting the cards back and reshuffling your deck" your hand is completely plausible and possible to get back.
RNG is when you play a discover card, or some kind of "get random card" and you get a card. Your deck is a set amount, it doesnt change and there are 30 cards. Your chances start out of getting a card are 1/30, and increase as you take cards out of your deck. Thats not RNG thats probability.
The odds are 1/(27*26*25)~0,0057%. So they are like half 0,01%. So the post is correct and I don't really understand the downvotes.
Also I don't understand how someone can say that something is not RNG but probability, if RNG is EXACTLY the function that returns one of all possible results with the chance equal to the probability of that result (of course, just as everyone in hearthstone context, by RNG I mean "random generator", not literally "random number generator" which returns not Huffers and spd totems but just numbers).
It's sad that the conspiracy theories have gotten so loud and unavoidable that they had to be addressed like this, with an answer that isn't surprising in the least. Nonetheless, thanks for the info.
I lost... Game must be rigged ;)
Made some tests today at rank 2 in wild. Tried to get legend all day and this happened:
This situation happened to me several times, I know is pointless without proof but I dedicate whole day as a casual player to get the legend rank and I get always stuck playing with unfavorable mathcups.
Also one thing that is in contradiction I've played more than 40% of games vs legend rank and also played vs some players that I know for sure that they get legend each season. Now maybe is wild and number of players is reduced so this happens.
My concern is that they should focus and review badly the ranking system and do something that would help players rather than be frustred by rng, worst matchups and other stuff
I don't buy that casual uses MMR.
I'm legend every season and often after adding a casual opponent they'll be rank 20-15.
Lol I like it when people act superior in Hearthstone because of legend. So what if you are legend? I have never climbed to legend once since beta and I'm better player than most.
Rank 20-15 that get matched against you in casual probably:
a) Play with fun decks in ranked
b) Swap decks all the time in ranked
c) Don't care about climbing and aren't playing that many games in ranked
If you keep playing "rank 20 people" in casual and you are playing meta decks there, then the players you are playing against are as skilled as you. Remember, MMR sucks if you are swapping to inferior decks along the way. If I play pirate warrior and I am 30-11 in casual and then switch to my Menagerie Goon deck, then I will be mismatched because new deck is far worse than the skill level I'm playing at.
EDIT: Easy way to confirm casual uses MMR. Win a lot in the beginning and see how quickly "casual" turns into an andless sea of meta decks.
TRUE CASUAL = Ranks 15-20.
Way to miss the point moron. I'm saying MMR can't be a factor is a legend player is queuing consistently into people rank 15 or lower...
Rank 15-20 players can still have an extremely good MMR from playing and winning a lot of casual. They just haven't taken the time to grind the ranked ladder to legend like you have.
All of my decks takes too much time yesterday I spend 40 min to a single game so climbing to legend ? Nah it will take too much time lets pirates have it I will have fun
This is a bit off topic but I agree with the part about legend not necessarily meaning you are good. I'm not a top tier player, I usually finish the reason around rank 10 but I got legend once. Many wonder how. I'll leave you with these 6 reasons:
1. Undertaker
2. Mad Scientist
3. Animal Companion
4. Piloted Shredder
5. Sludge Belcher
6. Savannah Highmane
They all missed the point
So why is MMR kept hidden? In other games, most notable the king of games, Chess, player rating is clearly displayed and the formula for changes completely transparent. If there is no rigging then there is no reason for keeping it hidden.
What would you gain from seeing your MMR? The only benefit I can see is in casual, but casual is not suppose to be competitive anyway. In Legend ranks you have your legend rank, and below legend they don't use MMR. To me it seems kinda useless and would just clutter up the UI.
They've said this before and they'll keep saying it, but the players complaining will never listen, because Hearthstone players love their confirmation bias too much. If people understood randomness, they wouldn't think it was rigged to begin with. The complaints aren't rational to begin with, so it's pointless to try to reason with them.