New Cards to be Revealed this Friday via Show Matches
Yong Woo and Frodan will be streaming this Friday at 7 PM PDT and will be revealing more cards!
Quote from BlizzardThe party of a lifetime is about to begin, and you’re invited to join us for all of the opening festivities!
Join Senior Producer Yong Woo and Hearthstone caster extraordinaire Dan 'Frodan' Chou and on Friday, August 5 at 7PM PDT for what is sure to be the very height ofgrandiosity! You’ll witness dazzling show matches, displays of razor sharp banter between our hosts, and, of course, marvelous new cards from the upcoming One Night in Karazhan adventure!
RSVP now by following the official Hearthstone Twitch channel, and you’ll be notified once the revelry begins. We hope to see all of you dressed* to your digital nines once the show begins!
From the makers that brought you "Brodan" coming to you live a 7:00pm PDT Play Hearthstone Presents "FROYO!!!"
What time in SEAsia ?
I can give you the site for google where if you put the time of the event it will show the time of your zone.
Or a talking clock for you to know what time it is.
Will there be 5 legendaries like in LoE?
it seems like it, i mean, it make sense to receive medivh and the demon legendary on the last wing
you can't have "Medivh" the card and "Medivh" the hero. That's ludicrous.
I hope that doesnt mean we'll get no more reveals till friday :O
Any news on when the pre-order will be available?
I think when the prologue come.
Ben Brode confirms that there will be no pre-orders for this adventure.
I hope for a board clear and heal for rogue.
Yeah, me too. Rogue is horrible against every aggro based decks and has no ways to recover (unlike priest wich everyone is talking about). I hope the pay a bit more attention to it. Whispers of the Old gods did not really that much to improve them.
Also i don`t want to be forced to play miracle, because it`s the only viable Roguedeck... :(
I'm obviously looking forward to Friday's "show matches", but does the announcement mean that we won't see any more spoilers until then?
We should see a blog post today about the next wing.
Is it Priest Or Shaman cards??? New LightBomb???
5 PM in my area, and it's on Saturday so no worries get up, get hyped and go back to sleep.
I expect them to reveal priest cards that will change nothing in the priest situation( which currently is out of meta) and try to defend it on stream
I want to be wrong
Why are the highest down-voted (HIDDEN pls Click) replies always on top here at HearthPAWN? Clickity-dickity-Bait?n FFS
Because they're the most recent, silly.
For me it means 5:00 AM .
Sorry but,no!