Golden Celebration Card Back Rewarded to HCT Participants
Oh the infamous Golden Celebration card back..
Originally stated to be a China only reward, a few Hearthstone pros have commented on Twitter this afternoon stating they had received it upon logging into the game. Players who have participated in the Hearthstone Championship Tour championships appear to be the recipients.
Got an awesome gift from @PlayHearthstone participating at the HCT Championship <3!
well this was a nice birthday gift thanks @PlayHearthstone <3
Thank you @PlayHearthstone I feel special!
That belongs in a museum!
Congrats to those who received it! *envious*
Damn, this is a nice card back, the best one by far. Wish I could get enough HCT points so I can qualify and upgrade my legend card back, but I doubt I will ever get to that point.
Must be nice to be a pro player.
Grats to all the recipients, well deserved! a beautiful reward to be sure!!
i also want it...
let's celebrate right ??
you should let us celebrate too :)
Welp, atleast they found a use for it outside of that very specific region-based scenario.
Plus the people who seem to receiving this back DIDN'T DO ANYTHING SPECIAL !!!! Oh they entered a tournament that they got paid to enter buy a team that pay's them to do this !!! /shacking Head
Why are ALMOST ALL.....IF NOT gamer the age they are (23 or younger)??? THEY HAVE NO OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my god there's so much salt here. Are you seriously complaining that some of the top players in the world received an in-game cosmetic reward for competing in one of the top tournaments? You do understand that is something literally anyone can do if they're good enough. There's no gender, age, race, educational or any other restriction other than can you play and win the tournaments required to qualify. Get over yourself buddy.
You can still be happy if you face someone with this card back and defeat him.
Lifecoach says differently
Lifecoach is a pro player. Has 23+ years, has a kid, wife, and plays a lot of hearthstone (see seatstory cup V, he went with his family). If that's having no real life, then something is pretty wrong with you, kid.
Also, what Komorebi3 said.
I want that so bad.
Too bad I suck. /Sadface
beautiful card back we hope to make it something earn-able better than traveling to end of the word to get it its just unfair to that 10million hearthstone community we want to be unique too cmon i already got legend card back and every single season card back i would like to see some card back worth to be proud of than legend card back like top 1k people of each season or something
OK Blizzard so the one card back I knew I'd never get....and a lot others...ya just burnt me on!! I'm not Asian and I don't I knew getting this back was impossible !! ( I have every other back) .... However now Blizzard has the nerve to pick out who is special or not to get special rewards!!!!!
F^#K you Blizzard......seriously debating playing your money grubbing games any longer !!!!!!!
Hey COWARDS!!!!! Don't down vote with out having the NERVE (b%lls) to state why. MAN UP DAMMIT !!! I did !!!!!