Captain Blackheart's Spiders, Card Design Competition Finalist Voting, HSWC Day 2

Nephalem Group Cosplay, Greater Rift 87 Clear
Halloween Event and Bundles, 27th October Patch, Artanis Trailer, Epic Plays #51
Patch 6.2.3 PTR - Build 20655, Blue Posts, Overwatch Beta, Artanis Trailer

Captain Blackheart's Spiders

After a glitch which prevented the Tavern Brawl that was supposed to go live this week, Captain Blackheart's Treasure, the brawl was changed out in favour of one of the more popular ones, Spiders, Spiders EVERYWHERE, which fills your chosen class' deck with Webspinner among class-specific spells.

From what we learned today, Captain Blackheart's Treasure is a brawl which instead of giving you a completely random deck with your chosen class, gives you the equivalent of Tracking every turn with 3 random cards in the prompt. Are you looking forward to seeing this brawl in the future?

Card Design Competition Finalist Voting

This week's Card Design Competition theme was a little odd. Participants were tasked with creating cards whose effects referenced odd and/or even game numbers, a condition that has appeared in other card games but has yet to appear in Hearthstone. Even though this competition theme was particularly difficult, twenty cards beat the odds to become finalists.

Who will be #1, and who will just be a remainder? Cast your vote in this week's Finalist Topic to find out next time [on Dragon Ball Z]!

Hearthstone World Championships Day 2 Tomorrow

Day 2 of the Hearthstone World Championships starts at 9 AM PDT this Thursday! We'll be seeing play from the second match-ups in each of the four groups followed by the group elimination matches. You definitely won't want to miss it! We've embedded the stream below alongside polls so you can vote for who you think is going to go through in the second match-ups.

All games will be played out over on the PlayHearthstone Twitch channel.



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