We've prepared an article with all the String differences in this patch, such as Voice Lines, Tutorial, Glue, Gameplay & More.
State | Tag | Text |
GAMEPLAY_PlayErrors_REQ_TARGET_MAX_COST | Select a minion with a cost of {0} or less |
# HERO_11p_LichKing is Scourageborne Arthas: Lite Deathknight skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_11p_LichKing_Undead_Emote_Attack_01 | Kneel! | |
VO_HERO_11p_LichKing_Undead_Emote_Greetings_01 | You have the King's audience. | |
VO_HERO_11p_LichKing_Undead_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | I am already here. | |
VO_HERO_11p_LichKing_Undead_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | I will not run from it. | |
VO_HERO_11p_LichKing_Undead_Emote_Oops_01 | What a waste. | |
VO_HERO_11p_LichKing_Undead_Emote_Picked_01 | Come servant, we have much to destroy. | |
VO_HERO_11p_LichKing_Undead_Emote_Start_01 | None shall escape my wrath. | |
VO_HERO_11p_LichKing_Undead_Emote_Thanks_01 | You have the King's good graces. | |
VO_HERO_11p_LichKing_Undead_Emote_Threaten_01 | Mine is the cold hand of death. | |
VO_HERO_11p_LichKing_Undead_Emote_Well_Played_01 | You almost pushed me to my limit. | |
VO_HERO_11p_LichKing_Undead_Emote_Wow_01 | Impossible! |
# HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss is Pit Boss Reska: Deathknight hero
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Attack_01 | Cattywampus! | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Concede_01 | You ain't seen the last of me! | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Death_01 | <death> | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_ERROR_FULL_MINIONS_01 | There ain't no room. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_ERROR_GENERIC_01 | Can't do that. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_ERROR_HAND_FULL_01 | My hand is full. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_ERROR_I_ATTACKED_01 | I've attacked already. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_ERROR_MINION_ATTACKED_01 | That minion already attacked. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_ERROR_NEED_MANA_01 | I need more mana. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_ERROR_NEED_WEAPON_01 | I need a weapon. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_ERROR_PLAY_01 | Can't play that. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_ERROR_STEALTH_01 | That no good coward is stealthed. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_ERROR_SUMMON_SICKNESS_01 | That minion can't attack yet. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_ERROR_TARGET_01 | Can't target that. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_ERROR_TAUNT_01 | There's a taunt in the way. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_FIRE_FESTIVAL_01 | Burn it all down, see if I care. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Greetings_01 | Howdy there, pardner. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_HAPPY_HALLOWEEN_01 | I don't care for costumes. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_HAPPY_HOLIDAYS_01 | Holidays is no excuse to slack off. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_HAPPY_NEW_YEAR_01 | New year, new opportunities. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_HAPPY_NEW_YEAR_LUNAR_01 | New year, new opportunities. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_HAPPY_NOBLEGARDEN_01 | This garden ain't getting' any nobler. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_LowCards_01 | I'm almost out of cards. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | Howdy. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | I don't work for nobody. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_NoCards_01 | I'm out of cards! | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Oops_01 | Oh, bless your heart. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_PIRATE_DAY_01 | Now this is a holiday I can get into! | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Picked_01 | You gotta have thick skin around me…or no skin. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Sorry_01 | I beg your pardon. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Start_01 | You! Get back to work! | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Thanks_01 | Reckon I'm in your debt. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Thinking_01_01 | Let me think a second. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Thinking_02_01 | Hmmm… | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Thinking_03_01 | I'm thinkin'. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Threaten_01 | I'll drop ya like they dropped my Daddy! | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Time_01 | Better get a move on. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Trigger_CorpseFarm_01 | Git back up, you laze about! | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Trigger_CropRotation_01 | Ahh, gnomes on the range. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Trigger_FistfulOfCorpses_01 | Go on now, git! | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Trigger_GraveyardShift_01 | I'll work ya dead, then work ya some more. | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Trigger_HornOfWinter_01 | That means GET BACK TO WORK! | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Trigger_ReapWhatYouSow_01 | I'm gonna make a killin'! | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_WOW_01 | What in tarnation? | |
VO_HERO_11o_ReskathePitBoss_Forsaken_Emote_Well_Played_01 | You'd make a good ghoul. |
# HERO_11q_LichKing is Darkruned Arthas: Lite Deathknight skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_11q_LichKing_Undead_Emote_Attack_01 | Silence! | |
VO_HERO_11q_LichKing_Undead_Emote_Greetings_01 | Death comes. | |
VO_HERO_11q_LichKing_Undead_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | And you will face it. | |
VO_HERO_11q_LichKing_Undead_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | You will not weather the storm. | |
VO_HERO_11q_LichKing_Undead_Emote_Oops_01 | That failure will echo through the halls of Eternity. | |
VO_HERO_11q_LichKing_Undead_Emote_Picked_01 | Are you ready for the slaughter? | |
VO_HERO_11q_LichKing_Undead_Emote_Start_01 | Darkness comes on cold winds. | |
VO_HERO_11q_LichKing_Undead_Emote_Thanks_01 | My gratitude is.. Eternal. | |
VO_HERO_11q_LichKing_Undead_Emote_Threaten_01 | I shall lay waste to your home. | |
VO_HERO_11q_LichKing_Undead_Emote_Well_Played_01 | Let this battle be a testament to your power. | |
VO_HERO_11q_LichKing_Undead_Emote_Wow_01 | How can this be? |
# HERO_10ag_Kurtrus is Gunslinger Kurtrus: Lite DemonHunter skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_10ag_Kurtrus_NightElf_Emote_Attack_01 | Too slow! | |
VO_HERO_10ag_Kurtrus_NightElf_Emote_Greetings_01 | Hello, wanderer. | |
VO_HERO_10ag_Kurtrus_NightElf_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | Greetings, stranger. | |
VO_HERO_10ag_Kurtrus_NightElf_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | Who else could match me? | |
VO_HERO_10ag_Kurtrus_NightElf_Emote_Oops_01 | Mistakes are a part of learning. | |
VO_HERO_10ag_Kurtrus_NightElf_Emote_Picked_01 | Keep your eyes sharp, or you might just miss what I do next. | |
VO_HERO_10ag_Kurtrus_NightElf_Emote_Start_01 | Trust me, you don't want this fight. | |
VO_HERO_10ag_Kurtrus_NightElf_Emote_Thanks_01 | You've done me a great service, partner. | |
VO_HERO_10ag_Kurtrus_NightElf_Emote_Threaten_01 | Fiend, let me... instruct you. | |
VO_HERO_10ag_Kurtrus_NightElf_Emote_Well_Played_01 | I see so much potential in you. | |
VO_HERO_10ag_Kurtrus_NightElf_Emote_Wow_01 | A sight for sore eyes. |
# HERO_10ai_Illidan is Felreaver Illidan: Lite DemonHunter skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_10ai_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_Attack_01 | Who dares? | |
VO_HERO_10ai_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_Greetings_01 | <Sigh> Hello. | |
VO_HERO_10ai_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | Hmmph. | |
VO_HERO_10ai_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | Your fate is sealed. | |
VO_HERO_10ai_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_Oops_01 | Child's play! | |
VO_HERO_10ai_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_Picked_01 | Are you ready for the hunt to begin? | |
VO_HERO_10ai_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_Start_01 | I make my own fate. | |
VO_HERO_10ai_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_Thanks_01 | You conduct yourself admirably. | |
VO_HERO_10ai_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_Threaten_01 | Perhaps I should take your skull when I'm done. | |
VO_HERO_10ai_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_Well_Played_01 | Demons would be wise to fear you. | |
VO_HERO_10ai_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_Wow_01 | Shocking! |
# HERO_10ah_Illidan is Second Sight Illidan: Lite DemonHunter skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_10ah_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_Attack_01 | Darkness calls. | |
VO_HERO_10ah_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_Greetings_01 | Look who it is. | |
VO_HERO_10ah_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | Aren't you glad to see me? | |
VO_HERO_10ah_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | You never saw me coming. | |
VO_HERO_10ah_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_Oops_01 | An ill-advised risk. | |
VO_HERO_10ah_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_Picked_01 | Betrayer... in truth, it was I who was betrayed. | |
VO_HERO_10ah_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_Start_01 | My blind eyes see what others cannot. | |
VO_HERO_10ah_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_Thanks_01 | I suppose I owe you now. | |
VO_HERO_10ah_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_Threaten_01 | Today and forever, I am your better. | |
VO_HERO_10ah_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_Well_Played_01 | You would make a capable Illidari. | |
VO_HERO_10ah_Illidan_NightElf_Emote_Wow_01 | I didn't see that coming. |
# HERO_06aj_Guff is Drifter Guff: Lite Druid skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_06aj_Guff_Tauren_Emote_Attack_01 | Bring it in! | |
VO_HERO_06aj_Guff_Tauren_Emote_Greetings_01 | YEEEE-HAWWW! | |
VO_HERO_06aj_Guff_Tauren_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | You said it, partner! | |
VO_HERO_06aj_Guff_Tauren_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | This town is plenty big for the two of us! | |
VO_HERO_06aj_Guff_Tauren_Emote_Oops_01 | O-ho! That was silly! | |
VO_HERO_06aj_Guff_Tauren_Emote_Picked_01 | I am delighted to make your acquaintance! | |
VO_HERO_06aj_Guff_Tauren_Emote_Start_01 | Well howdy there, partner! | |
VO_HERO_06aj_Guff_Tauren_Emote_Thanks_01 | That's ever so kind of you! | |
VO_HERO_06aj_Guff_Tauren_Emote_Threaten_01 | If you don't stop, I'm gonna be upset! | |
VO_HERO_06aj_Guff_Tauren_Emote_Well_Played_01 | You're my favorite opponent. | |
VO_HERO_06aj_Guff_Tauren_Emote_Wow_01 | Very impressive! |
# HERO_09aiedanis is Pianoman Hedanis: Lite Druid skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_09ai_Hedanis_BloodElf_Emote_Attack_01 | Amateur! | |
VO_HERO_09ai_Hedanis_BloodElf_Emote_Greetings_01 | Oh, it's an honor to be here! | |
VO_HERO_09ai_Hedanis_BloodElf_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | Oh! Uh, where are we? | |
VO_HERO_09ai_Hedanis_BloodElf_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | I really wish you wouldn't. | |
VO_HERO_09ai_Hedanis_BloodElf_Emote_Oops_01 | Ha ha! Out of tune! | |
VO_HERO_09ai_Hedanis_BloodElf_Emote_Picked_01 | Are you in the mood for a melody? | |
VO_HERO_09ai_Hedanis_BloodElf_Emote_Start_01 | Let me sing you a song! | |
VO_HERO_09ai_Hedanis_BloodElf_Emote_Thanks_01 | You humble me. | |
VO_HERO_09ai_Hedanis_BloodElf_Emote_Threaten_01 | I DON'T take requests! | |
VO_HERO_09ai_Hedanis_BloodElf_Emote_Well_Played_01 | You have earned my autograph. | |
VO_HERO_09ai_Hedanis_BloodElf_Emote_Wow_01 | I admit, I'm impressed. |
# HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker is Elise the Leader: Hunter hero
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Attack_01 | You asked for this! | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Concede_01 | I must retreat. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Death_01 | <Death> | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_ERROR_FULL_MINIONS_01 | There is no more room. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_ERROR_GENERIC_01 | I can't do that. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_ERROR_HAND_FULL_01 | I can't hold any more! | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_ERROR_I_ATTACKED_01 | I need a respite. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_ERROR_MINION_ATTACKED_01 | They have already attacked. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_ERROR_NEED_MANA_01 | I need more mana. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_ERROR_NEED_WEAPON_01 | I require a weapon. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_ERROR_PLAY_01 | I can't play that. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_ERROR_STEALTH_01 | It lurks in the shadows. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_ERROR_SUMMON_SICKNESS_01 | That minion isn't ready yet. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_ERROR_TARGET_01 | I can't target that. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_ERROR_TAUNT_01 | Taunt is proving quite the obstacle. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_FIRE_FESTIVAL_01 | The fires of hope burn bright! | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Greetings_01 | How do you do? | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_HAPPY_HALLOWEEN_01 | Keep your wits about you, it's Hallow's End. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_HAPPY_HOLIDAYS_01 | Much merry making to you. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_HAPPY_NEW_YEAR_01 | Happy New Year! | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_HAPPY_NEW_YEAR_LUNAR_01 | I wish you good luck this year. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_HAPPY_NOBLEGARDEN_01 | Happy Noblegarden! | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_LowCards_01 | Few cards remain. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | Spiffing. And yourself? | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | And in truth, there lies great power. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_NoCards_01 | My deck is depleted. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Oops_01 | A costly error. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_PIRATE_DAY_01 | Keep an eye on your coin, it's Pirate Day. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Picked_01 | I carry greater responsibility than you know. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Sorry_01 | My apologies. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Start_01 | The Light will guide me to the truth. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Start_Aranna_01 | <Sigh> Another sibling squable. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Start_Kurtrus_01 | I still have much to learn from you. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Start_Reska!_01 | Your operation ends here. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Thanks_01 | You have my gratitude. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Thinking_01_01 | I must weigh the consequences... | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Thinking_02_01 | What to do?... | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Thinking_03_01 | I've studied situations like this before… | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Threaten_01 | You threaten the peace, so I bring you war. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Time_01 | It's time to act. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Trigger_BottledLightbugs_01 | Be free, little ones. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Trigger_HolySpringwater_01 | Water nourishes life. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Trigger_Serenity_01 | Go with peace. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Trigger_SwarmofLightbugs_01 | Like stars in the night. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Trigger_TheStarsAlign_01 | I've never seen so many stars before. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Trigger_TramHeist_01 | I'll use these more responsibly. | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_WOW_01 | That's unfathomable! | |
VO_HERO_09aj_EliseStarseeker_NightElf_Emote_Well_Played_01 | You truly are a formidable opponent. |
# HERO_05af_Alleria is Cowgirl Alleria: Lite Hunter skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_05af_Alleria_BloodElf_Emote_Attack_01 | Hold still. | |
VO_HERO_05af_Alleria_BloodElf_Emote_Greetings_01 | Welcome to the cattle drive! | |
VO_HERO_05af_Alleria_BloodElf_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | Let's wrangle them up. | |
VO_HERO_05af_Alleria_BloodElf_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | But it will be your last. | |
VO_HERO_05af_Alleria_BloodElf_Emote_Oops_01 | That one was a miss. | |
VO_HERO_05af_Alleria_BloodElf_Emote_Picked_01 | I'm the gal for this job. | |
VO_HERO_05af_Alleria_BloodElf_Emote_Start_01 | This isn't my first rodeo. | |
VO_HERO_05af_Alleria_BloodElf_Emote_Thanks_01 | Thank you, kindly. | |
VO_HERO_05af_Alleria_BloodElf_Emote_Threaten_01 | I will put you in your place. | |
VO_HERO_05af_Alleria_BloodElf_Emote_Well_Played_01 | You've got a knack for this. | |
VO_HERO_05af_Alleria_BloodElf_Emote_Wow_01 | Do my eyes deceive me? |
# HERO_08ar_Saraad is Nexus-dealer Saraad: Lite Mage skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_08ar_Saraad_Ethereal_Emote_Attack_01 | You should fold! | |
VO_HERO_08ar_Saraad_Ethereal_Emote_Greetings_01 | Let me deal ya in. | |
VO_HERO_08ar_Saraad_Ethereal_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | I think I'll deal myself | |
VO_HERO_08ar_Saraad_Ethereal_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | I am not here to play around. | |
VO_HERO_08ar_Saraad_Ethereal_Emote_Oops_01 | There are no bad cards, only bad plays. | |
VO_HERO_08ar_Saraad_Ethereal_Emote_Picked_01 | Your fate rests in the cards, and I am the dealer. | |
VO_HERO_08ar_Saraad_Ethereal_Emote_Start_01 | Let the games begin. | |
VO_HERO_08ar_Saraad_Ethereal_Emote_Thanks_01 | The house thanks you. | |
VO_HERO_08ar_Saraad_Ethereal_Emote_Threaten_01 | I'll leave you empty-handed. | |
VO_HERO_08ar_Saraad_Ethereal_Emote_Well_Played_01 | You belong at the table. | |
VO_HERO_08ar_Saraad_Ethereal_Emote_Wow_01 | What are the odds? |
# HERO_04am_Uther is Lightbringer Uther: Lite Paladin skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_04am_Uther_Human_Emote_Attack_01 | Stay down! | |
VO_HERO_04am_Uther_Human_Emote_Greetings_01 | Justice has come. | |
VO_HERO_04am_Uther_Human_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | Yes, it has. | |
VO_HERO_04am_Uther_Human_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | And retribution to its enemies. | |
VO_HERO_04am_Uther_Human_Emote_Oops_01 | Crud. | |
VO_HERO_04am_Uther_Human_Emote_Picked_01 | Let us bring the Light to those who need it most. | |
VO_HERO_04am_Uther_Human_Emote_Start_01 | Glory to the Alliance! | |
VO_HERO_04am_Uther_Human_Emote_Thanks_01 | I shall not forget this kindness. | |
VO_HERO_04am_Uther_Human_Emote_Threaten_01 | I've spent my whole life beating people like you. | |
VO_HERO_04am_Uther_Human_Emote_Well_Played_01 | I haven't had a challenge like this in years. | |
VO_HERO_04am_Uther_Human_Emote_Wow_01 | Incredible! |
# HERO_04al_Uther is Crystalforge Uther: Lite Paladin skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_04al_Uther_Human_Emote_Attack_01 | To battle! | |
VO_HERO_04al_Uther_Human_Emote_Greetings_01 | Greetings, soldier. | |
VO_HERO_04al_Uther_Human_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | We march to war. | |
VO_HERO_04al_Uther_Human_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | You're covered head to toe! | |
VO_HERO_04al_Uther_Human_Emote_Oops_01 | There is still much to learn. | |
VO_HERO_04al_Uther_Human_Emote_Picked_01 | I am equipped with powers from beyond Azeroth. | |
VO_HERO_04al_Uther_Human_Emote_Start_01 | Forged in crystal, tempered in light. | |
VO_HERO_04al_Uther_Human_Emote_Thanks_01 | How gracious of you. | |
VO_HERO_04al_Uther_Human_Emote_Threaten_01 | The unjust will know my wrath. | |
VO_HERO_04al_Uther_Human_Emote_Well_Played_01 | You're made of tough stuff. | |
VO_HERO_04al_Uther_Human_Emote_Wow_01 | Spectacular! |
# HERO_04ak_Uther is Frontiersman Uther: Lite Paladin skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_04ak_Uther_Human_Emote_Attack_01 | Timber! | |
VO_HERO_04ak_Uther_Human_Emote_Greetings_01 | Hail there, settler. | |
VO_HERO_04ak_Uther_Human_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | Hail! | |
VO_HERO_04ak_Uther_Human_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | You're not the first to try it, nor the last. | |
VO_HERO_04ak_Uther_Human_Emote_Oops_01 | We all make mistakes. | |
VO_HERO_04ak_Uther_Human_Emote_Picked_01 | There's plenty of land for those courageous enough to claim it. | |
VO_HERO_04ak_Uther_Human_Emote_Start_01 | Build you up and knock you down. | |
VO_HERO_04ak_Uther_Human_Emote_Thanks_01 | You have my gratitude. | |
VO_HERO_04ak_Uther_Human_Emote_Threaten_01 | I'll chop you down. | |
VO_HERO_04ak_Uther_Human_Emote_Well_Played_01 | You look like you've got some battlefield experience. | |
VO_HERO_04ak_Uther_Human_Emote_Wow_01 | I'll be sure to remember that. |
# HERO_03ah_Scabbs is Campchef Scabbs: Lite Rogue skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_03ah_Scabbs_Gnome_Emote_Attack_01 | Burnt to bits! | |
VO_HERO_03ah_Scabbs_Gnome_Emote_Greetings_01 | What do you have a taste for? | |
VO_HERO_03ah_Scabbs_Gnome_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | Victory! Ooh and maybe a steak. | |
VO_HERO_03ah_Scabbs_Gnome_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | Don't worry! I'm not picky! | |
VO_HERO_03ah_Scabbs_Gnome_Emote_Oops_01 | Blah, leaves a bad taste in your mouth... | |
VO_HERO_03ah_Scabbs_Gnome_Emote_Picked_01 | Sit down, and I'll make you a plate! | |
VO_HERO_03ah_Scabbs_Gnome_Emote_Start_01 | I like my battles the way I like my food. Tough. | |
VO_HERO_03ah_Scabbs_Gnome_Emote_Thanks_01 | Aw, that's sweet of ya. | |
VO_HERO_03ah_Scabbs_Gnome_Emote_Threaten_01 | Get too close and you'll get burned. | |
VO_HERO_03ah_Scabbs_Gnome_Emote_Well_Played_01 | You are the Badlands' best chef! | |
VO_HERO_03ah_Scabbs_Gnome_Emote_Wow_01 | A burst of flavor! |
# HERO_03ai_Valeera is Brawler Valeera: Lite Rogue skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_03ai_Valeera_BloodElf_Emote_Attack_01 | Look out from above! | |
VO_HERO_03ai_Valeera_BloodElf_Emote_Greetings_01 | Greetings. Ready to fight? | |
VO_HERO_03ai_Valeera_BloodElf_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | More than you realize. | |
VO_HERO_03ai_Valeera_BloodElf_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | Especially since I always win! | |
VO_HERO_03ai_Valeera_BloodElf_Emote_Oops_01 | A swing and a miss. | |
VO_HERO_03ai_Valeera_BloodElf_Emote_Picked_01 | I'll show them a real fight. | |
VO_HERO_03ai_Valeera_BloodElf_Emote_Start_01 | I never turn down a good brawl. | |
VO_HERO_03ai_Valeera_BloodElf_Emote_Thanks_01 | Thanks! | |
VO_HERO_03ai_Valeera_BloodElf_Emote_Threaten_01 | Don't make me dive back in there! | |
VO_HERO_03ai_Valeera_BloodElf_Emote_Well_Played_01 | You are a worthy opponent. | |
VO_HERO_03ai_Valeera_BloodElf_Emote_Wow_01 | That packed a punch! |
# HERO_02aq_Thrall is Skyshatter Thrall: Lite Shaman skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_02aq_Thrall_Orc_Emote_Attack_01 | Quake! | |
VO_HERO_02aq_Thrall_Orc_Emote_Greetings_01 | Well met, friend. | |
VO_HERO_02aq_Thrall_Orc_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | I greet you. | |
VO_HERO_02aq_Thrall_Orc_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | Spirit and stone. | |
VO_HERO_02aq_Thrall_Orc_Emote_Oops_01 | Not quite intune with the elements. | |
VO_HERO_02aq_Thrall_Orc_Emote_Picked_01 | Are you ready to see me at work? | |
VO_HERO_02aq_Thrall_Orc_Emote_Start_01 | Blood and thunder. | |
VO_HERO_02aq_Thrall_Orc_Emote_Thanks_01 | Perhaps we could be allies one day. | |
VO_HERO_02aq_Thrall_Orc_Emote_Threaten_01 | Your destiny ends here. | |
VO_HERO_02aq_Thrall_Orc_Emote_Well_Played_01 | It was an honor to battle you. | |
VO_HERO_02aq_Thrall_Orc_Emote_Wow_01 | That's amazing! |
# HERO_02ao_Inzah is Hoedown Inzah: Lite Shaman skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_02ao_Inzah_Vulpera_Emote_Attack_01 | On the downbeat! | |
VO_HERO_02ao_Inzah_Vulpera_Emote_Greetings_01 | Let's get you movin' and groovin'! | |
VO_HERO_02ao_Inzah_Vulpera_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | I'm feeling the music in my soul! | |
VO_HERO_02ao_Inzah_Vulpera_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | We'll have them dancing 'til sunrise! | |
VO_HERO_02ao_Inzah_Vulpera_Emote_Oops_01 | A mistake? Not to me! | |
VO_HERO_02ao_Inzah_Vulpera_Emote_Picked_01 | Any instrument can produce a musical masterpiece! | |
VO_HERO_02ao_Inzah_Vulpera_Emote_Start_01 | Who's ready for a hoedown? | |
VO_HERO_02ao_Inzah_Vulpera_Emote_Thanks_01 | Thanks for the good vibes. | |
VO_HERO_02ao_Inzah_Vulpera_Emote_Threaten_01 | You're ruining the vibe! | |
VO_HERO_02ao_Inzah_Vulpera_Emote_Well_Played_01 | You've got an energy all your own! | |
VO_HERO_02ao_Inzah_Vulpera_Emote_Wow_01 | Woooo-wee!!! |
# HERO_02ap_Thrall is Cataclysm Thrall: Lite Shaman skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_02ap_Thrall_Orc_Emote_Attack_01 | Victory or death! | |
VO_HERO_02ap_Thrall_Orc_Emote_Greetings_01 | Spirits guide you. | |
VO_HERO_02ap_Thrall_Orc_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | They always have. | |
VO_HERO_02ap_Thrall_Orc_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | Then fight with honor. | |
VO_HERO_02ap_Thrall_Orc_Emote_Oops_01 | It's the intent that counts. | |
VO_HERO_02ap_Thrall_Orc_Emote_Picked_01 | I am the fury of the Elements. | |
VO_HERO_02ap_Thrall_Orc_Emote_Start_01 | I fight for the glory of the Horde! | |
VO_HERO_02ap_Thrall_Orc_Emote_Thanks_01 | Thank you, friend. | |
VO_HERO_02ap_Thrall_Orc_Emote_Threaten_01 | The earth will swallow my enemies. | |
VO_HERO_02ap_Thrall_Orc_Emote_Well_Played_01 | This is even more challenging than I expected. | |
VO_HERO_02ap_Thrall_Orc_Emote_Wow_01 | Remarkable. |
# HERO_07al_Guldan is Malefic Gul'dan: Lite Warlock skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_07al_Guldan_Orc_Emote_Attack_01 | Struggle! | |
VO_HERO_07al_Guldan_Orc_Emote_Greetings_01 | Greetings. Care to make a bargain? | |
VO_HERO_07al_Guldan_Orc_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | I already have. | |
VO_HERO_07al_Guldan_Orc_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | We shall see. | |
VO_HERO_07al_Guldan_Orc_Emote_Oops_01 | That wasn't the plan. | |
VO_HERO_07al_Guldan_Orc_Emote_Picked_01 | I have the power to bring victory. What would you give to have it? | |
VO_HERO_07al_Guldan_Orc_Emote_Start_01 | I am Darkness Incarnate. Challenge me at your peril. | |
VO_HERO_07al_Guldan_Orc_Emote_Thanks_01 | Credit where credit is due. | |
VO_HERO_07al_Guldan_Orc_Emote_Threaten_01 | I will bleed you dry. | |
VO_HERO_07al_Guldan_Orc_Emote_Well_Played_01 | You're smarter than you look. | |
VO_HERO_07al_Guldan_Orc_Emote_Wow_01 | Phenomenal! |
# HERO_07ai_MechaJaraxxus is Mechadrill-Jaraxxus: Lite Warlock skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_07ai_MechaJaraxxus_Demon_Emote_Attack_01 | DRILLING AND KILLING! | |
VO_HERO_07ai_MechaJaraxxus_Demon_Emote_Greetings_01 | ALL SYSTEMS GO! | |
VO_HERO_07ai_MechaJaraxxus_Demon_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | WELL, METAL, MOSTLY. | |
VO_HERO_07ai_MechaJaraxxus_Demon_Emote_Oops_01 | WEAK POINT IDENTIFIED. | |
VO_HERO_07ai_MechaJaraxxus_Demon_Emote_Picked_01 | AZERITE POWER FLOWS THROUGH MY CIRCUITRY! | |
VO_HERO_07ai_MechaJaraxxus_Demon_Emote_Start_01 | YOU FACE THE ULTIMATE MINING MACHINE! | |
VO_HERO_07ai_MechaJaraxxus_Demon_Emote_Thanks_01 | YOUR AID IS BENEFICIAL. | |
VO_HERO_07ai_MechaJaraxxus_Demon_Emote_Threaten_01 | MY DRILLS ALSO FUNCTION ON MORTALS. | |
VO_HERO_07ai_MechaJaraxxus_Demon_Emote_Well_Played_01 | THIS INTERACTION HAS PROVEN POSITIVE. | |
VO_HERO_07ai_MechaJaraxxus_Demon_Emote_Wow_01 | NOT WHAT I SIMULATED. |
# HERO_07aj_Rafaam is Trader Rafaam: Lite Warlock skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_07aj_Rafaam_Ethereal_Emote_Attack_01 | You made me do this! | |
VO_HERO_07aj_Rafaam_Ethereal_Emote_Greetings_01 | Greetings, lowly townsfolk! | |
VO_HERO_07aj_Rafaam_Ethereal_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | Who are you calling lowly?! | |
VO_HERO_07aj_Rafaam_Ethereal_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | I am... also Rafaam!!! | |
VO_HERO_07aj_Rafaam_Ethereal_Emote_Oops_01 | No refunds. | |
VO_HERO_07aj_Rafaam_Ethereal_Emote_Picked_01 | How did I acquire my wares? Ehhh don't worry about it. | |
VO_HERO_07aj_Rafaam_Ethereal_Emote_Start_01 | I am Rafaam, the supreme salesman! | |
VO_HERO_07aj_Rafaam_Ethereal_Emote_Thanks_01 | Thank you! | |
VO_HERO_07aj_Rafaam_Ethereal_Emote_Threaten_01 | You break it, you buy it! | |
VO_HERO_07aj_Rafaam_Ethereal_Emote_Well_Played_01 | You drive a hard bargain. | |
VO_HERO_07aj_Rafaam_Ethereal_Emote_Wow_01 | Impressive! |
# HERO_07ak_Guldan is Corruptor Gul'dan: Lite Warlock skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_07ak_Guldan_Orc_Emote_Attack_01 | Dispair! | |
VO_HERO_07ak_Guldan_Orc_Emote_Greetings_01 | Hello there. | |
VO_HERO_07ak_Guldan_Orc_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | Hello. | |
VO_HERO_07ak_Guldan_Orc_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | Exactly as expected. | |
VO_HERO_07ak_Guldan_Orc_Emote_Oops_01 | I didn't anticipate that. | |
VO_HERO_07ak_Guldan_Orc_Emote_Picked_01 | Our enemies' suffering shall soon commence. | |
VO_HERO_07ak_Guldan_Orc_Emote_Start_01 | My plans are coming to fruition. | |
VO_HERO_07ak_Guldan_Orc_Emote_Thanks_01 | You have my gratitude. | |
VO_HERO_07ak_Guldan_Orc_Emote_Threaten_01 | You suffering has only just begun. | |
VO_HERO_07ak_Guldan_Orc_Emote_Well_Played_01 | You hold great power. | |
VO_HERO_07ak_Guldan_Orc_Emote_Wow_01 | Fascinating! |
# HERO_01ak_ETC is Touring ETC: Lite Warrior skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_01ak_ETC_Tauren_Emote_Attack_01 | Rock on! | |
VO_HERO_01ak_ETC_Tauren_Emote_Greetings_01 | Always love to meet my fans. | |
VO_HERO_01ak_ETC_Tauren_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | And there is no bigger fan of me, than me! | |
VO_HERO_01ak_ETC_Tauren_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | Let's rock this desert to the core! | |
VO_HERO_01ak_ETC_Tauren_Emote_Oops_01 | That was the wrong note! | |
VO_HERO_01ak_ETC_Tauren_Emote_Picked_01 | Time for my legendary country set! | |
VO_HERO_01ak_ETC_Tauren_Emote_Start_01 | Badlands, let me hear you scream WAHWAHWAH! | |
VO_HERO_01ak_ETC_Tauren_Emote_Thanks_01 | Much appreciated, dude. | |
VO_HERO_01ak_ETC_Tauren_Emote_Threaten_01 | Face the power of rock and roll! | |
VO_HERO_01ak_ETC_Tauren_Emote_Well_Played_01 | You can rock with the best. | |
VO_HERO_01ak_ETC_Tauren_Emote_Wow_01 | You only see that in the Badlands! |
# HERO_01am_Garrosh is Onslaught Garrosh: Lite Warrior skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_01am_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_Attack_01 | Be humbled! | |
VO_HERO_01am_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_Greetings_01 | I thirst for battle! | |
VO_HERO_01am_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | Allow me to indulge you. | |
VO_HERO_01am_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | I challenge you to Mak'gora. | |
VO_HERO_01am_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_Oops_01 | Disgraceful. | |
VO_HERO_01am_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_Picked_01 | We will trample anyone in our way. | |
VO_HERO_01am_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_Start_01 | You dare challenge the warchief? | |
VO_HERO_01am_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_Thanks_01 | I appreciate the tribute. | |
VO_HERO_01am_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_Threaten_01 | Get in my way and I will cut you down. | |
VO_HERO_01am_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_Well_Played_01 | Ha! A battle worthy of a warchief. | |
VO_HERO_01am_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_Wow_01 | Now I'm excited! |
# HERO_01al_Garrosh is Destroyer Garrosh: Lite Warrior skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_01al_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_Attack_01 | Dismissed! | |
VO_HERO_01al_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_Greetings_01 | The warchief greets you. | |
VO_HERO_01al_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | You dare call yourself warchief?! | |
VO_HERO_01al_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | The Horde doesn't belong to you! | |
VO_HERO_01al_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_Oops_01 | At least it was entertaining. | |
VO_HERO_01al_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_Picked_01 | We will stain the battlefield red! | |
VO_HERO_01al_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_Start_01 | I AM the Horde! | |
VO_HERO_01al_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_Thanks_01 | I had heard tales of your generosity. | |
VO_HERO_01al_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_Threaten_01 | You are weak, fragile, and I will break you. | |
VO_HERO_01al_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_Well_Played_01 | Stand proud! You fight well. | |
VO_HERO_01al_Garrosh_Orc_Emote_Wow_01 | Unbelievable! |
# HERO_01aj_Denathrius is Saloon Denathrius: Lite Warrior skin
State | Tag | Text |
VO_HERO_01aj_Denathrius_Venthyr_Emote_Attack_01 | Kneel! | |
VO_HERO_01aj_Denathrius_Venthyr_Emote_Greetings_01 | Tally-ho! | |
VO_HERO_01aj_Denathrius_Venthyr_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | And to you! | |
VO_HERO_01aj_Denathrius_Venthyr_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 | For your sake, I hope it is quick. | |
VO_HERO_01aj_Denathrius_Venthyr_Emote_Oops_01 | That must have been a mirage? | |
VO_HERO_01aj_Denathrius_Venthyr_Emote_Picked_01 | The air of this lawless wasteland is filled with sin! | |
VO_HERO_01aj_Denathrius_Venthyr_Emote_Start_01 | I have arrived, let the atonement begin. | |
VO_HERO_01aj_Denathrius_Venthyr_Emote_Thanks_01 | My sincerest thanks. | |
VO_HERO_01aj_Denathrius_Venthyr_Emote_Threaten_01 | You are but dust in the wind! | |
VO_HERO_01aj_Denathrius_Venthyr_Emote_Well_Played_01 | A delightful duel! | |
VO_HERO_01aj_Denathrius_Venthyr_Emote_Wow_01 | A tremendous performance! |
# WW_0700 isReno, Lone Ranger Neutral Hero Card
State | Tag | Text |
VO_WW_0700_RenoJackson_Human_Emote_Attack_01 | One shot is all I need! | |
VO_WW_0700_RenoJackson_Human_Emote_Death_01 | <Death> | |
VO_WW_0700_RenoJackson_Human_Emote_Greetings_01 | Howdy partner! | |
VO_WW_0700_RenoJackson_Human_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 | This town could always use more of me! | |
VO_WW_0700_RenoJackson_Human_Emote_Oops_01 | Er… I saw that going differently in my head… | |
VO_WW_0700_RenoJackson_Human_Emote_Play_01 | Looking for a standoff? Careful, it's against me! | |
VO_WW_0700_RenoJackson_Human_Emote_Sorry_01 | Whoops… uh… sorry! | |
VO_WW_0700_RenoJackson_Human_Emote_Thanks_01 | Aww, thanks, it's all in a days work for a hero. | |
VO_WW_0700_RenoJackson_Human_Emote_Threaten_01 | Reach for the skies! | |
VO_WW_0700_RenoJackson_Human_Emote_Trigger_AmphibianElixir_01 | Well, I guess those frogs are pretty dang cute. | |
VO_WW_0700_RenoJackson_Human_Emote_Trigger_FantheHammer_01 | Pew, pew pew, pew pew, pew! | |
VO_WW_0700_RenoJackson_Human_Emote_Trigger_Hydrate_01 | Whew! I was parched. | |
VO_WW_0700_RenoJackson_Human_Emote_Trigger_SneakySnakes_01 | I love these little varmints. | |
VO_WW_0700_RenoJackson_Human_Emote_Trigger_SplittingSunbeam_01 | Take that! And that! | |
VO_WW_0700_RenoJackson_Human_Emote_Trigger_TramHeist_01 | Elise? In a heist? I've got to see this. | |
VO_WW_0700_RenoJackson_Human_Emote_Well_Played_01 | Couldn't have done it better myself. | |
VO_WW_0700_RenoJackson_Human_Emote_Wow_01 | No one will believe this! |
State | Tag | Text |
GLOBAL_ERROR_STEAM_ACCOUNT_LINKING | We could not link your Steam account to BattleNet account. Restart Steam client and try again. | |
GLOBAL_EXIT_CONFIRM_MESSAGE | Are you sure you want to exit the game? | |
GLOBAL_FRIENDLIST_CHALLENGE_TOOLTIP_NO_TWIST_SEASON | Twist is not available right now. Check back soon! | |
GLOBAL_FRIENDLIST_NO_FRIENDS | No <color=#61C8E8>Battle.net</color> Friends yet! | |
GLOBAL_KEYWORD_EXCAVATE_GAMEPLAY | Dig for increasingly rarer treasures. Resets after {0}.\nNext: {1} | |
GLOBAL_KEYWORD_EXCAVATE_REF_TEXT | Dig for increasingly rarer treasures. Resets after the highest Rarity. | |
GLOBAL_KEYWORD_EXCAVATE_TEXT | Dig for increasingly rarer treasures. Resets after the highest Rarity. | |
GLOBAL_KEYWORD_QUICKDRAW_REF_TEXT | A bonus if this entered your hand this turn. | |
GLOBAL_KEYWORD_QUICKDRAW_TEXT | A bonus if this entered your hand this turn. | |
GLOBAL_AADC_CHATSETTINGS_DISABLEDESCRIPTION | Disabling chat will prevent you from sending and receiving messages from friends. | |
GLOBAL_AADC_CHATSETTINGS_DISABLEDESCRIPTION | Turning off chat will prevent you from sending and receiving messages from friends. | |
GLOBAL_AADC_CHATSETTINGS_DISABLEHEADER | Do you want to turn off chat? | |
GLOBAL_AADC_CHATSETTINGS_ENABLEDESCRIPTION | Enabling chat will allow you to send and receive messages from friends. Be careful and don't share personal information. | |
GLOBAL_AADC_CHATSETTINGS_ENABLEDESCRIPTION | Turning on chat will allow you to send and receive messages from friends. Be careful and don't share personal information. | |
GLOBAL_AADC_CHATSETTINGS_ENABLEHEADER | Do you want to turn on chat? | |
GLOBAL_AADC_FRIENDSETTINGS_DISABLEDESCRIPTION | Disabling nearby friends will prevent players close to your location from viewing your game activity in your friends list. | |
GLOBAL_AADC_FRIENDSETTINGS_DISABLEDESCRIPTION | Turning this off will prevent players on your network from viewing your game activity in their friends list. | |
GLOBAL_AADC_FRIENDSETTINGS_ENABLEDESCRIPTION | Enabling nearby friends will allow players close to your location to view your game activity in your friends list. | |
GLOBAL_AADC_FRIENDSETTINGS_ENABLEDESCRIPTION | Turning this on will allow players on your network to view your game activity in their friends list. | |
GLOBAL_ADDFRIEND_HEADER | Add a <color=#5ecaf0ff>Battle.net</color> Friend | |
State | Tag | Text | Comment |
GLUE_CATCHUP_SUMMARY_EXPANSION_COLLECTION_STATS | {0}: {1}% | 0=Expansion name, 1=collection completion | |
GLUE_CATCHUP_SUMMARY_EXPANSION_COLLECTION_STATS_WITH_NEW_CARDS | {0}: {1}% ({2} new!) | 0=Expansion name, 1=collection completion, 2 =number of new cards | |
GLUE_CATCH_UP_CARD_BODY | Check them out in\nyour Collection! | ||
GLUE_CATCH_UP_CARD_BODY_OVER25 | Too many to see here.\nSee them all in your Collection! | ||
GLUE_CATCH_UP_CARD_HEADER | You got Cards! | ||
GLUE_CATCH_UP_CARD_HEADER_OVER10 | That's a bunch of cards! | ||
GLUE_CATCH_UP_CARD_HEADER_OVER25 | WOW! So many cards! | ||
GLUE_CATCH_UP_CARD_RIBBON | {0} Cards | 0=number of total cards | |
GLUE_CATCH_UP_CARD_TOOLTIP_DESC | Catch-Up Packs contain up to 50 cards based on how many cards you haven't received from included sets! | ||
GLUE_CATCH_UP_LETTER_BODY | Partner! In my adventures in the Badlands, I rustled up something called "KETCHUP PACKETS"! Guaranteed to make even a shoe taste good! | ||
GLUE_CATCH_UP_LETTER_SIGNATURE | I got some for everyone!\n-Reno | ||
GLUE_CATCH_UP_PILE_BANNER | {0} Cards! | 0=number of total bonus cards | |
GLUE_CHECKOUT_HICKORY_ACCOUNT_FAILURE | Your account cannot make purchases. Please check your Account Settings or contact HICKORY Support for further information. | ||
GLUE_CHECKOUT_HICKORY_OVERLAY_FAILURE | You need to enable the overlay to make purchases. This can be found in settings menu. | ||
GLUE_CHECKOUT_HICKORY_RECONCILE_FAILURE | Your pending purchase had an error. Please restart the client. | ||
GLUE_CHECKOUT_HICKORY_TIMEOUT_FAILURE | Your purchase has timed out. | ||
GLUE_HICKORY_POPUP_HEADER | <color=#3C2619>You need to link a free</color> <color=#085BA1>Battle.net</color> <color=#3C2619>account to play Hearthstone.</color> | ||
GLUE_HICKORY_POPUP_LINK_LABEL | In your browser, visit: | ||
GLUE_HICKORY_POPUP_LINK_URL | battle.net/activate | ||
GLUE_HICKORY_POPUP_QR_LABEL | Scan the QR Code using a Mobile Device: | ||
State | Tag | Text |
TUTR_HELPER_Fight_01_PlayMinion_Mobile | Tap and Hold on a card to view its abilities. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_AfterFreezing_01 | I’ll make sure these ones stick around for next time. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_AfterSelling_01 | You're down a minion and up a gold. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_AfterShopUpgrade_01 | Great! Let’s get some better minions in here. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_AfterShopUpgrade_02 | Yeah, let’s step up our game! | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_AfterShopUpgrade_03 | Great! I can bring in more powerful minions now. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_AfterShopUpgrade_04 | Now we are in business! | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_AfterTriple_01 | Oh ho! You’re moving up in the world! | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_AfterTriple_02 | Exactly what you were looking for. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_AfterTriple_03 | That’s a great play. I can’t wait to see this shake out. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_CombatWin_03 | Nice work out there! Keep up the pressure. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_FirstBattle_01 | Time to battle! Your minions will attack on their own, left-to-right. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_FirstVictory_01 | That’s how it’s done! You’re a real inspiration, friend! | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_General_02 | I’ve got some fresh recruits for you! | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_HeroSelection_01 | Your minions will do the fighting, but they need a strong commander. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_Hire_01 | Go ahead and hire one of these recruits. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_Hire_02 | Better hire a recruit while you can. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_Idle_02 | Spend wisely. But you know… spend! | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_Idle_03 | It’s a joy to watch you work. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_ModeSelect_01 | Welcome to the Battlegrounds! Eight combatants enter, only one will take the crown. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_RecruitMediumMinion_03 | I like where you’re going with this. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_RecruitSmallMinion_02 | It’s good to get some minions in play. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_RecruitWork_01 | Now put that recruit to work. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_ShopFirstTime_01 | Here you can recruit new minions for the battle. Choose well! | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_ShopUpgrade_01 | You can upgrade the tavern to get access to more powerful minions. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_Triple_01 | Hiring that minion will get you a triple. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_Triple_02 | Looks like you can get a triple. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_Triple_03 | A triple! Here’s your reward. | |
VO_DALA_BOSS_99h_Male_Human_UpgradeShop_01 | You might want to upgrade the tavern here. Otherwise you’ll fall behind your opponents! |
"Malefic Gul'dan" yay! :D
Too bad they don't have the masks on . I really liked that whole set too , it would have been so cool to have it with the head piece on and that shadow wings effect that triggered in game from time to time , in the background too . Tier 5 and 6 were my favorite from Wow TBC , such a shame to not see them in full display .
Hedanis as Druid???
Blizzard issue, not ours. 😀 I'm sure it'll be fixed in the upcoming patch, but this information is not important to the game in any way, so it should be fine.
Oh my god, could it really be? :O
GLOBAL_ERROR_STEAM_ACCOUNT_LINKING - Hearthstone coming to Steam?
I mean, Diablo is already on there, so it makes entirely too much sense for other Blizz games to end up there too.
Hearthstone could see a big boost from it, and so could games that have been forgotten, like Blizzard Arcade and Heroes of the Storm.
And maybe one day, even World of Warcraft.
Ready to watch every troll on this site quote SteamDB's numbers as some gospel proof the game's dead? Because I sure am.
Let's see how Steam community acts agains't Yu Gui Oh fandom base player pollution