Why are u ppl even crying bout that. I mean is even cubelock that strong or something? Cuz all i can see on the hearthpwn frontpage is paladin and i didnt even play lately against cubelock. Hell... I tried to play it but its just too weak against all those aggro decks. Like whats the point of this thread?
First, I think that control lock is much better this expansion than cubelock because you’ll always get a voidlord from your possessed lackeys and stopping facedamage is what keeps you alive.
Besides this, I’ll only give you some tipps instead of card replacement recommendations as my knowledge with cube is a little bit limited:
-depending on your starting hand, it can be viable to keep guldan, especially if you‘re going second.
-you shouldn’t really use your hero ability
-it’s better to dark pact your own voidlord if a silenced voidlord means you die
-after t5 or so, you should really avoid getting damage from minions
- use your spellstone on your own minions if you have no other target
As I said, I don’t really play cube so I don’t know if there is a chance for face racing the opponent and yes, rotten applebaum might be decent though I’d only include it if there are a lot of hunters because in general, it’s not a good card.
I dont know about control lock since there is no N'Zoth and i feel like u just dont have enough demons to deal with other controll decks. I played shit tones of cubelock last expansion (no N'Zoth tho) and against control lock i had pretty decent win ratio even tho they had N'Zoth just cuz i had more demons to spit on board. Now i play some hadronox cube druid and the only thing control can do against me is destroying my deck with Azari, other than that control lock just doesnt have enough fuel to deal with it. Pretty sure warrior can deal with control lock too. Said all that i think its better to play cube lock than control :P
@edit: true that control is better vs aggro decks tho.
Battletag: Fox#2105Region: EUTrade only?: Yea, you go first SirDONE
Kingsbane seems cool against them.
Spaghetti code, should ressumon Undatakah imo. But dont forget its Blizzard - small indie company :D
Id drop Crystallizers and Cheaty Anklebiter for second Equality + 2x Cons/Wild Pyromancer.
Zola would be nice too. Damn, need more spaceeeee.
Love this deck tho, cant wait to try it out!
Sure i bought, why not?
I dont think u can play paladin w/o consecration :P
Btw id love to play healadin deck if it was only doable...
Memes > Brode Kappa
Want some fries to this salt OP? None of this cards need nerf.
Why are u ppl even crying bout that. I mean is even cubelock that strong or something? Cuz all i can see on the hearthpwn frontpage is paladin and i didnt even play lately against cubelock. Hell... I tried to play it but its just too weak against all those aggro decks. Like whats the point of this thread?
Rly nice cards, i dont even visit those topics usually but this one seems fun!
Just one thing - in the vote part "Sorasza" is written with mistake "Sorazza" (:
Id make Sunkeeper Tarim costs 6 again cuz we dont want to give odd palas more strong cards Sir.
Well u could run spellstones and use it on giants but u would prolly need more overload cards. Earth elementals maybe?