The point of the comment was to point out the glaring weakness of the deck, most theorycrafts try to achieve something. I don't understand what this deck is trying to achieve!
And I don't understand why people can't seem to handle legitimate criticism when it's obvious that the points I brought up needs to be addressed! If people who aren't experienced at the game blow their dust on trying to craft this deck that might ruin the entire expansion for them.
So I think it'd be mean not to point out that this isn't a deck you can take to the ladder and expect to win games with. Otherwise the less experienced players might get fooled by the upvotes and think this is a good option to spend what little dust they have on!
Kingsbane seems cool against them.
Id drop Crystallizers and Cheaty Anklebiter for second Equality + 2x Cons/Wild Pyromancer.
Zola would be nice too. Damn, need more spaceeeee.
Love this deck tho, cant wait to try it out!
Memes > Brode Kappa
Want some fries to this salt OP? None of this cards need nerf.
But, but... Leeroy Jenkins???
Id make Sunkeeper Tarim costs 6 again cuz we dont want to give odd palas more strong cards Sir.
It just depends on your playstyle. With Umbra You get insta value even w/o Dark Pact and if u hava dark pact you can make like 4 doomguards out of 1 in 1 turn. Prince 3 however is more flexible - u can copy demon i.e. if you dont have cube on ur hand so that ur DK will ress more of them. If you cant pop the cube on the turn you play it tho umbra will give you instant value and only one cube can be silenced by ur opponent, in case of "princing" the cube and no opportunity to pop it u risk both cubes getting silenced. Both cards are good but still both cards can be replaced :)
Lackeys will most likely recruit some shitty demon, not worth. Slower than all the aggro decks on the ladder right now, pretty sure too slow against controll decks. So basically aggro kills u before u can do anything, controll will stall easy enough to outvalue u.
@edit: there is a nice combo with Summoning Portal + Phantom Militia + Sea Giant for zoolock. And You can play Meat Wagon for easy Summoning Portal draw. Hope that helps :)
But u realised u have to have odd mana cost cards in ur deck for it to be activated? Its pretty big deal boy.