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    posted a message on The Coin - Love it or hate it?

    Quote from slumgum »

    Quote from Tomanok »

    Agree with everyone stating that it should not count as a card/spell for gameplay- an idea to deal with mana advantage is player one gets the coin after it is used by player two then it disappears.

    They could just make it a button that pops up next to your hero power and disappears after one use.  This way they can make it not count as a card played without confusing people as to why it didn't count.

    I was thinking exactly the same. That is what the coin need to be balanced imo. Make it a button so it´s not a "card" or "spell". 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Murloc, Pirates, Dwarves etc.

    Murlocks and pirates are actually a viable archetypes to make a deck with. I think will be nice for the game if they add another arquetipes in the future, such as Nagas, Harpies, Gnolls, Quilboards, Kobolds, Arakkoa, Ethereals, Angels, Titans. etc. (they have a lot of possible content for the future cards =P)


    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on HearthPwn Member Loyalty Beta Keta Giveaway

    I meet the criteria!. Im so close of you beta key.... so close... xD.

    (8) We're up all night to get lucky (8).  Good luck guys!. <3

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Warrior Weapon Deck

    I would take out Armorsmith, it have no way, in your actual deck composition to stack armor (abuse of its effect), you definitely need some extra minions, probably taunters if you want to abuse of the Armorsmith effect. you have soo many card that can get stucked on your hands. A weapon deck doesn´t mean have it all x2, I would try to balance more the minion/spell/weapon. Brawl get stuck a lot in hand imo (just as example, you have a lot of card that will make your game not fluid, like having 4 weapons in hand and a Arathi Weaponsmith), ill take at least one out (brawl) . and finally as a weapon deck, I would add things like Molten Giant. normally you drop health down fast. then shield it up, and u got those big giants to help you. IMO xD.

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on What card is a must have in every arena deck ?

    Taunt minions are a safe way to go. must have them. Sen'jin ShieldmastaBooty Bay BodyguardLord of the Arena, those are amazing.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Why is there no in-game chat?

    Quote from Laevus »

    This came up on the official forum.

    I don't want a chat interface as I know it would mostly get abused by people shouting insults, threats, or filling it with infuriating inanity like "lol u mad bro, l2p n00b" (my blood boils and I feel dirty just typing that). It may sound cynical, but if you've ever played something in Warcraft with co-operative group chat (raid/dungeon finder, PvP) then you'll know what I mean :p

    It was mentioned in the other thread that the game is also being developed for iPad and that might affect the implementation of adding a chat feature (bandwidth, adding keyboard overlay to type etc.).

    I have no objection to there being chat in game, purely as long as there's the option to have it turned off or constantly muted. The only time I'll want to chat in game is against friends, where we'll probably use voice chat anyway. A lobby is different, I don't see why there can't be one, but I personally don't see the point of one in a game like this.

    Actually, I agree with you now, even with an ignore or mute option it could lead to blood boiling things "lol u mad bro, l2p n00b"" as you said, it gives to both players a bad experience of the game. (Omg, just remembered league of legends ranked games chat, makes me cry). your right about those things. and as you said, a lobby chat is still a good idea. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why is there no in-game chat?

    Quote from Zorges »

    For first no offence (they do not need support for that)

    For second the enemy cant spam u the whole game (that would be horrible)

    Anyway we have emotes

    I see, but, They could just add an "Ignore" option or something like that. and we could easily have a proactive chat, and not only express ourselves by 8 (i think there are 8) emoticons only.

    I´m not saying the chat is something relevant, I just think is weird that you can´t have a conversation with your enemy. lol.

    Quote from Shnikum »

    From what I've seen on streams it looks like you can see your opponents name in the top left of the screen.

    Oh! I see, thanks.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why is there no in-game chat?

    Why the game does not have a chat?. I find it a bit strange. I mean, chat with your opponent (which is not on your friend list).
    and .. is there any way to know the name of your opponent? in the case you want to talk or something.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on About Shaman Totems

    Yes, you can, nothing says that you could not do that move. Bloodlust, its simply +3 attack to your minions. if u use it two times, 6 attack.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Hero choosing strategy

    Probably I´ll play the class that i like more, I feel like there is a good balance right now. but I´ll never play the OP class, I hate winning with the "strongest" class, there is no glory in that. xD (I´m pretty stubborn so, I´ll try to do the best with my fav classes).

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on About Shaman Totems

    Im pretty sure that your hero power can´t summon the same totem two times. And yes, bloodlust affect every minion (and totems are minions, so).

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Ultimate Deck

    I think that your deck need some low cost cards, your going to be locked in the first 6 turns almost every game, the deck only have 4 moster cards of cost 3 or less... and you need more sinergy between cards, it have a bunch of amazing cards, but, these have a really low sinergy with each other (ex. Captain's Parrot just for Southsea Captain, and no more pirates?).  this deck need a rework.

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on More Heroes In The Future?

    I would really like to play Varian Wrynn as a warrior. He is an amazing badass character. OP. They probably are going to add more heroes in the future. Diversity and fun for us, money for them =P.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What are you playing while you wait for Hearthstone?

    Before beta I was playing "Don´t Starve" and "Cockatrice HS", after the start, I just watch HS streams, all my free time xD.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What's the plan of releasing more cards?

    I really like the idea of each class having several alternative heros (of both factions) as possibles rol-play option. And this can be easily implemented with the large number of amazing characters such as those mentioned above. Different images for the same hero would be nice too =O, I just love Customisation = P, and most people do too!. This is probably a really good way to blizzard make money too, lol.

    I would love to be able to play my beloved warrior in the role of Varian Wrynn The badass king. = P (I like the  Alliance characters a little bit more... = P. I think Garrosh is really nice, but Wrynn is just amazing for me. <3)


    Posted in: General Discussion
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